A book recommanded by my singing coach as i might have a little problem finding the right tune.
It's an autobiography/research history. A bit dated but interesting.
A book recommanded by my singing coach as i might have a little problem finding the right tune.
It's an autobiography/research history. A bit dated but interesting.
#tob crew, I am ambling through the current and former brackets and need help understanding the zombie picks 😫
How are these chosen? I see it is a poll… does everyone who participates in the poll pick their favorite from among the shortlist, and the two with the highest votes that were also eliminated in previous rounds make a comeback in the quarterfinals?
I don‘t remember those who tob, so consider yourself tagged if you like, and thanks!
repost for @BarbaraBB
With the announcement of the #ToB23 shortlist, the zombie vote and the brackets already (!) it is time to think about our alternative tournament as well. We‘ll read the shortlisted books (or most of them) and vote among our group for the same brackets as the real ToB to come up with our own winner. Who wants to join? I am tagging Littens who participated in earlier editions but everyone is welcome to join!
Lots of great books to take back today before Baby Storytime. All great to read to the little ones in your life.
I‘m so glad I found some affordable genmai-cha last week! It‘s delicious, and look at that glorious, unfiltered green.
I drank a cup while I finished LORD OF THE LAST HEARTBEAT. I liked the book a lot, but I sometimes found it hard to follow the magic and to sort out the characters‘ responses to their situation. That, along with some unclear worldbuilding, made it tough for me to get the full emotional impact and kept me from loving it. #gaymay
Here‘s my #ToB22 #TBR revised for the shortlist. I‘ll probably still read more of the longlist, but these are moving to the front burner.
@Ruthiella Thanks for the heads-up for the Tournament of Books longlist! Here‘s my updated TBR from the list!!! I won‘t read them all (I‘ll wait for the short list). But, it‘s a great excuse to dive into these!!! #ToB22
I've been a big #TOB fan for a while. Maybe not 16 years, but close. So I am pretty excited about the #SuperRooster which starts Wed. I've read 12/16 of the #TOB winners. I really, really, really love 3 of them, and kind of love a couple more. I have no idea what book will win! My early prediction is Cloud Atlas or Oscar Wao. My heart is rooting for The Accidental or Goon Squad. I'm hoping it's not Wolf Hall.
Regardless, it will be fun to follow!
Papa and me, written by Arthur Dorros and illustrated by Rudy Gutierrez is a touching RF children‘s picture book. Incorporating tons of Spanish vocabulary, this is a super cute multicultural book about a young boys love for his dad and everything they do together. Super recommended! #ucflae3414su20