This is going to be a difficult book to review dispassionately. As an endometriosis sufferer the last 33yrs myself, there were things that spoke to me strongly in this memoir, but there were also many things that made me speechless with not just rage but also incredulity at the authors own justifications for some of her suffering.While her descriptions of the pain, nonstop bleeding, fatigue, nausea & overwhelming suffering of an ‘endo‘
Lizpixie patient is so spot on I was crying while reading, that empathy was mitigated a great deal by her endless blaming of herself for what she was going through! No one deserves this, no one. She spends so much of the book detailing her crappy upbringing and making correlations between that and her inability to get help and be taken seriously, I found myself skipping paragraphs because I just couldn‘t read anymore. And that‘s not even taking in the (edited) 7y
Lizpixie amount of rage I was having about the doctors non involvement or fobbing her off or just plain telling her she needed psychiatric help. Oh my god!!! So much anger at the moment. When she describes herself as hunched over in the doctors office meekly telling them well, maybe it‘s not that bad or just bursting into tears and saying to herself “I deserve this for not getting help sooner” I just wanted to scream. I could say more but I think you 7y
Sophoclessweetheart Making me so curious about this one!! 7y
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Lizpixie should read it yourself and get your own opinion. Maybe I‘m too close to it. Maybe that‘s why I vacillated between wanting to smack the doctors and then wanting to smack her. I have to give it a so-so for that reason. #endometriosisisreal #endosufferersarestrong #moreendometriosisresearchplease 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Now I just want to give you a big hug. I don‘t have endo, but several other chronic diseases. This culture of blame the victim makes me so angry. We talk about it with rape, and sometimes the medical profession is just as damaging to women‘s bodies and their psyches. But perhaps I‘m overstepping, as I haven‘t experienced rape. Either way, I hear you Liz. ❤️💙💚 7y
Slajaunie @BarbaraTheBibliophage I have and instead of telling me, the victim, to be careful shouldn‘t we educate young men on how not to become the aggressor. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Slajaunie Ohmigoshyes. Just like we should educate doctors about endo, we should educate men about being better humans. 😍 7y
asiriusreader @Lizpixie wow. As a fellow endo sufferer, I can imagine this was a hard/emotional read! Have to agree with you...more endo research needed for sure!! 7y
Christine11 I really feel for you - I don‘t have endometriosis but I have a chronic pelvic pain problem with pretty much all the same symptoms as endo. I‘ve been tempted to read this book because of that but I feel like it might make me angry like it did you! 💕 7y