Charming and chilling by turns.
What grabbed me is that it isn't a breathless tour of past exploits, derring-do, it's this well-spoken, self-effacing honest look at a bunch of moments the author decided might be interesting to the reader.
Carre(Cornwell) acknowledges his Service record, rather than slyly alluding to it, and sets out in the very beginning how much he will not be revealing and the reasons why. 1/?
I suppose it's a testament to his writing that I find it strange to think he may not have been a joy and a help to those around him because the way he talks about so many of the people he encountered is appreciative, empathetic and even 1d
Perhaps it's the contrast, he speaks lucidly, if not off-handledly, about a number of dark realities, I felt occasionally that I'd understand the full weight of a few stories better if I had a more thorough understanding of international political history.
I'm still interested to try his fiction (though there were a few spoilers within these pages), but I'm now prepared for the lower likelihood of happy endings... 1d
⚠️war violence, domestic violence, mention of SA, suicide, torture 1d