I'm reading two books this week. The first is a paranormal romance that is not in the database. The second is Way Past Cool that I read in my youth and made me ugly cry. Reading it as an adult has been very interesting.
I'm reading two books this week. The first is a paranormal romance that is not in the database. The second is Way Past Cool that I read in my youth and made me ugly cry. Reading it as an adult has been very interesting.
A solid work on the conception of the ghetto from it‘s ancient origins through WWII to the present, particularly focused on how it relates to the plight and status of African Americans as seen through the work and writings of a handful of notable social scientists. My interest waned somewhat about halfway but I plodded through.
My mother lives less than one block from where Freddie Grey‘s arrest took place and this billboard is a reminder of what happened. #Baltimore #innercities #blacklivesmatter