Whenever my husband and I take a long drive, we listen to a David McCullough book. This time: The Wright Brothers. I had the vague idea that they were bicycle designers who peddled into the wind. Ha! Now I think that they may have been equal to Einstein in raw brains, combined with remarkable perseverance. This is an incredibly inspiring book--they hit road blocks so many times, vowed to give up, & started anew in the morning. #mccullough #audio
AnnaDesourdy My family and I have traveled to the Outer Banks since I was born (grandparents have a house there) so I grew up going to the Wright Brothers Memorial and learning all about them. I'll have to check this out! 8y
EloisaJames @AnnaDesourdyAuthor my mother spent her childhood summers in the Outer Banks, so I love those descriptions--I think you'll like those parts too. 8y
bigg9058 Great book. Any McCoullough book is worth a read. 8y