Shots👏have👏been👏FIRED!! Kahneman (Thinking, Fast & Slow) pulls no punches and rips into Built to Last as being founded on an errant belief system! #fierce #Nonfiction #clapback
Shots👏have👏been👏FIRED!! Kahneman (Thinking, Fast & Slow) pulls no punches and rips into Built to Last as being founded on an errant belief system! #fierce #Nonfiction #clapback
Shots👏have👏been👏FIRED!! Kahneman pulls no punches and rips into Built to Last as being founded on an errant belief system! #fierce #Nonfiction #clapback
"If he can do that," Mistress Coyle says, "then he's even more dangerous to you than I've been saying. Is that who you want in charge of the world you're about to join?"
"I don't know," Bradley says. "Are you the only alternative?"
I love this new character, Bradley, especially because he's got the best comebacks. ? Loving this one so far.
#clapback #monstersofmen #chaoswalking #patrickness #bradley