Preach it sister! Feeling truly lucky to be born in the situation I have been. I could so easily be one of these women #thewaronwomen #journalism #feminism #war
Preach it sister! Feeling truly lucky to be born in the situation I have been. I could so easily be one of these women #thewaronwomen #journalism #feminism #war
Commuting for three weeks is made more bearable with a good book #thewaronwomen #journalism #womensrights
Im doing that terrible thing at the moment where im reading a million books at once and not finishing any of them. This arrived from a friend in the post this morning so i used it as an excuse to head to a coffee shop and read for a bit #waronwomen #thewaronwomen #journalism #war #feminism
I read two chapters this morning from this book, on sex trafficking and the UN peacekeepers. Tragic and heartbreaking. Lured from their homes in Eastern Europe young women between 14-40 end up working as sex slaves and in some parts of Europe are being forced to have sex with the very men they thought would protect them and help them rebuild their homes.
#feminism #thewaronwomen #equalitymatters
In December 2007 I visited Egypt. I knew nothing about it really apart from a romanticised fascination with Cleopatra & the pharoahs. I dressed appropriately, visited the tombs and wondered at the plethora of strong female rulers Egypt had in days distant past.
In 2011 Egypt overthrew its military dictatorship in favour of democracy. During a period of 3/4 years, there were numerous protests about the government. Continued in comments.