“The road ahead isn‘t always easy, but there‘s always a way through.”
“The road ahead isn‘t always easy, but there‘s always a way through.”
a tale of a family‘s journey through Jim Crow America, relying on the “Green Book” to find safety while traveling.
Set during the segregation era, this empowering story of friendship and justice showcases two girls fighting for fairness when they can‘t try on shoes at a store.
This book can serve as a catalyst for discussions about the importance of play in children‘s lives and the role of community involvement in advocating for public spaces. Students can engage in a project where they identify a local issue, brainstorm solutions, and present their ideas, encouraging them to think critically about community action.
This is a true story of a group of kids in a small community who fight for their right to play in a park after it is closed for development. The narrative illustrates the power of collective action and the importance of outdoor play for children‘s development. The illustrations enhance the story, making it relatable and encouraging for young readers. This book not only highlights the joy of play but also the impact of community activism.