Currently zooming my way through Cleo Coyle‘s Coffeehouse Mysteries! #cleocoyle #coffeehousemysteries #abrewtoakill #cozymysteries #booksbrewsandbooze
Currently zooming my way through Cleo Coyle‘s Coffeehouse Mysteries! #cleocoyle #coffeehousemysteries #abrewtoakill #cozymysteries #booksbrewsandbooze
Current Status: Rainy with a chance of Reading! Just about done with A Second Chance!
#24in48 #24in48readathon #cleocoyle
I was already enjoying this one more than I did "Decaffeinated Corpse," and then they started talking about desserts. I'm sincerely hoping at least one of these recipes are in the back of the book. ? #frenchpressed #cleocoyle #coffeehousemysteries
I can't really drink coffee anymore, so it's up to the gang at the Village Blend to start my day with a jolt of java. ;) #frenchpressed #cleocoyle #coffeehousemysteries
The references to David Lynch and "Twin Peaks" were pretty much the highlight of this one; Clare was really kind of grating on me, and the at-length descriptions of the history of the coffee plant weren't really my bag, either. I'll keep reading the series, though, because Madame is the BEST. #cleocoyle #coffeeshopmysteries