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Foster | Claire Keegan
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My #top130f23 is no particular order, like my #top10of23 posted previously. Now my #top23of23 is complete. Dedicated to Cindy.
Any Litttens, please post your pwn picks!!!

AmyG I have a few of those on mine…👊 6mo
TheBookHippie I‘ve recommend We Are Okay so many times. I read it when it came out. Students love it. 6mo
BarbaraBB Foster is on many of our lists! 6mo
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The Museum of Failures | Thrity Umrigar
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According to the hen-scratch on the backsides of my #indexcard collection, these are my #Top230f23. I disqualified from consideration rereads, one 5* novella, and nonfiction. My favorite is tagged, and the first 10 (by row and in no particular) are my #Top10of23.

@Cinfhen my heart aches from this war and for your pain. @BarbaraBB you are the best for continuing this tradition in Cindy‘s honor.

Ruthiella Beautiful! 😍 And I‘m pleased to see a few titles that I‘ve also read and enjoyed. 6mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
marleed @Ruthiella @dabbe Thanks, one of my favorite things is reading everyone‘s lists. In fact, I‘m going to give a couple days next week where all my reading is dedicated to reading/reviewing/researching lists created by others. I‘m gonna need a bigger TBR! (edited) 6mo
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BarbaraBB Thank you for sharing your favorites. And what a wonderful way to do so! Love it 🩷 6mo
BookmarkTavern Lovely, as always! 💕 6mo
marleed @BarbaraBB @BookmarkTavern Thank you! It‘s so fun to look this year‘s stack of cards and participate in end of year lists. It‘s interesting to me because all year I simply look at the current month of cards! 6mo
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Here is my #Top10of23. I plan to get to #Top23of23 this week in honor of Cindy, who is in our hearts, minds, & prayers daily. Thanks for planning this @BarbaraBB

TheBookHippie Eleanor and Friday night are 11 & 12 ♥️ for me. (edited) 6mo
Hooked_on_books Black Butterflies is definitely one of my top reads as well. 6mo
BarbaraBB I still need to read Black Butterflies! Thanks for joining in and sharing those books! 6mo
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