December 24: #bookwithmilkandcookies Me and Stormy are simply having a wonderful Christmas time 😂 We got cookie cake for Santa, but Stormy drank all the milk 🥛🍪 #allthebooksdec #decinbooks17 #seasonsreadings #pusheenandstormy
December 24: #bookwithmilkandcookies Me and Stormy are simply having a wonderful Christmas time 😂 We got cookie cake for Santa, but Stormy drank all the milk 🥛🍪 #allthebooksdec #decinbooks17 #seasonsreadings #pusheenandstormy
Okay, but seriously, how stinkin‘ cute is STORMY?!??! #pusheenandstormy #stormy #littleballoffluff #sundayselfie #pusheen #pusheenismyspiritanimal #ilovestormy