#Choose20 comics that stayed with you or influenced you. One comic a day, in no particular order. No reviews, no explanations. Just covers. Day 10: Grayson 5
#Choose20 comics that stayed with you or influenced you. One comic a day, in no particular order. No reviews, no explanations. Just covers. Day 10: Grayson 5
I dunno, I knew the storybeats already, so the amount of focus on the schism between Bruce and Dick shouldn't surprise me, but when it comes to origin stories, I prefer the moments focusing on positive growth, rather than looking back to whatever darkness may have spawned the change. Also wasn't prepared for Jason's debut to be featured, which just adds to the darker father-son relationship dynamics. 1/?
Alfred sassing Batman for his own good, as usual.
Taylor & Redondo's Nightwing run is a balm for anyone weary of overly grimdark, nihilistic story-telling: heroes saving lives and helping their communities. This story is about the nature of your heart--literally and metaphorically. Plus, Dick & Babs are adorable.
Eeeee! I love 💕 where this volume ended, kind of feels like one nemesis down, one to go, but that's really last on my list of reasons why I love it. Everybody helping out, and the relationship confirmation- the hand placement?! 👀. Just squeeing with joy over here, which is exactly what I want from this series. ☺️
Babs + Bitewing + Grayson = Best. Team. Ever.
I needed that. This series continues to have a lightness and sincerity I wish I saw in more modern superhero stories.
The emphasis in this volume on the importance of support groups, that there are people you can rely on who are happy to help you, was particularly touching. 1/2
Have I mentioned lately how much I love this series? I also love that DC and the fandom have all just collectively gotten together on the idea that everyone acknowledges Dick Grayson/Nightwing is a babe. 😉
Starting to feel like Tom Taylor is the guy you call if you need to inject some light and hope into a superhero storyline. Dick Grayson is generally more cheerful and chatty than other members of the Bat family, but I haven't explored much of Nightwing in Blüdhaven in comics and I'm glad to see a corrupt city cast in Taylor's upbeat 'things can change' framing. Bruno Redondo's art really emphasises the humour, action and heart.
Ohmagahd she's wearing the slap meme shirt. 😲🤭😆