Finally getting back to lovely Lady Emily and her shenanigans, because the bottom of the library pile is in sight (for now!) and that feeling is a good one! (It won‘t stay that way, but oh well. 😂) #afatalwaltz #tashaalexander #ladyemily
Finally getting back to lovely Lady Emily and her shenanigans, because the bottom of the library pile is in sight (for now!) and that feeling is a good one! (It won‘t stay that way, but oh well. 😂) #afatalwaltz #tashaalexander #ladyemily
I‘m in Children‘s all day today, so I have a stack of books to keep me company! #thetaster #trulydevious #afatalwaltz #vsalexander #maureenjohnson #tashaalexander
Another hold finally came in, so it‘s time for another jaunt with Lady Emily, since I know it‘ll be a quick read! #apoisonedseason #tashaalexander #ladyemily
Pretty much exactly what one would expect: a quick read, and pretty predictable on a lot of levels, but charming. I‘ll be picking up the other books in the series. #andonlytodeceive #tashaalexander
This has been on my Goodreads TBR since 2016. I figured it was probably time to check it off! #andonlytodeceive #tashaalexander #ladyemily