Been reading a lot of non fiction recently so looking forward to getting into a good novel! Not heard of the author before but book sounds really interesting - exploring identity, art, love, families to name a few things the book's about #busreads
Been reading a lot of non fiction recently so looking forward to getting into a good novel! Not heard of the author before but book sounds really interesting - exploring identity, art, love, families to name a few things the book's about #busreads
I feel like gogol is the sort of guy I would like to stand beside at a society ball, whispering arch sides into my ear as I twittered behind my fan. He's a brilliant observer of the weaknesses of human nature, not so much women, and this has got to be one of the first instances of breaking the third wall.
Just finished this. I'm going to need some time to process it. Has anyone one else read it? What are your thoughts?
#thesellout #paulbeatty #satire #segregation #race #getlit #busreads #busbook