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This book should be titled, When Women "Ruled" the World instead. While I thought this was going to be about female empowerment/feminism... it's giving much more, "she was in power only bc... "xx" reason." Men were still seen as superior. I thought this was going to be about a time when women were seen as equals.. but the author enjoys pointing out the fact women were never equal - this was all coincidence/luck that brought them into their power.

reading.rainb0w I don't want to give a shit review because I'm annoyed over facts - it's not the authors fault, obviously - but I wish these women were seen in the same respective positive light as the men in that era - perhaps it actually Was the way it's been written, or perhaps it was different, yet we can't see it through that lens as a society today based on our limited perspective of reality/truth. 🤔 #currentlyreading #nonfiction 10h
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the mermaid's voice returns in this one | Amanda Lovelace, ladybookmad
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I was excited to read this book for a few reasons: I love to learn new things, it was about women at the turn of the century and because it was about archeology, which I have always found fascinating.

Women in the Valley of Kings is well researched and when reading it, I could see how the topic was loved by Sheppard. Sheppard was able to transport me to the late 1800's and early 1900's Egypt and the discoveries that were made. I found it ⬇️

Monica5 fascinating how they copied some of the wall paintings. Even how they were able to take so much from the tombs with really not a whole lot of trouble.

Though the book is well researched, I have to say at times it felt like a textbook. So much information was crammed into it. The flow of the book wasn't very good to me, either. I don't know if I am the only one that felt that way or not. I think if Sheppard would have had a chapter for each woman it would have been better. She combined some women together, but that may have been because they worked at sites together. Overall, my enjoyment outweighed my bad feelings, so I am giving it 3⭐.

Published July 16, 2023

Thanks to Netgalley, St. Martin's Press, and Sheppard for the E-ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

😊 Happy Reading 😊

#netgalley #stmartinspress #kathleensheppard #womeninthevalleyofkings #arc #nonfiction
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the witch doesn't burn in this one | Amanda Lovelace, ladybookmad
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Very well researched book about a really interesting person.
“I‘ve always been self-conscious about interviews, about my thinness, my tallness, my unattractiveness. My success — it still bewilders me.“
#nonfiction #wwii #biography

KCofKaysville @starlight97 I know she almost starved during the War. Had to eat tulip bulbs. 7d
starlight97 @KCofKaysville yeah they really did starve during the last winter of the war. 6d
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What a wonderful book! Dolly Parton is a true national treasure. She's a feminist, though she doesn't consider herself one. She's done more for women than most women who spout about their feminist works. Those that make jokes about her boobs, call her dumb or a salute, well the joke is on them. Growing up poor in East Tennessee, she just liked the way, women who could afford makeup looked and she just copied that look when she was young.

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Stitches | Junji Ito,Ichiro Nakayama,Hirokatsu Kihara
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I read this book because I love Junji Ito.

The stories were meh, but the artwork kept me captivated enough to finish.

#horror #shortstories #nonfiction

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By coincidence, I started listening to this #nonfiction book revolving around the conflict and violence in Northern Ireland while reading Flynn Berry‘s novel about two sisters and a more modern story involving the IRA. This one is loosely organized around the 1972 abduction and disappearance of Jean McConville, a mother of ten. It details many of the incidents of that time period almost to the present. Fascinating, sad and well-researched!

kspenmoll Such a wonderful book! 4w
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