Dear Secret Litten (who may be @Jilljemmett ) I don't know if my #summersolsticebookexchange package was suppose to arrive yet, but it looks like I'm leaving the city for two weeks on Monday and I'm getting nervous. After Friday think you can give me a heads up with the tracking so I can send someone over to rescue the package?
Jilljemmett Yes I was going to send you a message today! I'm not sure what happened. It says it was supposed to be there June 6. I'll try to look into it today and let you know what they say 8y
KassKho @Jilljemmett sounds good! I've had a package stolen before so I really want to make sure that's not what happened... #bookthievesaretheworst 8y
Jilljemmett @KassKho okay well according to the tracking online it's still in transit so it hasn't been delivered yet. I'll call them today and find out where it is exactly 8y
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KassKho @Jilljemmett you know that's much better news than my alternative! 8y
Jilljemmett @KassKho so I created a service ticket so they can find out where it is. Today it says expected delivery is June 20. And today it moved from my post office to Mississauga, so apparently now it's moving. I'm so sorry it's taking so long. I'll keep checking everyday and I'll keep you posted! 8y
KassKho @Jilljemmett don't sweat it! Just knowing it hasn't walked off is enough for me. If it comes after the 20th it'll just be a nice surprise when I get back in July! 8y
Jilljemmett No it should be on its way now! Hopefully it will be there soon! Have a nice trip! 8y
Jilljemmett I just got an email that the package arrived in Montreal so you should get it Monday 8y
KassKho @Jilljemmett sweet! Looks like I may not be leaving on Monday so I'll at least get to hold the package! 8y
Jilljemmett I just got ANOTHER email that it's out for delivery now! 8y
KassKho @Jilljemmett Clearly this is an ask and you shall receive kind of event 😂😂 8y
Jilljemmett @KassKho haha apparently! I got 3 different emails saying that it's out for delivery. So they're very concerned about the package now. 8y
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