💜Good morning and happy Saturday. So far a good day! Got play some Hearth stone this morning while listening to Beautiful Darkness. I am also trying really hard to finish the SoC. May need to stay off IG until tonight, so I can read. Any who, habe a great day!
❓QOTD: If you could live a fictional character's life for your whole life, who would it be and why?
m3rquinnbooks ✔AOTD: This is tough choice but I would habe to go with Vasya from Bear and th Nightingale because she is fierce and would love to live in that dark world. 7y
m3rquinnbooks #litten #litsy #love #book #reading #readingislife #bookworm #booknerd #bookstylove #readingisfunsofun #bookster #readingissowonderful #litsyreads #readersoflitsy #reader #litsyfun #booklover #readerslife #mybookfeatures 7y