Feeling free does not also stop you from feeling lost. The two emotions can sit beside each other quite comfortably.
#quote #quotsymarch
Feeling free does not also stop you from feeling lost. The two emotions can sit beside each other quite comfortably.
#quote #quotsymarch
"Perhaps I felt additional self-imposed pressure as a woman. In the past I had been held back from opportunities because I was a girl. Even though nobody in this group had expressed sexism, I was determined to be as strong as any of the men." #quote #quotsymarch
I hear you, Jill...
"Important things hurt sometimes."
Damn, Morgenstern is just killing me with this book. #quotable #quotsymarch
“We are relics from the days when smoking in cinemas, airplanes, and trains was the natural order; when the Hollywood hero was identified by his cigarette. Nowadays not even the villains smoke. Now smoking really ‘is‘ an expression of the rebel spirit—it‘s virtually sodding illegal!”
#QuotsyMarch #Rebel