Even with the Staycation Work on the House Project, I still managed to keep up with my Challenges and read a few others. 📚
#september #stats
#top10challengedbooks #janeandtheyear2020
Even with the Staycation Work on the House Project, I still managed to keep up with my Challenges and read a few others. 📚
#september #stats
#top10challengedbooks #janeandtheyear2020
"once we get to know individuals who may be different from ourselves, it is less likely we will be wary of them."
And with that I finish my Challenge of reading anything I hadn't read on this year‘s @AmericanLibraryAssociation List. ✊
#bannendbooksweek #top10challengedbooks
#rebelreader #ireadbannedbooks #mymotherwouldnotapprove
#septemberstats #mymonthinchallenges
May Reading has been my Challenges, Sense and Sensibility Readalong which will finish in June, and catching up on my Book of the Month reads.
Favorites: Defy or Defend and The Jane Austen Society. 📚
#mymonthinbooks #may
#bookofthemonth #janeandtheyear2020
#top10challengedbooks #pemberlittens
#shadowhuntersreread #malec
#fhbookclubchallenge #mymonthinchallenges
While waiting on The Lost Book of the White, this month's Reread features one my All Time Favorite Covers - Izzy w/ her whip. 🦸🏻♀️
Knowing what we know Malec was up to in the Red Scrolls of Magic was fun. 🚘 After Vacation gets sad. At least I know the ending. 🏖
#coverlove #theredscrollsofmagic #waitingonwednesday #malec #lostbookofthewhite #theeldestcurses
#2ndimpressions #mymonthinchallenges
April's been busy w/ gardening and life. Mostly I've kept up with my Challenges and Bookclub reads. Started Fiery Cross back when new season of Outlander came on. Had been reading along w/ show. Wanted it off my stack so I could move on to other things.
#mymonthinbooks #mymonthinchallenges #janeandtheyear2020
#malec #shadowhuntersreread
Appropriately I finish this one on a cold day last week. I'm enjoying reading from the beginning and in order. Before I started my #janeandtheyear2020 Challenge I had read no 1, 4, and 12. #mymonthinchallenges