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John Adams
John Adams | David McCullough
A huge bestseller in America, David McCullough's JOHN ADAMS tells the extraordinary story of the brilliant, fiercely independent, often irascible, always honest Yankee patriot -- 'the colossus of independence', as Thomas Jefferson called him -- who spared nothing in his zeal for the American Revolution and who rose to become the second President of the United States. Both a riveting portrait of an abundantly human man and a vivid evocation of his time, JOHN ADAMS has the sweep and vitality of a great novel, taking us from the Boston Massacre to Philadelphia in 1776 to the Versailles of Louis XVI, from Spain to Amsterdam to London, where Adams was the first American to stand before King George III as a representative of the new nation. This is history on a grand scale -- a book about politics and war, but also about human nature, love, faith, virtue, ambition, friendship and betrayal, and the far-reaching consequences of noble ideas. Above all, it is an enthralling, often surprising story of one of the most important and fascinating Americans who ever lived.
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🇺🇸 📚🙌🏻 1y
Eggs 🖤💙❤️ 🇺🇸 1y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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RIP David McCullough

He brought history to life for me and was one of a handful of authors that led me to my love of history.

John Adams and 1776 are my favorites, but I enjoyed several of his other works

kspenmoll John Adams was so so good! My first book of his that I read was (edited) 2y
Bluebird @kspenmoll. That‘s one of the few of his I‘ve not read yet, but hope to get to it soon. It‘s waiting for me on my TBR mountain….Think i need to dig it out soon. 2y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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@DarkMina what an awesome surprise! I can't wait to read, McCullough is one of my favorite authors. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and especially your friendship. (My hubby says he wants to read too!!) #litsyfriendsarethebest

DarkMina @Crazeedi You are so welcome! I really like David McCullough too. I hope you both enjoy it as much as I did. I am grateful for your friendship too. 💕 (edited) 3y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Day 16: J in the title

Eggs Great choice👍🏼👌🏼 3y
DarkMina @Eggs Thanks! 3y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Usually can‘t go wrong with David McCullough as a historian/biographer, and this is no exception. Read if you want to know more about John Adams and early-day politicking in the U.S. — which caused rifts between him, Jefferson, and Hamilton. Abigail Adams is a strong presence as well.

behudd I‘ve never really enjoyed a biography until I read this! It ended up being one of my top books of 2020 - Definitely interested in reading more from him. 3y
PurpleyPumpkin This was an awesome miniseries. I‘m sure the book would be amazing! 3y
Nute Love this book! Love the miniseries! Paul Giamatti will always be a favorite actor of mine because of his performance in this miniseries. 3y
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Lauram I thought this was great! I‘ve always meant to watch the miniseries. 3y
ValerieAndBooks @behudd You might enjoy reading 3y
ValerieAndBooks @behudd that book (Abigail Adams)☝️ and this one (tagged here), a good friend of Adams, finally spurred me to pull the Adams bio out of my TBR! 3y
ValerieAndBooks @PurpleyPumpkin @Nute @Lauram I just changed our Disney+ subscription to their bundle...just so that we could also have Hulu 😂. They have the Adams miniseries and will probably start watching next week 😊 3y
Lauram Thanks! Good to know. I‘ll add it to the list. 3y
PurpleyPumpkin I think you‘ll really enjoy the miniseries. 👍🏽 3y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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I mentioned in my last post I‘ve owned this book also TBR for a long time, maybe ten years. Just now found this bookmark within!

Funny how other Presidents with the same last name have first initials to clarify, but both Bushes do not.

Darthdad Love the book mark! Great book. I‘ve been thinking about rereading this 4y
BarbaraBB This is so American. A bookmark with all Dutch prime ministers or even kings/queens would be unthinkable! 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Darthdad I feel like he‘s kind of an underdog...I mean, he only gets passing mention in Hamilton the musical 😂. Seriously though, I am looking forward to learning more in detail about him. I can see why you‘d want to reread. 4y
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ValerieAndBooks @BarbaraBB that‘s funny! Is it a cultural thing, or rules against their likenesses printed on things for sale? What about King Willem-Alexander tea towels 🙃🙂 ? 4y
BarbaraBB I don‘t know to be honest. It just wouldn‘t come to mind. Or sell for that matter. Mostly they aren‘t very charismatic either 😂 (edited) 4y
kspenmoll Read this a few years ago- also saw a really well done series on him. Not sure if it was PBS or HBO production? (edited) 4y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Finally pulling this out of the TBR after reading and enjoying bios on Abigail Adams and his good friend Benjamin Rush. I‘ve had this for probably 10 years — hate the tie-in cover, but I bought it at a yard sale. I always told myself I‘d upgrade to a nicer edition after reading this 😂.

Lynnsoprano Hubby read this a number of years ago, and it‘s been on our shelf and my TBR ever since. I really need to read this! 4y
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John Adams | David McCullough

John Adams was intimately involved in the story of the American Founding from beginning to end. Of all the Founding Fathers, Adams was the one who “got it done”. He ensured that Congress passed the resolution for independence. He helped negotiate American‘s alliance with France and secured desperately needed loans from Holland. As President, he ensured that America was not ensnared in the Napoleonic Wars, all brilliantly told by McCullough.

John Adams | David McCullough
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I feel this book captured the essence of the American Revolution and one of its Founders. A very insightful book. Very well researched. As always, McCullough bases his works on the letters and original writings of his subjects. This makes the people come alive and feel very familiar.

John Adams | David McCullough
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"In the cold, nearly colorless light of a New England winter, two men on horseback traveled the coast road below Boston, heading north."


John Adams | David McCullough
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ McCullough does an amazing job bringing John & Abigail Adams to life, and aside from the Adams family, you really get a sense of the other founders as well. I don‘t know if I enjoyed this so much because of the subject matter (Adams is definitely my favorite founding father) or the author‘s skill, but I would assume it‘s both. I exclusively listened to this one, and highly recommend it, even if you don‘t think you‘re a biography reader!

alisiakae This has been on my list forever! 4y
SamAnne On my list. Reading Washington: A Life first. Then the Adams bio. 4y
behudd @4thhouseontheleft same! I‘m glad I finally got to it! 4y
behudd @SamAnne I read that one last year! It was good but I definitely enjoyed this one better :) 4y
ljuliel I have started this so many times I can‘t count. I know I‘d like it if I could just keep going a bit longer. I‘ve got the audio copy so I‘ll try it again one of these days. 4y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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The two on the bottom left & center are #currentreads which I hope to finish soon. On my plate for the week includes selections for #NFNov & #nonfiction2019 and my last book for #mgme #bbrc which also overlaps with a #pop19 prompt.

The Goodreads Award nominees are announced this week, so I may throw this forecast out the window then. 🤣💨

Cinfhen Ha!!! Bonus points for honesty!!!! 5y
alisiakae @Cinfhen 😁😁 I have some 2019 releases on the hold shelf at the library, just waiting till Nov 5 to see if they make the GR nominations list. Top of that list is 5y
Cinfhen That book by Ocean Vuong is STUNNING (edited) 5y
alisiakae @Cinfhen I remember your review! It stuck out, and everyone on Litsy seems to love it. #blameLitsy 5y
rsteve388 1 pt 5y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Thanks for the tag @Liz_M 😘 #7days7covers

Now tagging @JacintaMCarter 🤗 7 of your favorite covers each day for a week, no explanation needed. Tag a Litten each day to join in

John Adams | David McCullough
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Happy Independence Day, US Littens! I started my annual rewatch of this excellent mini series last night, it‘s become a July 4 tradition. Have a great day, everyone! 🇺🇸

#4thofJuly #IndependenceDay

John Adams | David McCullough
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“The longer I live, the more I read, the more patiently I think and the more anxiously I inquire, the less I seem to know...do justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly. This is enough.”

I did it. I‘ve FINALLY finished. It‘s taken nearly 3 months of reading to make it through this wonderful book. John Adams deserves far more recognition as a founding father, diplomat, and President. If the book ONLY mentioned his work establishing a new government 👇

Lauram It would be interesting. However, it‘s the relationships with the important people in Adams‘s life (as shared through letters) that make me feel like I know John, Abigail, and even Thomas Jefferson. 6y
Amiable Loved this book! 😍 6y
Librarybelle Thank you for reading this along with me! It‘s a book that truly deserves to be savored for the amount of information and the unveiling of relationships McCullough brings to light. I am so happy I read this! 6y
kspenmoll I am still immersed in the life of this amazing man- thank you both for starting me on this journey! @librarybelle @Lauram 6y
Trashcanman 👁️👁️ 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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My morning started with a furnace work, discussions about impending furnace replacement, and a cracked windshield. I was able to convince a local company to replace it so I could get to work ASAP, but it‘s proving to be a long wait in a chilly reception room. I hope to make some significant on my #buddyread #JARead before I go to work.

John Adams | David McCullough
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5. What is your opinion of John Adams, now that the book has ended? #JARead

Lauram I thought the book was great. He has my respect for the work he‘s done as a historical figure in the US. (edited) 6y
Lauram When I read historical NF, I tend to use google a lot to see pictures and get other tidbits of info. I think it‘s so sad that Abagail Adams is thought to haunt the White House. 😢 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I too came away with a greater respect for him. He always seemed so unapproachable, and I think it‘s more of his detractors presenting him in that light. I would have loved to talk books with him! And, yes, so sad about Abigail Adams! We know she didn‘t like living there, so it‘s sad to think that part of her spirit still lingers there. 6y
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Librarybelle @Lauram Thank you so much for reading this with me! I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts about Adams and about the book. The book was so meaty and wonderful and thought provoking. 6y
Lauram You‘re welcome! If you‘d like to make historical NF a thing, LMK 😉 6y
Librarybelle Sounds good, @Lauram ! It would be fun to do another nonfiction read with you! If you have anything in mind, let me know. 🙂 5y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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4. What do you think of Adams‘ presidency? Was it successful, or was it unsuccessful? #JARead

Lauram I‘m not sure it could be measured in terms of successful/unsuccessful. The fact that he was elected at all and served with a Vice President of an opposing party seems to be a formula for disaster. He made it through a full term, so that‘s a measure of success in my opinion. (edited) 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I‘ve seen other accounts that suggest Adams‘ term was one of the weakest presidential terms. It seems like he had so much adversity towards his ideas and his agenda. I did not know he did as much as McCullough chronicles. I too would have to say that it was successful, based on the atmosphere he faced during his presidency. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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3. Alexander Hamilton is portrayed as an instigator and an opponent of Adams. How does Hamilton change/influence how others feel about Adams? #JARead

Lauram I‘m not sure I ever got a real understanding of Hamilton. He seems to be an instigator and an opportunist. 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I really need to read Chernow‘s Hamilton! Maybe I‘ve not read much about Hamilton, but I did not know he was a great manipulator/instigator, as McCullough portrays. It does seem like he would do anything to promote his agenda, no matter who the candidate was or the leader of a movement was. I‘d like to know more about him. 6y
Lauram This question might be the reason I‘d avoiding answering for so long. I‘m certain instigator is the wrong word, but I felt like I sighed and said/thought “Hamilton, again?” each time I came across his name. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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2. We see new levels in the relationship between Jefferson and Adams. Earlier in the readings, we talked about respect between these two men. In this last section, what type of respect do the two men have for each other? How would you characterize their friendship as a whole? #JARead

Lauram I think there‘s a respect based on shared experiences as President of a new nation. These men who used to be so close were separated by a political ideology that maybe didn‘t matter so much towards the end of their life. That‘s the impression I got from the information presented in the book. 🤷‍♀️ 6y
Librarybelle I agree, @Lauram . McCullough gives the impression that there was a level of respect. I‘ve read and seen other accounts that this was not the case, but at least with the pieces McCullough consults, the two men respected one another. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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1. How well do you think Adams handles his role as Vice President? Do you think he was a monarchist, as his contemporaries characterized him? #JARead

Lauram There were definitely some growing pains. The harsh feedback he received from the press and his government colleagues really shaped his behavior. It seems as though his European experiences worked against him. No, he wasn‘t a monarchist. (edited) 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I agree! It seems that the time he spent away from the states hurt him, though he did gain insights into the foreign governments. He was not a monarchist, in my opinion. 6y
Lauram @Librarybelle It seems to be a whole “you‘re either with me or against me” situation on a massive scale. 6y
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Lauram Talking about books is so much better than working. 😟 I‘m off to see students. I look forward to finishing this book before Friday! 🤞🏻 6y
Librarybelle Agreed, @Lauram ! Good luck! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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I‘m posting the final #JARead questions under spoiler tags!

John Adams | David McCullough
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By the time I finished this, I felt so bad for John Adams that I just wanted to hug him and tell him I understand. McCullough writes such a powerful and in-depth look at Adams, righting the wrongs that have passed down in history. I appreciate looking at Adams in a different light now, not tainted by his enemies.

Current time for #24B4Monday , with my next book at the ready.

Librarybelle @Lauram and @kspenmoll - I‘ll have the final questions posted tomorrow for #JARead . I have a couple crafted, but want to process what I read today! 6y
BeansPage You're doing great girlfriend keep it up!!! 6y
Andrew65 This sounds a great book! 6y
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kspenmoll You did it!! 🎉🎉🎉 I am behind you but will finish this- such an in depth portrait of the man & history. 6y
Tamra So good! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#catsoflitsy #Sundaymorning #MorningSun #JAread #coffeeandbooks #KAL

Em and Poe decidedly do not want me reading. Jumped into my lap as soon as I sat down for a morning read in the rocking chair.

Robothugs I believe you need to be introduced to the #KAL hashtag 😆 6y
kspenmoll @Robothugs Thanks! Please Educate me- #KAL stands for.... (edited) 6y
Zelma @Robothugs I‘ve been wondering the same thing. My guess is Kittens Against Litsy? 6y
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Robothugs @Zelma @kspenmoll Kitties Against Literature is my understanding! 6y
Zelma @Robothugs that makes sense! 👍 6y
kspenmoll @Robothugs Thanks all! Great hashtag! #KAT 6y
LeahBergen 😂😂 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Ending day two of #24B4Monday a little behind schedule, but oh well! I‘m getting closer to finishing this book and will hopefully get it done tomorrow (barring any life interruptions).

Andrew65 Well done, this is still a good total. 👍😊 6y
Andrew65 The book looks interesting. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#Knowledge is power. And, understanding history helps us to better prepare for future events. My background is in history, so I often read history texts, such as the tagged biography, to get a better sense of struggles faced in the past. I cringe when I hear people say that history doesn‘t matter. That‘s a sore point for me. Just look at the US currently, and you can see ignorance in history leads you down a dark path. #Gratitude30

Amiable Love this book--one of the best presidential biographies ever written. 6y
Librarybelle @Amiable It is so good!! 6y
Amiable Another one I loved was Ron Chernow's 6y
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Tamra So much love for this biography! 6y
Librarybelle @Amiable I‘ve yet to read that one, but it‘s on my tbr list! 6y
Librarybelle @Tamra ❤️❤️❤️🙂 6y
melbeautyandbooks Your last sentence- so true! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Next up in my readathon reading is finishing John Adams for #jaread . I‘m celebrating caturday morning with a sleeping #Zeke . #catsoflitsy

kspenmoll Cat # 2, Em, jumped in my lap & pushed John A to the floor. The nerve! 😂 (edited) 6y
Librarybelle @kspenmoll 🤣🤣🤣 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#Saturdaymorng #PostThanksgiving #coffeeandbooks #catsoflitsy

Finished up the Thanksgiving breakfast quiche, now enjoying Cranberry Irish Soda bread & cofffee in the morning sun. Beginning part 3 of Adams for #jaread, 6 weeks late but that‘s ok. Engrossing read, learning so much! Will finish all 632 pgs eventually! Poe photo bombed this pic! He likes the sun too. Tree up waiting for decoration. My son has been home all week; very thankful.

Librarybelle I‘m hoping to finish up Part 3 today to pose discussion questions! Definitely a thought provoking read. @Lauram 6y
mrp27 Very cozy! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Hey, #jaread #buddyread friends...just checking in with everyone. I‘m still trekking away on the last part of the book and obviously missed the November 3 date to post questions. I was really off with my time to read this book! But, wanted to post to say that I have not forgotten. I think it‘s a fascinating book so far and have learned so much about Adams!

Lauram I‘ve just started back up again after a break! I‘m still with you on this #buddyread @Librarybelle @kspenmoll 6y
kspenmoll I am still reading but finding I can only read during day or I forget!!! So going slow. At this rate it may be January but I want to finish. Only on 261. 6y
Librarybelle Take your time, @kspenmoll ! It‘s such a good read, but definitely does take time to get through everything. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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vivastory 👍🙌🤘 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
vkois88 👍👍 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#JohnAfams #JARead #Buddyread #Education #TheEncoragementofLiterature
When writing the Constitution for the Commonwealth of MA (1779), John Adams added a declaration regarding the importance of education, entitled “ The Encouragement of Literature, etc.” No other states‘ constitution included such a declaration. It was the governments job to educate its citizens and to “cherish ” the arts and sciences.

Robothugs Love the quote. 6y
Librarybelle I loved how much he enjoyed reading! 6y
kspenmoll @Librarybelle Me too! And he past that on to his children... 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#jaread Part 2 Discussion, Question 4:

This section includes many remarks and observations by Abigail. Do any of her remarks and observations stand out to you?

Lauram I can‘t speak from experience, but it would have been extremely challenging to be married to John Adams! The remarks and observations that stand out forefront in my mind are what she writes to Mary Crouch after reuniting with John in France “You know my dear sister that poets and painters wisely draw a veil over those scenes which surpass the pen or the pencil of the other.” @Librarybelle @kspenmoll 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I‘d love to learn more about Abigail. She could not have had it easy with John, but you can tell her devotion to him. 6y
kspenmoll I am not very far ( 261) but I am enjoying the book. Abigail was an amazing women - He was oceans away for so long along with two of her sons, yet she did everything to keep the farm going & although she expressed frustration & longing for him she felt she too was doing what was required of her to obtain freedom & liberty from England. I would love to read her letters! @Librarybelle @Lauram (edited) 6y
Librarybelle She was absolutely amazing, @kspenmoll ! She had to show strength and ingenuity to keep everything going. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#jaread Part 2 Discussion, Question 3:

Adams‘ vanity is remarked upon a few times in this passage...he personally perceived vanity and vanity as discussed by the Continental Congress and his contemporaries. Would you describe Adams‘ mannerisms as vain?

Lauram Yes, Adams was vain. I started to get the impression that nobody could do the diplomatic work as well as he could. (edited) 6y
Lauram But I now that I‘ve submitted my answer, I start to waver. This is a guy who didn‘t know the art of flattery- he does seem overly focused on getting his mission accomplished without considering the other people who were helping him accomplish his work. @Librarybelle @kspenmoll (edited) 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I‘m not 100% sure he was vain. I completely agree with you that he didn‘t know the art of flattery. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#jaread Part 2 Discussion, Question 2:

During his second assignment, it becomes clear how Vergennes and Franklin feel about Adams. Do you agree with their assessment of Adams?

Lauram I‘m not sure? I‘m always suspicious about group think and the opinions that develop when 2 people complain together. 6y
Lauram Honestly, I have no idea. I feel like I read this portion of the book ages ago! 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram Haha! I saw I posted this question four weeks ago, because I was wondering how long ago it was we read this! Neither liked Adams, and if I recall correctly, they were not kind in their remarks. I think lots of the negative comments were unfair; Adams was stubborn, but also had a somewhat different approach to statesmanship. 6y
Lauram I agree, but I think about potential sources of bias and wonder if all of the info is really out there to make a decision. 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram Very true! This makes me want to read more about the various situations and people Adams encounters. Get a more rounded look at everything. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#jaread Part 2 Discussion. Question 1;

During Adams‘ first assignment to France, he better understands Benjamin Franklin. What are Adams‘ impressions? What are your impressions? How fairly or unfairly was Adams treated by the Continental Congress during his assignment to France?

John Adams | David McCullough
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I‘m so close to finishing the second section of this book, which I should have completed weeks ago! A very interesting book - and I‘m learning much from it - but it‘s slow going with other things taking place in my life that I‘m not devoting enough time to it. But, I will be posting Part 2 questions under spoiler. Jump in when you have a chance, @Lauram and @kspenmoll ! Sorry these are very late! #jaread

Lauram I finished Part 2 before bed last night. Your timing couldn‘t be better! 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram Good! 🙂 6y
kspenmoll No worries! I am only on pg 187. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Enjoying a short break with a good book, hot tea, and a great view. 📚☕️🍂

Judybskt Love the fall colors! 6y
Lauram @Judybskt Me too! I love my maple trees. 6y
Crazeedi Beautiful! Love the book too!😉 6y
kspenmoll Gorgeous colors! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#maps #seavogage #RevolutionaryWar #France
Map of sea Voyage Adams took when appointed delegate to persuade France to support our cause.His 10 year old son, John Quincy, joined him.They faced high winds, storms, chases by English ships,and engagement with an English ship.I really only knew Adams presidency; had little knowledge of his huge contribution in the founding of our country. If captured it was ordered by the King to hang him; no pardon.

Suet624 Gulp. Hanging. That‘s a brave man. 6y
kspenmoll @Suet624 This is a big fat book & I can only read it in short bites but am learning so so much. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#AbigailAdams #ARoomofMyOwn #Letters #JARead #buddyread

After the family receiving inoculations against small pox, they recovered at Her aunt‘s house. There Abigail had a room of her own for the first time, to escape to and read, write, reflect. She writes to John of her new found, discovery.
Trailing behind schedule, but still very much enjoying this big book!

Librarybelle It is great so far! And don‘t worry...I thought I‘d finish the 2nd section last week and did not. Sorry for holding everyone up with questions on section 2! @Lauram 6y
Crazeedi I find his books are very good, but they take me a while to read, lots of detail. 6y
Crazeedi I didn't see the read a long! Looks like it is fun, maybe next time! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Checking in with everyone participating in #jaread ...how are you doing? I‘m behind again so will not be posting questions until some time next week. Sorry!

Tamra Such a great book. McCullough makes the period and people come alive. 6y
kspenmoll I am just finished part 1. Finding time since school started has been challenging because I need to read without being tired so I can be fully engaged. 6y
Librarybelle @kspenmoll I totally understand! I‘m not a teacher, but right now is very busy at the library with programs and some managerial things taking place. I‘ve gravitated towards lighter books as of late. 6y
Lauram @Librarybelle @kspenmoll 👋🏻 I‘m slowly getting there! I‘ve been gravitating toward lighter books after recent political events and after reading some heavier books. I fully intend to complete part 2 (and answer the remaining discussion question) this week. (edited) 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Part I Discussion. Question 4 (last question). #jaread

With the information McCullough gives to the readers, how much do you think Adams contributed to America‘s independence, voting and the construction of the Declaration of Independence? Do you feel Adams receives or does not receive enough credit in other history texts?

Librarybelle Adams expressed his passion for independence. It took some time for others to listen, but I think his voice helped the cause. I also didn‘t realize how many committees in which he participated...everyone seemed to respect him. Jefferson overshadows in many textbooks on this subject; I think men like Adam deserve more recognition. 6y
Lauram I need to think about this one 6y
kspenmoll @Librarybelle I think you are right. We here more about his presidency, rather than his role in the Continental Congress & his support for I dependence. Jefferson was responsible for the D if I & Louisiana Purchase. I think of the Alien & Sedition Act with John Adams.He may have been a less likable man in later years; just a guess. 6y
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Librarybelle @kspenmoll Hopefully McCullough explores this later in the book! 6y
Lauram I now have the benefit of better answering these questions after reading Part 2. Adams was clearly passionate, using his voice and his education to help the cause. He more than others had to forge his own path being the first in so many roles. He absolutely deserves more credit for the work he‘d done. Why? 🤷‍♀️I‘m not sure he was adept at managing his image and I can‘t imagine him even caring about what others thought of him. @Librarybelle @kspenmoll 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram @kspenmoll I love Adams‘ passion. There is so much about him I never knew, and my opinion on him is changing. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Part I Discussion. Question 3. #jaread

Describe the relationship between Adams and Thomas Jefferson.

Librarybelle I feel like Adams loved to be different from Jefferson. Each noted the others‘ strengths, but I can‘t see they animosity, at least at this stage, that I for some reason believed occurred. There seems to be a respect for each other. 6y
Lauram I deleted my previous post. I‘m not sure what I think of the relationship between Adams and Jefferson. They appear to be respectful of each other? 😬 I‘m not sure. I feel like there may have been something when the declaration was to be drafted. 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I hope McCullough has more things to say about their relationship. I swear I read in something else that they actually stopped talking to each other for awhile. Hopefully we find out more! 6y
kspenmoll It seems like initially they had total respect for each other & their differences( background, etc) Both obviously very intelligent, dedicated to independence. Interesting how Jefferson sat back while his initial D of I was torn apart - Adams would talk for hours & seemed to be seen as an eloquent speaker. I think they did have falling out over time over politics? Adams believed in a stronger central government than Jefferson did @Lauram @libertybelle 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Part I Discussion. Question 2. #jaread

John and Abigail‘s relationship plays a role in this first part. Describe what you see of the relationship.

Lauram They‘re absolutely devoted to each other! The letter he wrote to her the month before the wedding was swoon-worthy! (edited) 6y
Librarybelle I thought it was very sweet too, @Lauram ! They genuinely seem very happy with each other. And, very supportive. John allowed Abigail to give her thoughts and views; I know back then it was frowned upon hearing too much from women. I really want to visit their homestead and see more of their life together! 6y
kspenmoll Agree with you both. I would love to read their letters someday. Only read one or two with students studying US history. I do not think he could have accomplished all he did without her; not just keeping the farm/home going, but her intelligence & grit & ideas & her ongoing support for revolution. How frightening to be confronted with that & all it entails & Brave!!! @Lauram @Librarybelle 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Part I Discussion. Question 1. #jaread

What knowledge did you have about John Adams prior to reading this? After reading Part 1, did anything about Adams surprise you?

Librarybelle I‘m not sure where I got the impression from, but Adams strikes me as very serious. All business, no play. To be honest, I really don‘t know much about him beyond the big facts - 2nd president, from MA, father of John Quincy. Died on July 4 within hours of Jefferson‘s passing. 6y
Lauram I knew next to nothing about him- apart from being the 2nd President, and there‘s an HBO series about him. I was under the impression that he was stern but after reading the first few pages, my impression started to change. I enjoyed this quote “John Adams was not a man of the world. He enjoyed no social standing. He was an awkward dancer and poor at cards. He never learned to flatter.” (edited) 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I‘m loving this book so far, because I‘m learning so much more about him. 6y
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Lauram I‘m enjoying this book, too. (edited) 6y
kspenmoll Sorry, joining in late. Was away last weekend & immersed in work this week. I am so enjoying reading about his family background, early life, courtship with Abigail; his role in the Continental Congress etc. I have read some of his role in the Creating our new government but only read about his role in books that also included many others. Not in depth. @Lauram @Librarybelle (edited) 6y
kspenmoll Great quote @Laura. This book makes him human, with real faults etc. 6y
kspenmoll The relationship between he & Jefferson is fascinating- both come from such different backgrounds, social status, regions. Hoping it is followed over time. @Lauram @libertybelle (edited) 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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Work has been crazy lately - and about to get even busier! So sorry the #jaread discussion questions are late! I‘ll pop them up for Part I this morning. They will be posted as Spoilers.

Lauram I‘ve been busy with work too and appreciate the delay. I have about 10-15 pages left but should be ready to discuss later this afternoon or tonight. 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram Feel free to contribute whenever you can...I‘m going to answer later on today! 6y
Tamra Loved this one! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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I‘m finishing up Part 1 for #jaread (a couple days late!). I‘ll post discussion questions in a couple days!

My cats are thrilled to have me home today and are taking full advantage every time I sit down. #Zeke has claimed my lap at the moment. Unfortunately, this book isn‘t a one-handed book. So, it‘s been interesting to find a place on the couch, that doesn‘t disrupt Zeke, and be able to see all the words. #catsoflitsy

Lauram You really have no choice but to give in to Zeke‘s demands for attention and snuggles. I‘m nearly done with Part 1 and should be ready to discuss in a few days. @kspenmoll 6y
Lreads I would suggest placing the book on a pillow but then the kitties might decide they want to lay half on the pillow and half on you! 6y
Librarybelle @QuietlyLaura I actually have a couple book pillows from Book Beau, but had both upstairs. Great solution! And, you‘re right...they‘re just an invitation for kitties! 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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1)Watching the movie Spotlight with hubby Saturday night. I stayed awake!!!
2) Going to Cape Cod to meet up with my brother & sister in law from CA , and 4 other sibs.
3) sorry, was a library book last month & it so did not matter that I do not remember the title!!!
4) tagged
5) will check them out & come back!!

monalyisha Haha! I just fell asleep on the couch while watching “Jeopardy.” The struggle is real! (edited) 6y
kspenmoll @monalyisha It‘s an ongoing joke in our family, especially in Friday nights. After a week of teaching & tutoring I make no promises when I lay on the couch!!! 6y
Susanita ❤️Cape Cod 6y
Shannon_McKinney Thanks for participating! Have fun with all of your siblings. 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#jaread #buddyread

Visited my son at college. At dinner I shared my excitement & tidbits from this book with both he & my husband. Agreed with my son when he said that now we need to add the Adams home in MA to our summer day trip list. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Cinfhen Fun!!! Is it parents weekend already??? 6y
merelybookish Hamilton has colored my view of John Adams. 6y
sisilia @kspenmoll I‘d love to visit one day! 6y
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Amiable Oh, the Adams homestead is a wonderful trip! My husband and I went there last fall. I was enthralled by how well preserved all of the houses were--especially the homes where John Adams and John Quincy Adams were born. It was surreal to be standing inside the very room where John Adams was born! 6y
Mdargusch I would love to see his home! 6y
kspenmoll @merelybookish I get that; also he steadfastly believed that only educated men should govern, vote etc. Don‘t know if his ideas changed later in life. Between he & Abigail & their letters & his lifelong writings, we have a wonderful picture of life at that time.❤️ 6y
kspenmoll @Amiable Thanks for the encouragement!!! 6y
kspenmoll @Cinfhen Not yet! UConn is only about 50 minutes away from where we live,so it‘s easy to just visit for a meal😊 (edited) 6y
Cinfhen That's awesome!! Go Huskies 🙌🏼❤️ 6y
Amiable Do you live in CT? So do I! We're about 40 minutes from UConn. 6y
kspenmoll @Amiable I do live in CT not far from the airport - in Tariffville, north, slightly west of Hartford. Are you in my direction or east, south? We are such a tiny state!!! 6y
Amiable I live in Montville, where Mohegan Sun is! We're on the other side of town from the casino, though--closer to Salem and East Lyme. (edited) 6y
kspenmoll Got it! Beautiful area! Beaches nearby. (edited) 6y
Susannah Oh, I‘m suffering from serious east coast envy right now. My mom was an American history grad student when I was growing up (in Miss.), and we took many trips to historic sites but not nearly enough to northeast. Now I‘m in California . Also, I‘m a huge fan of the UCONN women‘s basketball team. Double (triple?) envy! 😉 6y
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John Adams | David McCullough
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#porchreading #earlyevening #jaread #buddyread

Trying to get more porch reading on this beautiful evening. Bird song, blue sky, greenery.

Lauram I hope to dig into this one a bit more tomorrow. (edited) 6y
sisilia I enjoyed this book! It reads like a novel 6y
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