Last month when I did the Book Snob Book Tag on BookTube, I started thinking about other things that I am definitely very particular about when it comes to books. As it turns out, I am a bigger book snob than I initially realized! Check out my latest video video and let me know if any of these things bother you, too! https://youtu.be/wMp_dYyTtTQ #booktube #youtube #bookvlog #booksnob #dustjackets #moviecovets #massmarketpaperbacks #librarybooks
abookishbutterfly @EadieB 6y
EadieB @Butterflyamore Sorry to see that Elliot passed away! He was so cute! In regards to DustJackets, I love them too. I bought a book that didn't have a jacket and made my own by taking a picture of the cover from the Amazon app and printed it out on paper and taped the papers together. I'm not at home or I would show you the cover that I made. I take the jacket off when I read the book but I would never throw it away. I put it back on after reading. 6y
EadieB @Butterflyamore I also like to remove the plastic covers from library books I own. I hate when they put the barcode on the back of the cover and cover up some of the wording from other's reviews or the description of the book. I hate to get a book where people have bent the edges of pages to mark their spot. I also am a book repairer. I'm forever putting tapes on the backside of older books whose jacket is ripping. Tape bindings that are apart too (edited) 6y
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EadieB @Butterflyamore I like reading hardcover but sometimes find the trade of mass market a lot easier to travel with. I don't like descriptive sex or bad language in books. I love beautiful poetic writing too where I will read every word. But other styles don't bother me either. Never heard of putting bar codes on the front. Sales stickers on the front are annoying too. I always peel them off. I don't keep books after I read them so I'm not too fussy. 6y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB Thank you. It‘s been very difficult emotionally. We did not expect this to happen. Creating a cover for one without a dust jacket is a really good idea! I might have to do that for the one I mentioned. 6y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB Yes, I don‘t like those sale stickers either. I‘m usually okay with profanity, as long as it isn‘t ridiculously out of control, but I‘m not a fan of descriptive sex scenes either. 6y
EadieB @Butterflyamore Making the cover was a lot of fun. I'll have to find the book or I may have sent it on to one of my book swapping sites and I probably explained the cover to the person I sent it too. But I may still have it. 6y
EadieB @Butterflyamore The profanity that I dislike is when they use the F word throughout constantly when it is not necessary. That really bugs me. I think I mentioned the book YOU by Carolyn Kepnes. Found that really bad for descriptive sex and language. 6y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB Yeah, I thought I had wanted to read that but not now, based on what you‘ve shared. I do feel using the F word repeatedly really takes away from the value of the story. The sex stuff - I don‘t know - it‘s just so awkward to read for me. I really am not interested in the sex lives of other people. 6y