Had to get this on pre-order, just starting it this evening. It's going to be a fascinating read!
#whathappened #hilaryrodhamclinton #equalitymatters
Had to get this on pre-order, just starting it this evening. It's going to be a fascinating read!
#whathappened #hilaryrodhamclinton #equalitymatters
Exciting news this morning! We get the keys to our flat tomorrow & can move back home! We've been in a temporary flat for 3 months so am excited to move home & be reunited with my stuff (books!📚)
Also excited to read Women in Science as part of my #7in7readathon it's gorgeously illustrated.
#womensstudies #womeninscience #equalitymatters
Today has been an interesting day. The wind is so strong it's shaking our pod and we've watched numerous families pack up their tents and go home. I found myself in conversation with Rita Banerji on Twitter this morning having only recently come across her via The War on Women #smallworld. I've learned about women using social media to highlight their charity causes or advocacy roles and I've snorted to myself at the sexism we... (ctd in comments)
I think there's a bit of a theme with my latest #bookish purchases!
Both The Handmaid's Tale & The Power are on my #tbr so I'm hoping I might get to read one on holiday... which one should I read first #littens?!
#feminism #equalitymatters #genderequality #womensstudies
Couldn't resist... who has read it/is reading it?
#feministfightclub #feminism #womensstudies #equalitymatters #genderequality
Just read another chapter of The War on Women, on honour killings. Prevalent in Pakistan, the Kurdish region of Turkey and still taking place in Jordan, it also happens here in England. Made even more poignant with the recent news of the death of 19 years old Celine Dookhan in London in an alleged honour killing after she (an Indian Muslim) began a relationship with an Arab man.
#womensrights #equalitymatters
I read two chapters this morning from this book, on sex trafficking and the UN peacekeepers. Tragic and heartbreaking. Lured from their homes in Eastern Europe young women between 14-40 end up working as sex slaves and in some parts of Europe are being forced to have sex with the very men they thought would protect them and help them rebuild their homes.
#feminism #thewaronwomen #equalitymatters
In December 2007 I visited Egypt. I knew nothing about it really apart from a romanticised fascination with Cleopatra & the pharoahs. I dressed appropriately, visited the tombs and wondered at the plethora of strong female rulers Egypt had in days distant past.
In 2011 Egypt overthrew its military dictatorship in favour of democracy. During a period of 3/4 years, there were numerous protests about the government. Continued in comments.