Well, that hurt. Lots to think about including the cyclic ending… all the feels and thoughts about what it means to be a man brought up into the open. #preview #julyrso2022 #printproof #ukya
Well, that hurt. Lots to think about including the cyclic ending… all the feels and thoughts about what it means to be a man brought up into the open. #preview #julyrso2022 #printproof #ukya
#currentlyreading #preview #printedproofcopy #julyrso2022 Amazing concept, let‘s see how it‘s executed. Also, I am not reading these July arcs quick enough. Too many books, yada yada…
#currentlyreading #preview #julyrso2022 #digital A book set in Malaysia about a girl who will need to find her best friend‘s killer to help process her grief set in the world of competitive scrabble. So good.
#currentlyreading #preview #digital #julyrso2022 Back to school so reading takes a step back. This Australian book starts with a teenager finding out she‘s pregnant and been accepted into a secret magic school. Wow. I am enjoying the snarky voice of confused Lucy. Let‘s see where it goes…