Finished this book as well which will mark the end of my #febs2dayathon 💚 For now, I will cuddle up on my couch with rubbish TV for a bit to relax my brain 😂
Finished this book as well which will mark the end of my #febs2dayathon 💚 For now, I will cuddle up on my couch with rubbish TV for a bit to relax my brain 😂
Finished the second book of this readathon! Both were audiobooks, so ngl, I'm not feeling super duper accomplished with my reading so far. However, I am about 150 pages away from finishing my physical read and I have definitely learned how fast (or slow) of a reader I actually am, which is valuable knowledge for future readathons! 😂🎧📚 #febs2dayathon
Over here trying to be all artistic and heck with pictures, but really what I'm trying to say is that this book is A+ adventure. I'm having a ball 💃Kiwi's just sleeping. The usual. #febs2dayathon
Coffee is needed on this windy day ☕ It's the second day of the #febs2dayathon and the plan is to finish Keeper and Romanov, and if possible, start a new book 📚 Current read: Golden State Killer - by Anne Lea Landsted (not the one tagged, but it's not on the list here) as audiobook 🎧 It's not on my original tbr, but I started it the day before the readathon and I really needed a break from Romanov 😅
Finally less than 3 hours on this one! Liking it a lot, it's mostly just painful to have headphones on to listen to it properly 👂🎧 The final part promises to be interesting to say the least 😉 #febs2dayathon
Once people start dying this gets fun. Which... is such an uncomfortable thing to say. Shakespeare is weird. #febs2dayathon
I'm not enjoying this nearly as much as I hoped I would. Probably not paying close enough attention. There's a storm happening and the power keeps cutting out and it's noisy and.. I am full of excuses. Shakespeare is difficult. 😂 #febs2dayathon
Also, please do go say hi to @Red_Pradas, she's new around here and kinda super cool! 💃💃
On to a new book! Didn't read anything physical yet, but the weather is perfect for reading, so that is what shall happen next 🌧️📚 #febs2dayathon
Yesterday, @Red_Pradas came at me with thoughts of a readathon, and like 13 minutes later the #febs2dayathon was born. Today and tomorrow we are tackling our own-tbr (I'm starting with an ARC, Dr Wangari Maathai Plants a Forest, but still) and gettin' some books read. I'm sorry in advance for any yelly posts about Macbeth, which is next in line 🎭🗡 Have a great Sunday, folks 💃❤️
Today marks the beginning of the #febs2dayathon which is an idea created by myself and @okthislooksbad ? It is a two day readathon, starting today at 11 AM ? The aim is to not only read a much as possible, but also to make a serious dent in our personal TBRs because they get out of hand ? So here is my (very ambitious) TBR for this readathon, including "Romanov" by Nadine Brandes as my audiobook ? Let's see how this goes! ?