Surely there can only be one #favoritecaptain, and that is Captain Pugwash (of course this may have just been a British Phenomenon). Captain Haddock from Tintin came a close second! Of course in those innocent days we missed out on the use of names and the messages in them, thankfully. Spoilt what shouldn't have been spoilt.
Melissa_J Cute pick 😊 8y
Andrew65 A key part of my childhood! 8y
CrowCAH This sounds so cute! And the cover picture is jolly 😊 8y
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Andrew65 @CrowCAH Even all these years on I could hum the theme tune and do the voices! (edited) 8y
CrowCAH @Andrew65 that's adorable! 8y
Andrew65 @CrowCAH Or sad! 😂😂😂 8y