Doesn‘t this just scream place to curl up and read? #relaxingread #inahammock
Doesn‘t this just scream place to curl up and read? #relaxingread #inahammock
While I am enjoying this, I want more about the crew of the Wayfarer, I miss them, mostly Sissix. Maybe their story is done, but it didnt feel like it. #relaxingread #newbiepost #wayfinders #beckychambers
On #worldmentalhealthday I am wearing my green ribbon in support of every person who is surviving or has survived a mental health illness. Reading helps my mental health & is a great way to relax, unwind & put the day behind you. I recommend the tagged book as a tool for looking at what does & can make yoy Happy. What do you do to look after your mental health?
#InMyMatesCorner #MeTime #RelaxingRead #TalkItOut #HereForYou #nojudgement #BookNerd
I decided to start this anyway, although I haven't read one of these Barsetshire books in several years. I think this series could be described as a bit of an updated Jane Austen, at least in their setting and the preoccupation with mundane matters and romance. The perfect antidote to the stress and chaos we are living at the moment. My library copy is not this cool Virago edition though. #relaxingread