The gummies are amazing @Avanders … I love everything about this months box. I am so excited about the new book and LOVE this months #cbbc pick!! Thank you again!!
The gummies are amazing @Avanders … I love everything about this months box. I am so excited about the new book and LOVE this months #cbbc pick!! Thank you again!!
@Avanders thank you so much for such a thoughtful Christmas package!!! How is it Christmas?! The year is flying!
@Avanders I LOVE Dunkin! Thank you so much for another amazing #coffeebeanbookclub box. I‘m excited about this months book as well!
Today is Thanksgiving and I am so thankful for this special group of book lovers. Thank you all for making it such a special club❤️.
@Avanders I took the photo and never posted it! I am so sorry! Penelope loved making bracelets with me and the coffee is AMAZING. Thank you so much for such a fun and thoughtful Halloween #coffeebeanbookclub box!!
Don‘t forget the great books too! I am excited about the Texas cozy mystery, I hadn‘t heard of it before. I‘m from Texas and I love a good cozy! I didn‘t know about the Evvie Drake book either, I‘m excited to see what it is about. I will have to get a picture with Penelope and her goody bag (so so sweet thank you!) tomorrow.
Thank you so much for the #fallingforfall box of awesome goodies such as coffee, candies, a travel mug (much needed!), and other goodies. And thank you ladies for setting and hosting it! I know it takes a lot of hard work!
When I opened the box for this round of #coffeebeanbookclub fall hit me. It smelled amazing. So excited about the books, one of my fav coffee flavors, and the candle is amazing! I‘m taking the stickers to school to put next to our reading hedgehog! Thank you so much @Avanders
A part of nightly homework is 20 min of reading. I decided to start sitting down with the kids and enjoy reading with them. It has quickly become my favorite part of my day during the week!!
First week of school started here in Orlando. Penelope and I rocked the same school/same outfit look. Sunshine State Book reading is huge underway. Manatee Summer is set about an hour away from our house. We are ready to go visit!
@Avanders you gave me everything a teacher could want with this round! My fav pens and a super cool coffee … plus ALL the papers. The #coffeebeanbookclub pick looks like so much fun too! Thank you so much!!!!
@Avanders it‘s here! What an awesome #coffeebeanbookclub package, thank you!! The mushroom bookmark is legit in my Amazon cart right now, I am so excited!! I can not wait for my snickers coffee with one of my (Roman)”shtoofen wafflez” and the books look amazing and pie and I had to do quality control and open up the cherry jelly beans, we both agree they are amazing. Thank you!!
#Coffeebeanbookclub roll call. Starting this new round June 7th. Send me an email if you‘re interested in this round! Nicoleorlando@hotmail.com
Senior walk on his last race. Nothing about books but everything about family. Some of you I found through books and now you‘re family/friends. ❤️
I don‘t know where this year or my baby went. Haiden‘s last run. He came in 2nd place in the 800 with a 2 min 18 sec time. Proud is not a strong enough word. Senior year 2024.
And for the best part of the day…4 books that I can not wait to read. Thank you so much @tdrosebud this box was perfectly me and I appreciate you putting it together for my.
The candle smells amazing and my daughter has already tried to steal my pumpkin because it‘s “sooooo cuuuute and fluuuuuffffy!!” I may have already had a couple chocolates and hidden them from said daughter haha.
Creme Brûlée is one of my favorite desserts and I love coffee. I can not wait to try it, the mug is 100% my whole house vibe. Thank you so much!!
@tdrosebud @Avanders @Chrissyreadit I‘m home and taking a moment to myself. I am so excited to open!
And so… my spooky season begins 🕸.
Thank you for@the cbbc package. We are so excited about the bug spray, esp after this storm and the candle smells amazing! #coffeebeanbookclub
My bff found an amazing little indi book store in Sanford, Fl. We both signed up for August book club with Make Your Move as our book. I am so glad I have her in my life and am excited to see more awesome events happen with the book store!
Another amazing #Coffeebeanbookclub package. I LOVE the candle and lipbalm smell. And laughed so hard when I pulled out the book. Thank you for a perfect package!!
I‘m behind in posting this! I am so excited for the breath and relax cut outs. They are perfect for my calm corner in my classroom. Girl, the bugs are biting so the candles are absolutely needed and so thoughtful, and everything else is perfection. The book was so much fun and was sent out today @Kshakal
All the amazing from this package for #coffeebeanbookclub couldn‘t fit in the picture. Take note of the beautiful card, her daughter did the artwork for it! You know all the smells I swoon over…Such a perfect package, thank you so much!
I love our #coffeebeanbookclub missing from this amazing package is a mason jar filled with one of my fav candies (I hid them before the kids saw them). The coffee smells amazing, I LOVE the coffee coaster, and can‘t wait to try the jelly. This months read looks like so much fun. Thank you so much!!!
Picture of monarchs we “raised” from eggs (found on our milkweed) feasting on hollyhock Penny planted last year.
Has anyone used PangoBooks to sell nice conditioned books or any other places I should check out? Downsizing my book collection! My bookstore on PangoBooks | handle: @nicole78053 | https://pangobooks.com/bookstore/nicole78053
@Eggs 1. My fav moment today is happening right now, Penelope and I are having a “sick day” we both finished a book. She wants to put a review on here for it.
2. Last week one of my best students went on the homeless list, he has not been to school since. I‘m heartbroken for him and his family. His birthday was Sat.
3. Goofy, kind, tired
Today was a GREAT day! #coffeebeanbookclub off to a great start! The coffee smells amazing and I can not wait to wake up and try it. My special treat is perfect too. I LOVE my stickers, and the lollies are BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you SO much!!!
Email me at nicoleorlando@hotmail.com
And then there is this one. The Lord laughed when this one dropped into my lap. He is BUSY,full of energy, loves pranks, and pulling one over on you. I call him my sour patch kid, he‘s a little sour but then so sweet. He still wants his momma to hold him and read to him before being tucked in and I will hold onto that for as long as I can!
Many of you have watched my babies grow up so I might as well update everyone. This was the last run of Haiden‘s junior year. Next year banners will fly every race with his face to honor him and his fellow senior runners. Scholarships are coming in and my mommas heart is so sad and so proud. Slow down time. It‘s going too fast.
Why not add another animal to the Manzi farm? Hours at the barn have given me lots of time to read and study. ❤️
I can not wait to try this coffee. Kittycorn lives in the couch to be loved by all and I absolutely be love my pumpkin more than anything, it goes perfect with my house. And the book is PERFECT for Halloween!! 😍 thank you so much!!! #Coffeebeanbookclub
Another amazing package for our #cbbc (it arrived on time, I however, did not post on time). The kiddos begged to have a piece of the candy as a treat in their lunch box. You know how to make us all happy! Thank you!! #coffeebeanbookclub #illovetheseguys #whohasthelingestrunninglitsygeoup?
I love our group so much #coffeebeanbookclub thank you so much for such an awesome package!! (Note the m&m candy is already open lol) I needed pens so bad and we all laughed when I opened the purple bag with its cute monster face. Love love love it!
Another AMAZING package for #coffeebeanbookclub. Thank you so much! The puzzle is beautiful and oh my GOSH the whole box smelled amazing because of the bath bombs (yes they are already opened because I had to get a closer smell lol)
I love our group!
@Eggs #wondrouswednesday
🥚yep! This year with a double dose of church (penny is singing in the children‘s choir) then family lunch and egg hunt.
🥚 not at all. Between two jobs, parenting, food poisoning, and school this month is kicking my hiney.
🥚 my family and animals!
I‘ve found myself reading in the chicken run lately. The girls are all healthy and full of character. THEY STARTED LAYING!
Amazing AMAZING package, thank you!! And ooooh you have no idea how bad I wanted The Ex Hex!!! I pushed my coffee for this month aside to have this coffee, cannot wait to try it in the morning. My 7 year old literally faught me over the pen (she won the battle but I will win the war!) and note there are eggs missing already (I hid them WAY up high, winning the war and all). Thank you!!!! #coffeebeanbookclub
My mom got dragged to the Daytona 500…. How cute is she!?
I am blessed enough to work in a field where I have freedom of time and have been able to be therefor almost every pick up, drop off, race, game, and dinner with my little ones. Never thought I could ask or want more. BUT another perfect “dream job” fell into my lap. I am now a reading coach at our elementary school. I have k-2 come through my class. I get hugs in the hallway from my 5 year old and I get to eat lunch with my 7 year old. ❤️❤️
Our #LittleFreeLibrary had such an awesome party after school today. I am so happy I get to be apart of these kids reading journey! Hopped them up on sugar, made the cutest bookmarks, and got to pick from tons of books! #startthemyoung #readersmakeleaders
My layout app isn‘t working for some reason but I wanted to let you know I got my #coffeebeanbookclub package!!! There is SO MUCH more fun that came along with this. I‘ve been needing a good red pen so I am so excited about this! Thank you so much!!
Excited about my pink and red February reads! ❤️💕
#coffeebeanbookclub members (and potential members) who‘s ready for the next round?!
I have become MIA from MOST of the internet lately. It was a hard but also amazing year for my family. Some of y‘all know May and June were scary for me. But everyone is thriving and my husband made not only one but two of my dreams come true. I have a beautiful little free library AND chickens. Here are 4 of the many. I‘m happier than ever, just want time to slow down with my babies (and to catch up on my reading!).