What first got my attention was the beautiful cover, what kept my attention was a great story. This is a fast paced, exciting adventure story-not my usual genre.. As I read, I kept thinking, I understand why this is being made into a movie.
What first got my attention was the beautiful cover, what kept my attention was a great story. This is a fast paced, exciting adventure story-not my usual genre.. As I read, I kept thinking, I understand why this is being made into a movie.
Loved It! Well written, good pace, authentic voice.
To say I am enjoying this book would be callous given the heavy topic however I am definitely hooked and have to find out what happens to this family. Authentic voice.
My interest in Clementine was peeked when I watched Masterpiece's Churchills Secret. What a fascinating lady. This book did not disappoint.
Bitter sweet. It's completed but then again it is completed....now what. Really enjoyed reading them with my son. Maybe The Hobbit. Suggestions?
Thank you so much @bookwormj! My son is in heaven.
Happy Valentine's Day!
On its way! It will arrive tomorrow. Silly dog would not get out of the way.
I fell in love with this character. Her social awkwardness is endearing. This book reminded me of the Rosie Project with a darker back story. I was routing for Eleanor the whole way through.
This book made me laugh in spite of myself. We are living in a time when health, fitness and appearance is quite an obsession. It's fun to read about taking it to the absurd. Great chic lit!
Nothing beats a classic!
I enjoyed this book but then im not sure i have ever read a Nordic Noir i didnt love. 4 stars.
I love Liane Moriarity. She has such a grasp on what makes people tick. Not my favorite of hers but saying that about a Liane Moriarity book is like saying that's not my favorite finger-yes please, I want them all!
If all history was told this way, I would have been a history major in college. I love when historical facts are paired with the human impact of those facts.
I read this for the popsugar challenge. If you like YA, you will like this.
I struggled in deciding on what to say in review of this book and then I read a description as "you will like it a whole lot and loathe it a little bit at the same time.". A very apt description. It would be great for book club, lots of angles and discussion points BUT not for the feint of heart. Lots of raw language and writing about the fluidity of gender and sexuality.
There is a book equivalent to wanting to eat cake and not vegetables, it's called Chick Lit. This story contains all the neurotic characters we've come to expect from the authors from across the pond. Fast, enjoyable read for when you want a mental vacation.
Finally, finished my first book of 2018. Hazard of having too many books going at the same time-slow completion time.
Starting this right now. Waiting for others to show up for a meeting. I love when people are late. More time to read.
Ready, set, go!
Not sure where the recommendation came from but glad this book ended up on my TBR list.
My last book of 2017. Great book. So nice to go out with a bang-gunshot that is.
Looking forward to cracking the spine on this one.
I hadn't read a Tami Hoag in a long time. I needed a New Years tag for a book challenge. This book takes place during New Year's so I picked it up. Glad I did. Will need to add some more Hoags to my TBR pile. If you like murder mysteries in the John Sandford, Patterson, Stuart Woods vein, you will enjoy this book.
Great book.
"A place ain't a place without a bookstore, Ismay." -Lambiase
I have plans but it is snowing. Oh darn, I guess I'll stay home and read.
I had the benefit of having low expectations when I read this book. A fellow Litten had rated the book so so and said it read more like a screenplay. I read the book anyway because I am a huge Madmen fan. She was right. I found the story choppy but enjoyed it none the less.
This was an enjoyable read. Lovable characters. Good paced story.
This made me laugh out loud. "Lav wouldn't hear me anyway. She probably had her earbuds in, listening to Selena Gomez sing about hotness and kisses and touching and very, very little about chlamydia."
Started listening to this on Audio tonight waiting for my son to finish basketball practice. I was a huge Madmen fan so I hope this is good.
Started this today on my lunch break.
Not as good as the first but good enough that I will read the third in the series.
Haven't had much time to sit and read but I've been enjoying listening to this on audio.
Ha, oh my. What a "fun" book.
Started this morning. I am looking forward more time to read during holidays!
Just cracked open the spine. Here I go.....
Great read. Interesting, well written, and I learned more about this time period.
In this book, the character Alfred Frick reminds me of the character Sean Walsh (Alan Cummings) in the movie Circle of Friends.
"Did war make us evil or merely activate an evil already in us."
I would participate in the #bookmarkswap but something tells me no one would want my son's choice of bookmark. ☠👃👎
Blew my mind! Usually books with a lot of hype dont live up to my expectation. This one exceeded them. Would quickly read the rest of Glenn's books but I think I want to ration them so I have a go- to good read when needed. I ration Liane Moriarity the same way. Who are your go-to guaranteed good read authors?
A girl who reads lots of books, what more do I need to say.
Almost done with this book. I am loving it. I am at work and not able to finish it until lunch and it is KILLING me!
"Oh, I was. I was flying past the stars on silver wings," Matilda said. "It was wonderful."
My son's school librarian is reading this to his class. Since it is one of the few Roald Idaho's we haven't read together, I decided to read it myself.
At first I was going to rate this book as so-so but then I decided that isn't fair. For the type of book it is, it is good. The problem is I was reading it for a challenge and not because I was in the mood for this type of book. This is a cozy whodunit. Think Angela Landsberry if she lived in the English countryside and was a vicar.
Not sure why I never got around to reading this but that is being remedied now.
Just finished. Emotionally heavy. Not what I was expecting but I enjoyed it none the less. It's one of those books I will continue to think about. We probably all can relate to a thing left unsaid.