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Joined September 2016

Lover of video games, cats, music and of course, books. ☀️ Goodreads.com/kaylerz
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Mother, Mother: A Novel by Koren Zailckas
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I Hope You Stay by Courtney Peppernell
Mother, Mother: A Novel | Koren Zailckas
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My first kettlebell workout is complete.
I‘m excited to keep up with that. It‘s something I can actually do in my little apartment. 😊

Now I‘m looking forward to getting back into Mother, Mother. 🖤

Untitled | Unknown
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I think I‘m gonna start putting stickers on my book cart.
Here‘s the two adorable ones I started with 🤍🖤

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Still reading this with this little cutie. 💜

WorldsOkayestStepMom 😻😻😻 2y
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My cozy little reading spot. 💕

Nute Looks very cozy!🙂 2y
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I‘m enjoying this so far.
The writing is beautiful and is making me want to take my time while reading.

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The Chain | Adrian McKinty
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The beginning had me hooked, but about halfway through it got way less interesting and I just wanted to be done with it.

The Chain | Adrian McKinty
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Lazy day. This should be a fairly quick read. ♥️

Bookzombie Pretty kitty! 🐈 2y
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Luster: A Novel | Raven Leilani
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On to the next. 🧡

(Or not. It‘s nearly 3am😅)

The Lucky Ones | Liz Lawson
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I almost dnf‘d this one within the first chapter but I‘m glad I didn‘t. I enjoyed it.


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I almost DNF‘d this yesterday.
I was only 3 chapters in though.
I haven‘t read an entire book in one day in a LONG time.
I was truly captivated by this one. It was both heartbreaking and heartwarming.

Major trigger warnings if you‘re considering reading this though.


The Cheerleaders | Kara Thomas
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I feel like I actually have the energy to read lately. And reading on my lunch breaks at work has helped a lot.
I‘m enjoying this.

I also started Be Not Far From Me awhile ago but I cannot seem to read two books at a time😅

The Lucky Ones | Liz Lawson
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New books are always nice. 💙

Unpregnant | Jenni Hendriks, Ted Caplan
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Current read.
I was going to watch this movie after binging Euphoria and remembered that I have the book.

Hello Girls | Emily Henry, Brittany Cavallaro
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I got a kitten. 😊
My siblings actually rescued her from the cold. She had a lid stuck on her head and her leg was also stuck in it.
The tip of one of her ears is frostbit and she has a scar on her foot but otherwise she‘s very happy and healthy.
It‘s been nice reading and cuddling with her.
She‘s so chill and so sweet. 💜
My fingers are crossed that she and my 4 year old cat will like each other though. 😬🤞🏻

Texreader She‘s a darling!!! ❤️🐈 3y
Crazeedi She's precious! I just got a rescue kitty 3 weeks ago, he turned up on my sisters porch. Have you named her yet?? 3y
blondie @Crazeedi awww! I‘m so glad you took him in. All animals deserve good homes💕 and I named her Gemma. :) 3y
Bookzombie So cute! 💕🐈 3y
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Hello Girls | Emily Henry, Brittany Cavallaro
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Cozy night. 🎄🤍

peacegypsy I love your tree! 3y
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Faceless | Alyssa Sheinmel
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I keep starting books and putting them back. Im hoping I‘ll stick with this one. I absolutely loved What Kind of Girl by Alyssa Sheinmel so I‘m hoping I‘ll love this one too. 🤞🏻💙

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Saturday plans.

The New Neighbors | Simon Lelic
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I think I‘m gonna start this one either tonight or tomorrow.

In the mood for a thriller. 🖤

Also, I really enjoyed Foul Is Fair. I didn‘t love it, but it was very entertaining. I‘m glad I read it.

Foul Is Fair: A Novel | Hannah Capin
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A little reading during my lunch break. 💛

I really like this book so far. I needed something dark like this.

The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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Currently reading The Mothers by Brit Bennett and also decided to visit the library. It's been so long.

So excited for these!

#libraryhaul #tbr 🤍

thegreensofa Your blanket! 🧡 3y
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What Kind of Girl | Alyssa Sheinmel
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I've been in a reading slump for so long. It makes me so sad. I used to read so much and now it's something I rarely do. 😔

Luckily I'm already very much invested in this book. I'm only on page 13. So, fingers crossed that this will finally help me out of my slump.

Trashcanman Good luck, I feel you. I'm in a slump too 3y
DivineDiana How did it go? 💗 3y
blondie @DivineDiana it ended up being a 5 star read for me! I loved it so much. It made me so emotional. 3y
DivineDiana Glad it help to fix that slump! 👍🏻 3y
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Little Do We Know | Tamara Ireland Stone
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I was ready to start reading this, but realized I'm too sleepy for any reading.

I'm looking forward to it though! I really loved "Every Last Word."

This Time Next Year | Sophie Cousens
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A picture from the other night.💜

CaliforniaCay 💜💜💜 4y
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Girl in the Mirror | Rose Carlyle
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Put in a hotel for a week (or more) because my bathroom had to be gutted due to a leak from the apartment above me. (Which has clearly been leaking for a very long time.)

I was like, sweet! Now I'll have plenty of time to read.

Nope. I'm still mostly distracted by my phone, having cable tv or my cat.😣

Bookzombie I‘m sorry about your bathroom. I find the TV very distracting when I stay in a hotel too. 4y
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I love the look of old spooky books.🎃🤍

TheNeverendingTBR This cover!!! 😍 4y
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I can't have nice books because of my cat.

rubyslippersreads Tortitude! 😼 4y
Trashcanman Welcome back! It's nice to see you. But I'm over the ocean. 4y
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Full Disclosure | Camryn Garrett
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I've been more into audiobooks lately than I have my entire life.
It definitely passes the time at work and helps me get some reading in since I'm usually too tired to do any physical reading.🤍💙

Onto my 3rd audiobook of this month and as well as the year so far.

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Into the Darkest Corner | Elizabeth Haynes
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Untitled | Unknown
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Got some organizing and cleaning done today.
Unhauled a lot of books.
Played video games.
It's been a great day.

Texreader Sounds awesome! 4y
ju.ca.no Sounds great🤗 4y
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Remix | Non Pratt, Leonie Pratt
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Getting some reading done with my cuddly girl.

Untitled | Unknown
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Here are some books I bought over the past few months.🖤
I'm super excited for all of them.
Especially since I think I'm finally out of my reading slump.

LiteraryinLawrence I enjoyed American Panda last winter! 5y
Eggs ❤️ Rebecca Stead. Also enjoyed 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Yaaas! Kicking a reading slump to the curb is the best feeling EVER! 5y
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It started off with only 3 dogs in bed with me tonight, now I have all 5.
Oh, the joys of dogsitting for my family.
They were giving me space earlier on in the night (as seen in the photo), but now I barely have any room. It's not comfortable. I'm losing sleep, but I hope they are at least enjoying the company.😂

Trashcanman Hope you are well Kayla. Hope you'll check in. You're missed 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai 👋👋 Just check in. Hope all is well. ❤️ 5y
Trashcanman Hi Kayla, please let us know your ok 5y
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blondie @Trashcanman @GrilledCheeseSamurai Thank you both for checking in. Things haven't been good, I'm not okay, but I will be. I probably won't be on much for awhile. I'd prefer not to talk about it on here, but as of today people are aware of my situation and have offered support. 5y
Trashcanman @blondie Have you tried the national suicide hotline? I have, no joke many times. I never give me name and I don't have someone telling me all the ways I've done this to myself. It might help, please consider it. If you ever need to talk to someone I'm always here. I know we don't know each we'll be were are the same in many ways. I know you want the pain to stop and I hope it does soon. You matter and are worthwhile. 5y
blondie @Trashcanman Thank you. I appreciate it. Unfortunately it's more to it than my mental illness, that part of it has just made it much worse. I've caused so much chaos and pain recently. I'm trying to make things better. My family called me and had a deep talk with me last night. I'm still emotional over it. I'm hoping things will start looking up after facing them last night. My heart aches, but I know it has to get better eventually. 5y
Trashcanman @blondie hugs, don't be a stranger. Hope things get kinder soon. 5y
blondie @Trashcanman thank you 🖤 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai I'm glad you have some support and thanks for taking the time to check in. Sorry things are a struggle. I hope life becomes easier for. Take all the time you need and know there are people here who care for you and value the person that you are. ❤️ 5y
Trashcanman Hugs to you. 5y
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Today wasn't a great day, but after a nap I feel a lot better.
I probably won't be able to sleep now, but that's okay. I'm really enjoying my book.
If I'm tired in the morning, it'll be worth it.

Trashcanman I'm glad the nap helped. Hope tomorrow is kinder. 5y
blondie @Trashcanman Thank you, I appreciate it. I hope tomorrow is kind to you as well.🖤 5y
SassyBookworm Love your mug!!! 😍 5y
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Trashcanman What it is Kayla, hope you are well. 5y
blondie @Trashcanman Thank you! A lot of big changes have been made for my own well being, so I'm currently readjusting to everything. I hope you're also well. 5y
Nute Hoping that you are doing well!💕 4y
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My new blanket and current read. 🖤

kellyann28 Love it! 5y
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I went to two thrift stores yesterday and one of them had 2 books I've been wanting along with a "buy one, get one free" sale, so I got 4 books for around 2 dollars.
I also got a nice fuzzy new blanket which is in the washer right now. ?

TheNerdyProfessor That cat pillow is the best! 5y
britt_brooke Nice haul! 5y
tammysue Nice! You can‘t beat that! 5y
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blondie @TheNerdyProfessor I know! I love it. My sister got it for me awhile back🖤🖤 5y
blondie @britt_brooke thank you!😊 5y
blondie @tammysue Most definitely! 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I ordered from BookOutlet a few days before my birthday.
So happy belated birthday to me.💙💜
Work and my mental health have been kicking my butt. I felt like I deserved to treat myself.

#BookHaul #BookOutlet

Cailey_Mac Honestly you have to take care of yourself first, and I think book retail therapy does the trick! Mostly 😊📚 5y
blondie @Cailey_Mac I agree completely! I don't spoil myself with much, but when I do, it's books. Which always makes me feel a little better.😊 5y
Cailey_Mac @blondie same!😊📖 5y
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CouronneDhiver Nice choices! I hope you‘ll be feeling better soon 5y
Trashcanman I hope this coming week is kinder, nice book haul. I'm going to sit myself down. I swear it's just so overwhelming. Maybe the next life will be kinder to people like us? 5y
blondie @CouronneDhiver Thank you so much!💜 5y
blondie @Trashcanman I sure hope so. It's definitely overwhelming and fucking exhausting, honestly. I feel like the only time I'm happy is when I'm manic. I'm struggling to just be content. 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Book therapy is a real thing! Happy belated! 🖤 5y
Crazeedi Great haul! Have fun reading!! 5y
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The Lies We Told | Camilla Way
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I just started this one the other day. It's definitely interesting so far. I went into it without knowing anything about it.

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I went to a pop up bookshop & bag sale today! I didn't have much luck there so I went to a local bookstore to browse their used books after that.
I was super happy to find 3 Jodi Picoult books. 💙


wanderinglynn Great haul! 👍🏻 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I put a bookshelf in my room today. I haven't decorated my apartment much and I've lived here over 2 years.
My bookshelves were all in the second bedroom and looked super cluttered, so I switched things up a bit.

BookwormAHN Nice 💜 5y
tessavi Your cat looks like they are considering their nect read 😁 5y
tessavi *next 5y
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Trashcanman How are you Kayla? I hope you're well. Im trying to stay positive and all that shit but it's hard. I hope you are well, truly. 🤗 5y
blondie @tessavi She knocked a few on the floor after this picture, so I think so too :p 5y
blondie @Trashcanman Thank you for checking on me. ♡ I'm struggling, honestly. My mind has constantly been in a dark place. I've been more and more manic. I've pushed pretty much everyone away. I'm trying to just keep it together and keep myself busy, but it's so hard. 5y
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We Are Okay | Nina LaCour
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This book hurt me in ways I didn't think a book could. I almost stayed up late last night to finish it, but I had to put it down because of how emotional it was making me.
This may be my favorite book I've read this year. 💙

jchawkins I had the same thing happen with On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous. 💜 5y
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We Are Okay | Nina LaCour
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I think I'm gonna start making more of these. 💜

We Are Okay | Nina LaCour
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Watched a few booktubers tonight and it made me want to get lost in a book. 💙
I'm hating this reading slump I've been in.

ju.ca.no I‘m having my finger‘s crossed for you to get out of the slump soon😘🤗 5y
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No Sad Songs | Frank Morelli
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I made another trip to the library.
This time with my grandpa and grandma. My grandpa is the only other reader in my family and is probably the reason I've always loved to read.
We got him a new library card and I showed him where the history section was and did my own thing.
I was having a panic attack the entire time, but I pushed through it the best that I could because I wanted my grandpa to take his time. 💜

LiteraryinLawrence Sorry you had a panic attack! 💜 Do you know what brought it on? Hope you‘re taking some time to rest now. Looks like a great batch of books! 5y
GypsyKat Panic attacks suck, I‘m sorry that happened. But it sounds like it was special time with your grampa all the same. 💜 5y
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Freedom: A Novel | Jonathan Franzen
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Today was quite the day.
A rough day at work, but in the end it only made me feel stronger.
Then I spent some much needed time with my mom. We went shopping for birthday presents for my grandma. I got myself a new lamp for reading while I was at it. And we stopped at the dollar store and I got two new books as well.
I'm pooped, but I'm content.

Trashcanman 😊🤗 5y
Chrissyreadit Looks like a good find at the dollar store! 5y
Crazeedi Hope you have a restorative weekend 5y
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Dry | Neal Shusterman
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We Are Okay | Nina LaCour
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I'm almost finished with Dry by Neal and Jarrod Shusterman, so I decided to take my other books back that I never finished and get some new ones.
My own books have been severely neglected this year.

I've been in such a reading slump this year. It's been a hectic year full of challenges and changes.

Trashcanman I hope life gets kinder. 5y
blondie @Trashcanman Thank you. I always appreciate your kind words. ♡ 5y
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Dry | Neal Shusterman
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I may not be able to sleep, but my cat is out.

Texreader Hello fellow insomniac! 5y
TheLibrarian Kitty snuggles!! 😻 5y
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The Hate U Give | Angie Thomas
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I'm happy that this was the book that got me out of my reading slump.
Now I'm gonna either read Dry or The Last to Let Go.

The Hate U Give | Angela Thomas
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I'm not very far in, but I've been having a hard time putting this book down. 💙

WorldsOkayestStepMom I'm going to start this one next! 5y
Jenken1998 I read it twice. I never do that. It was great. 5y
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