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Johnstown Flood | David McCullough
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As a follow up to our #JARead, @Librarybelle and I are going to continue with another book by the incredibly talented American writer, David McCullough. Please join us as we read this book through February and use #JohnstownRead for any posts so we can follow along.

@IamIamIam @BridgetteM @Reviewsbylola I‘m so glad you‘ll be reading!

kspenmoll I will try & get book & join in too. 5y
Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! And, hooray @kspenmoll ! 5y
Susanita This sounds fun. We stopped in Johnstown on the way home from a family wedding, and it was fascinating. 5y
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Lauram @kspenmoll Yay! I‘m glad you‘re joining us! 🎉 5y
Lauram @Susanita I‘ve driven through the area several times and keep meaning to stop 5y
kspenmoll @Lauram Just ordered book. Should have it Friday or Saturday 5y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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My morning started with a furnace work, discussions about impending furnace replacement, and a cracked windshield. I was able to convince a local company to replace it so I could get to work ASAP, but it‘s proving to be a long wait in a chilly reception room. I hope to make some significant on my #buddyread #JARead before I go to work.

John Adams | David McCullough
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5. What is your opinion of John Adams, now that the book has ended? #JARead

Lauram I thought the book was great. He has my respect for the work he‘s done as a historical figure in the US. (edited) 6y
Lauram When I read historical NF, I tend to use google a lot to see pictures and get other tidbits of info. I think it‘s so sad that Abagail Adams is thought to haunt the White House. 😢 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I too came away with a greater respect for him. He always seemed so unapproachable, and I think it‘s more of his detractors presenting him in that light. I would have loved to talk books with him! And, yes, so sad about Abigail Adams! We know she didn‘t like living there, so it‘s sad to think that part of her spirit still lingers there. 6y
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Librarybelle @Lauram Thank you so much for reading this with me! I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts about Adams and about the book. The book was so meaty and wonderful and thought provoking. 6y
Lauram You‘re welcome! If you‘d like to make historical NF a thing, LMK 😉 6y
Librarybelle Sounds good, @Lauram ! It would be fun to do another nonfiction read with you! If you have anything in mind, let me know. 🙂 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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4. What do you think of Adams‘ presidency? Was it successful, or was it unsuccessful? #JARead

Lauram I‘m not sure it could be measured in terms of successful/unsuccessful. The fact that he was elected at all and served with a Vice President of an opposing party seems to be a formula for disaster. He made it through a full term, so that‘s a measure of success in my opinion. (edited) 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I‘ve seen other accounts that suggest Adams‘ term was one of the weakest presidential terms. It seems like he had so much adversity towards his ideas and his agenda. I did not know he did as much as McCullough chronicles. I too would have to say that it was successful, based on the atmosphere he faced during his presidency. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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3. Alexander Hamilton is portrayed as an instigator and an opponent of Adams. How does Hamilton change/influence how others feel about Adams? #JARead

Lauram I‘m not sure I ever got a real understanding of Hamilton. He seems to be an instigator and an opportunist. 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I really need to read Chernow‘s Hamilton! Maybe I‘ve not read much about Hamilton, but I did not know he was a great manipulator/instigator, as McCullough portrays. It does seem like he would do anything to promote his agenda, no matter who the candidate was or the leader of a movement was. I‘d like to know more about him. 6y
Lauram This question might be the reason I‘d avoiding answering for so long. I‘m certain instigator is the wrong word, but I felt like I sighed and said/thought “Hamilton, again?” each time I came across his name. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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2. We see new levels in the relationship between Jefferson and Adams. Earlier in the readings, we talked about respect between these two men. In this last section, what type of respect do the two men have for each other? How would you characterize their friendship as a whole? #JARead

Lauram I think there‘s a respect based on shared experiences as President of a new nation. These men who used to be so close were separated by a political ideology that maybe didn‘t matter so much towards the end of their life. That‘s the impression I got from the information presented in the book. 🤷‍♀️ 6y
Librarybelle I agree, @Lauram . McCullough gives the impression that there was a level of respect. I‘ve read and seen other accounts that this was not the case, but at least with the pieces McCullough consults, the two men respected one another. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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1. How well do you think Adams handles his role as Vice President? Do you think he was a monarchist, as his contemporaries characterized him? #JARead

Lauram There were definitely some growing pains. The harsh feedback he received from the press and his government colleagues really shaped his behavior. It seems as though his European experiences worked against him. No, he wasn‘t a monarchist. (edited) 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I agree! It seems that the time he spent away from the states hurt him, though he did gain insights into the foreign governments. He was not a monarchist, in my opinion. 6y
Lauram @Librarybelle It seems to be a whole “you‘re either with me or against me” situation on a massive scale. 6y
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Lauram Talking about books is so much better than working. 😟 I‘m off to see students. I look forward to finishing this book before Friday! 🤞🏻 6y
Librarybelle Agreed, @Lauram ! Good luck! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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I‘m posting the final #JARead questions under spoiler tags!

John Adams | David McCullough
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By the time I finished this, I felt so bad for John Adams that I just wanted to hug him and tell him I understand. McCullough writes such a powerful and in-depth look at Adams, righting the wrongs that have passed down in history. I appreciate looking at Adams in a different light now, not tainted by his enemies.

Current time for #24B4Monday , with my next book at the ready.

Librarybelle @Lauram and @kspenmoll - I‘ll have the final questions posted tomorrow for #JARead . I have a couple crafted, but want to process what I read today! 6y
BeansPage You're doing great girlfriend keep it up!!! 6y
Andrew65 This sounds a great book! 6y
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kspenmoll You did it!! 🎉🎉🎉 I am behind you but will finish this- such an in depth portrait of the man & history. 6y
Tamra So good! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#catsoflitsy #Sundaymorning #MorningSun #JAread #coffeeandbooks #KAL

Em and Poe decidedly do not want me reading. Jumped into my lap as soon as I sat down for a morning read in the rocking chair.

Robothugs I believe you need to be introduced to the #KAL hashtag 😆 6y
kspenmoll @Robothugs Thanks! Please Educate me- #KAL stands for.... (edited) 6y
Zelma @Robothugs I‘ve been wondering the same thing. My guess is Kittens Against Litsy? 6y
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Robothugs @Zelma @kspenmoll Kitties Against Literature is my understanding! 6y
Zelma @Robothugs that makes sense! 👍 6y
kspenmoll @Robothugs Thanks all! Great hashtag! #KAT 6y
LeahBergen 😂😂 6y
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