#startswithu/v/w #marchintoreading @RealLifeReading I had more W books than I thought I would. Sadly didn't have any U or V books. Guess I need to go book shopping to change that!
W was easy, U a little harder and V took some looking 🤓😉#startswithU/V/W #marchintoreading
#marchintoreading A #startswithu/v/w that I really enjoyed. I haven't read the third book in the trilogy yet, partly because hubby panned it, and his opinions are usually trustworthy.
#MarchintoReading #startswithU @RealLifeReading This is in my TBR & part of my LitsyAtoZ challenge. Love the vivid colors of the book jacket❤📚
#StartswithU/V/W #Marchintoreading. My U book is Usagi Yojimbo, a book of anthropomorphic animals set in a feudal Japan, whose central hero is a Samurai (Ronin) Rabbit, with friends who includes a Hippo and a love interest who is a Cat. So silly right? Nope this is brilliant, historically and culturally accurate storytelling which is moving and exciting and coherent. A great series which is still ongoing.