Asparagus Got a Crush on Potatoes from Son of a Southern Chef #CooktheBook
Asparagus Got a Crush on Potatoes from Son of a Southern Chef #CooktheBook
Honey Sriracha Chicken for tacos and salads! Loving this cookbook- all natural ingredients (& Six ingredients or less!) super simple! #cookthebook
Ravioli Casserole from Six Sisters: Dinners Made Easy Cookbook! Smells and tastes delish!! 😋 #cookthebook
Snacks are critical to reading. #24b4monday #readingchallenge # @TheReadingMermaid
Waiting for the library to get this cookbook but the cookie recipe 'spicy chocolate chip cookie' is available at the authors blog http://www.abrowntable.com/home/spicy-chocolate-chip-cookies
Cook the Book or Book Snacks? Either or, I‘m excited to try a few more Gaines family favorites.
Recipe #1- Beck‘s Crackers. #cookthebook