A round up of lousy Lucys. To Siri With Love earned a dishonorable mention (since I didn‘t finish it) for most horrifying book of the year imo. #worstreadoftheyear #decktheshelves #boycotttosiri
A round up of lousy Lucys. To Siri With Love earned a dishonorable mention (since I didn‘t finish it) for most horrifying book of the year imo. #worstreadoftheyear #decktheshelves #boycotttosiri
Just snagged this one on a Goodreads deal! Does my heart some good with #BoycottToSiri up in the air 😊💝
CW ableism, eugenics.
Ok. I usually don‘t get ragey on here because it‘s one of the nicest places on the internet, but I just can‘t keep quiet about this. I am giving you the gift of shortening your TBR even if just by 1 ableist volume. Check out the link for all the details including but not limited to forced sterilization of autistic males. #BoycottToSiri #ableistAF