I loved this book!inwoild recommend this to anyone!especially if your new to clive barker its a good place to start to get you hooked on HORROR!! this copy is my favorite because @trioxin_sematary gave me this and he read this so its all sentimental and stuffs hahah *musshy*😘 but for real read this now or be square ■ #hellboundheart #horrorfiction #booknerd #horrorstory #read #booklover #bookaddict #horror #clivebarker #book
TheNeverendingTBR Nifty post! 😘 7y
BeansPage 💖 Clive Barker 7y
MStew @TheReadingMermaid 😄😄😄😄😄 agreed 7y
MStew @trioxin_sematary 💋aye 7y