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The Power of Adrienne Rich
The Power of Adrienne Rich: A Biography | Hilary Holladay
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The first comprehensive biography of Adrienne Rich, feminist and queer icon and internationally revered National Book Award winning poet. Adrienne Rich was the female face of American poetry for decades. Her forceful, uncompromising writing has more than stood the test of time, and the life of the woman behind the words is equally impressive. Motivated by personal revelations, Rich transformed herself from a traditional, Radcliffe-educated lyric poet and married mother of three sons into a path-breaking lesbian-feminist author of prose as well as poetry. In doing so, she emerged as both architect and exemplar of the modern feminist movement, breaking ranks to denounce the male-dominated literary establishment and paving the way for the many queer women of letters to take their places in the cultural mainstream. Drawing on a wealth of unpublished materials, including Rich's correspondence and in-depth interviews with numerous people who knew her, Hilary Holladay digs deep into never-before-accessed sources to portray Rich in full dimension and vivid, human detail.
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April:The Power of Adrienne Rich #sundaybuddyread #nonfiction #biography #12booksof2023

Andrew65 Third recommendation for this book today. 6mo
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Totally stole this graphic from @IndoorDame
Our April #SUNDAYBUDDYREAD introduced me to massive poetry and essay books not only by Adrienne but by so many others … #12Booksof2023

Andrew65 I don‘t even know who she is! 6mo
TheBookHippie @Andrew65 We all learned so much!!! Such an amazing activist poet writer ! 6mo
Andrew65 @TheBookHippie Will need to explore. 6mo
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#12Booksof2023 My April choice was our #sundaybuddyread book that month. Not only did things biography introduce me to the life and work of a feminist poet (two of my favorite subjects) I‘d know nothing about previously, it tangentially introduced me to all her friends and literary influences, and my TBR exploded while reading this in the best way. @Andrew65

Andrew65 Not heard of this person prior to these posts. 6mo
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Here is my #Top10of23. I plan to get to #Top23of23 this week in honor of Cindy, who is in our hearts, minds, & prayers daily. Thanks for planning this @BarbaraBB

TheBookHippie Eleanor and Friday night are 11 & 12 ♥️ for me. (edited) 7mo
Hooked_on_books Black Butterflies is definitely one of my top reads as well. 7mo
BarbaraBB I still need to read Black Butterflies! Thanks for joining in and sharing those books! 7mo
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Ha…as seen in Goodwill in Denver.


TheBookHippie ♥️🙃 9mo
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I‘m so glad we read this for #SundayBuddyRead!!! Rich hadn‘t been on my radar at all, the force of her life and her personality completely consumed me all of last month. She was such a passionate person and has skyrocketed up the list of women I admire. I loved being thrust into her world and reminded of/introduced to so many of her comrades that I‘m now dying to read as well. I shared everyone‘s dislike of the author! But 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

IndoorDame I actually found her biases glaring enough that it was usually easy to separate Adrianne‘s story from places Holladay inserted her own (hopefully unconscious) vitriol. Interestingly, this is the second book I‘ve read this year where I had some issue with the writing but felt the story was so important that it might make my top reads of 23 anyway. 1y
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie Thank you for choosing this, and for leading us with all your stellar research!!! ♥️♥️♥️ 1y
TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1y
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AmyG Agreed. The story of her life made me overlook some of those author biases. 1y
SamAnne @Indoordame absolutely agree with your assessment. I had issues with the author but this bio will be one of my top reads of the year. And there are advantages to an author wearing their biases on their sleeve. I had read Rich and some of her contemporaries but did not know the arc of her life--how conservative she started out. Great read! 1y
IndoorDame @SamAnne @AmyG reading it with you guys made it way more meaningful. Thank you 🙏❤️ 1y
SamAnne @indoordame @amyg @bookhippie this has been one of the best buddy reads I‘ve participated in on Litsy. Gratitude for all of you! 1y
AmyG Thank you! And back at you. I love this group. 🥰 @IndoorDame @SamAnne (edited) 1y
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I am giving this book a very soft pick. The subject, Poet Adrienne Rich, is fascinating & someone I knew little about before going in. Learning about her, her power & impact & the great discussions through #SundayBuddyRead are what make it a pick. I was not impressed with the author, feeling she didn‘t live up to the potential she had to tell AR‘s story. I did love the historical glimpses & how AR both influenced & was influenced by the changing⬇️

DebinHawaii …world but there was not enough focus on what this amazing woman accomplished with her RA & severe chronic pain. Still, it had me looking to learn more about AR, her circle & women‘s rights history & its players, so well worth the read. As always, big thanks to @TheBookHippie for her impeccable research & hosting that make these books come alive! ❤️ 1y
TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1y
SamAnne Completely agree with your review! 1y
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Before #sundaybuddyread and @TheBookHippie I had never heard of Adrienne Rich. She led an impactful and fascinating life. My struggles with this read had everything to do with how it was written and some of the choices made by the author of what to include (which included some opinions that felt unnecessary). I think this could have benefit from a solid edit. I hate that it takes away from the story of her life which I did enjoy.

TheBookHippie I agree the author 😵‍💫. Adrienne was brilliant! 1y
Sargar114 She said as quite divisive, I bet it would be difficult to find someone who could write a biography on her that wasn‘t on one end of the spectrum or the other. But goodreads seems to love this book so I guess unpopular opinion. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1y
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I very rarely agree with goodreads 🤣. The book is lauded in newspaper articles as well. 1y
AmyG I loved reading about her as a person more than her poetry. I found her life fascinating. 1y
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Up next! See you next week as we revisit a favorite author of ours! MAY!!!!


Sargar114 Yay! Just got it from the library! 1y
AmyG Yay!!! Ilook forward to this. All marked up and ready to read. 1y
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kspenmoll I have the book now too- quite a change from our intense immersion with Rich. I am ready for something lighter! 1y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll A little reprieve 🙃 1y
Read4life Looking forward to it! 1y
DebinHawaii Looking forward to escaping with this one. I hope we enjoy it as much as The Downstairs Girl & Luck of the Titanic! 1y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I‘m excited! 1y
DanaManiac I picked up my copy from the library this weekend and can‘t wait! 1y
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Did I miss anything that struck you?
There was soooooo much!
I do so appreciate you all indulging me in my geeking nerding out 😘🥰😍

I love our Sundays

I got and learned so much from this. I hope you did too.

Sargar114 Thank you for the book and opening my world up to her. The book itself was a struggle for me, but her life is fascinating and I‘m a bit disappointed that I was not aware of Adrienne Rich before this. 1y
AmyG I really enjoyed this book. It was a nice change to read non-fiction and to learn something new. Great choice! (edited) 1y
IndoorDame She was new to me as well and I loved learning about her! This book has been all consuming for me in the best way! 1y
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vlwelser I loved that we read this together. I never would have prioritized it without the group. 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I do so agree!!!! I was alllll in. 1y
kspenmoll What would we do without your geeking out???? I had known of her & read Diving into the Wreck but had not know how rich her life was or anything biographical about her. 1y
Karisa 💗💗💗 1y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll I read her in my 20s and off and on I‘d catch a poem but this I had no clue. I‘m so glad we did this! 1y
DebinHawaii While the writing of the book was not my favorite, the subject was amazing so a great pick! As others have said it introduced AR & her impact to me & I love that. Thank you for the always stellar hosting. You can geek out any time with us! 😉 Love #SundayBuddyRead ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
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Were you surprised how active she was and informed until the end?

🤢So Curruth so cruel in the end because of intimidation and what I call “small p____ syndrome”
Oy I‘m so sick of insecure men ..

Sargar114 I was pretty impressed about how active she was, especially considering her RA. It made me sad Carruth spoke about her in that way. She was by no means perfect (who is) but considering the relationship they had, just a heartbreaking end to it. 1y
mcctrish I was so saddened by his behaviour 1y
AmyG The sad, insecure man. Ugh. I am so sick of them. Anyway…the strength of Adrienne is something to be admired. She always pursued the intellectual life up to the end. Mad respect. 1y
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IndoorDame I was so angry with him! And yes, definitely sick of men like this! Her continual travel and continual learning definitely impressed me!!! 1y
vlwelser So sick of insecure men. 1y
kspenmoll Truly sad he was so intimidated by her in the end there-so vicious. She reached so many people all over the world with her poetry readings- 1y
Karisa Such a betrayal of an old friend who had been there for so much—just heartbreaking 😢 1y
DebinHawaii AR‘s drive & strength was awe-inspiring, especially in her later years! Carruth‘s betrayal was sad, especially given their years of friendship & all she had done for him. It made me angry he would sell her out like that. 🤬 1y
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IndoorDame ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 1y
kspenmoll Fabulous! Thank you for the hours of work you put into our discussions. Your links are always informative & enlightening & fun. I have learned so much with this group. 💜💛💚💙🤎 1y
Karisa 💗👏👏👏 1y
DebinHawaii @kspenmoll What she said! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎 1y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll AWE. Thank you so much. I am such a believer in knowledge is power. I so love our Sundays!! @DebinHawaii 1y
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Do you think poetry matters?
Has your opinion changed by reading this book on the value of poetry?
Is it interesting that poets and artists are first among people silenced by fascism ?

Sargar114 Poetry definitely matters. This book opened my eyes up to the impact poetry has had on our history. While it may not be in my forefront of consumed art, I am more open to it and now much more aware. 1y
mcctrish How interesting that fascism goes after poetry first! Must be that the people reading poetry are the ones to object the most to it 🤔 I admit I don‘t usually reach for poetry but I do have several books that I reach for when I want to sit and chill. I read one poem and just drink my tea or whatever. My AR book is now my book of choice. I LOVE her Ever, Again 1y
AmyG Poetry is art. There are many forms. Paintings with words open to interpretation. Isn‘t all art, in a sense, historical? I‘ve said before, poetry is not my jam, but I can appreciate it. I enjoyed reading this book and being a bit out of my comfort zone. 1y
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IndoorDame Poetry definitely matters, but the way our society is set up it‘s sometimes difficult to frame why, so I loved seeing Adrianne quoted with her answer to why it matters. 1y
vlwelser Poetry definitely matters. Not going to bother preaching to the choir here. But.... It's a great way to hear someone's voice. And poetry is achievable without a ton of resources (money, time, materials). 1y
kspenmoll Poetry does does matter. There seems to be a freedom in its art form, a way of breaking through boundaries. 1y
Karisa William Carlos Williams: "It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there." 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 1y
DebinHawaii Certainly poetry matters. Although I am not well read in the genre, I appreciate it. I agree with @Sargar114 that this book was an eye opener for me with the intersection between poetry & history. 1y
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Can someone else shape the narrative of your life? Can you do it yourself ?
Would Adrienne like this book?

Sargar114 What a great question, would any of us like someone else telling out life story. Adrienne specifically I‘m not sure…while a bit narcissistic she seemed quite private so I imagine that amount of exposure would make her quite uncomfortable. I also wonder because there was quite a bit of the author‘s opinion here too which was quite the detractor (for me at least) 1y
AmyG Anyone (even oneself) can shape the narrative of a life. Would it be the correct narrative? As for Adrienne…HA…I bet she would have MUCH to say about her bio. 1y
IndoorDame @AmyG Agreed. She‘d definitely have a lot to say about this!!! 1y
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vlwelser I think she'd probably hate it tbh. 1y
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 IWOULDDIE 😵‍💫🤣 but I wouldn‘t know so 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 I‘m not sure she‘d be a fan of this author .. 1y
TheBookHippie @AmyG I think she‘d have PLENTY to say here. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I agree. Especially since she made it a priority to protect Michelle and her privacy. 1y
kspenmoll I don‘t think she like it at all. Too many suppositions. 1y
Karisa @TheBookHippie 💯% I would love to hear what AR would say about the book… 👀 1y
DebinHawaii I feel like she would be angry with the author‘s take on her life. 1y
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Her RA
I‘m not sure the author realizes that she could not do anything else but teach and have a life with Michelle. It wasn‘t a choice. Those two things alone are a LOT.
I also think her not wanting to do small talk into just talk deeply is another sign of introvert… thoughts?

Sargar114 While it was a career of necessity, she clearly also enjoyed it. It was a way for her to stay current and also reach the minds of people. I can relate to AR in the dislike of small talk, so would agree it‘s a sign of being an introvert. I‘d much prefer silence or deep conversations about interesting topics vs that weather/traffic huh? 1y
mcctrish I really am non-plussed with how the author handled (didn‘t) AR‘s chronic pain. Just how in her head the pain could get and she still taught, wrote, read, loved, parented, lived. This book could have been something spectacular 1y
AmyG I don‘t think the author expressed enough how difficult it must have been for Adrienne to go on with her work. What an immensely strong woman. And all the travelling she did…even with that metal brace thing on her head. I have great respect for her fortitude. As for small talk…ha. What a waste of time. Lord, do I loathe weather chat. 🤣 Adrienne didn‘t always seem like the most patient person, so I get it. 1y
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IndoorDame I don‘t think the author does realize. Like AT ALL. Luckily it seems like the people in her life were more aware of her struggles. 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish I so agree!!! 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame it angers me so! 1y
mcctrish @IndoorDame @AmyG thankfully the author wasn‘t her people 🤣🤣 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish she would not have allowed her to be! 🤣 1y
Sargar114 @AmyG I was so impressed by how much she travelled let alone with how much pain she was likely in. 1y
vlwelser This seems like another thing the author just didn't understand. I think we lose a lot of context because of that. As far as biographies go, this just didn't seem that great to me. 1y
kspenmoll Small talk is painful for introverts- my husband says he married me because I could talk to anyone! Living with chronic pain is beyond challenging . It is something those you never experience can truly understand. Her poetry was both a response to this, & possibly gave her a psychological release, if only momentarily, from her physical life of constant pain. 1y
Karisa @Sargar114 Right?! Traveling across the country even while in a halo brace! The woman had such strength and determination! 1y
DebinHawaii Amazing strength & bravery that the author just didn‘t seem to understand. As an introvert, I can do small talk when I have to, but it‘s not something I enjoy. I would say silence or deeper subjects with people I know & value. 😉 1y
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Marxism https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/definition/marxism


Adrienne‘s changing of political thoughts. I feel this is or should be everyone open to new ideas and know better do better way of living. Interesting people got so angry?
Both/And rather than Either/Or seems to be the crux and also where we are now..

TheBookHippie I also find it interesting that she called out, democratic and republican presidents as they well-deserved..
as a person of neither party, I found this very soothing.🙃
Sargar114 I agree, this was my favorite aspect of AR. Especially considering early on she seemed to surround herself with people that seemingly idolized her, as she grew older she was incredibly open to new ideas and even (bravely in my opinion) willing to express her change of opinion. That was incredible. 1y
mcctrish @Sargar114 I totally agree with you! 1y
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AmyG Yes @Sargar114 Yes, I too thought that was incredible about her. Most people as they grow older seem less likely to be open to anything. They double down on their beliefs. Adrienne was fearless. 1y
IndoorDame Completely agree with everyone! It takes a rare kind of strength to be able to change oneself so continually, and I think you really hear that in her writing! 1y
vlwelser She spends her life thinking. This seems so normal in that context. 1y
kspenmoll I agree with all of you. Her ability to be open to change all her life was beyond wonderful! 1y
Karisa Yes, I agree with all above. Adrienne‘s ability to think for herself and change views over time was refreshing. Her confidence in her own thinking was inspiring. @Sargar114 that is so true that usually as humans we hunker down in our views but AR instead kept looking around, opening up. It‘s really cool 1y
DebinHawaii Given the family she grew up in (or maybe because of it?) her openness & capacity for exploration & change in her adult life is admirable. 1y
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America isn‘t the greatest country
Personally I‘ve never subscribed to this but, interesting to see it here?


Sargar114 If you‘re a minority in any way, you definitely already know this. 1y
AmyG Well, we have always been told we are the greatest country. I do ‘t have to tell you how gullible Americans are. (Plus ignorant) 1y
IndoorDame I feel the truth of this every day, but it‘s still stark seeing it in a graphic format! 1y
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vlwelser This always felt like a lie to me. Even as a young child. 1y
kspenmoll @AmyG Totally with you. 1y
Karisa @AmyG Yes, we are force fed that message from the time we are born. Do other countries also indoctrinate their young on patriotism like this? 1y
DebinHawaii @IndoorDame Yes—even knowing the truth of it, seeing it in graphic form & the back up slides on peaceful societies, maternal mortality rates, healthcare costs, etc., is so bleak. 1y
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Her drinking
Michelle‘s drinking
Just woe
Aside from the drinking
(I realize there really isn‘t)
They lasted almost four decades.
Interesting they‘re picked apart somewhat in the book?
Is it the way it‘s written?
Is it up to us to speculate?
Is it interesting the neighbors talked sweeter about them than the author?

Sargar114 I thought it was a strange choice. Maybe she was trying to counter her “fangirldom” but it seemed there were some unnecessary details in this telling that didn‘t really add to the story. I get not everything needs to be sugarcoated, but also knowing everything doesn‘t always help the story. 1y
AmyG No one truly knows what happened in their relationship. I agree that no everything helps the story. Alot of drinking. Drinkers tend to like company. I wonder how much of that fit into their relationship. But…whatever. They both had alot of pain to deal with. (edited) 1y
mcctrish That one section about Michelle and drinking just seemed random and dropped in. It only made sense to me when her death was listed but I didn‘t need it spelled out because it was obvious. 1y
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IndoorDame I thought it was telling that the point at which the author started picking at them was after she started dating women, after her RA started to limit her more, and after her 2 best known books were published 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame ME TOO!!! Homophobic actually. 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish exactly. A little decorum was necessary here. 1y
TheBookHippie @AmyG EXACTLY! 1y
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie I also got a homophobic vibe from the author, but I can be sensitive about that, and it‘s hard to tell tone in writing, so I appreciate knowing that I‘m not alone in my assessment 1y
TheBookHippie @Sargar114 at times it felt like an attack and I‘m not sure she was seeing them as a couple the same as man/woman couple, but less than which is so untrue. Decades together and until the end they cared for one another… that is amazing. 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame it felt insidious or the author is closeted ? Those were my thoughts. 1y
Sargar114 @TheBookHippie it was such a strange section. It reminded me when she went on the diatribe about Conrad‘s activism. While important to AR‘s life…probably didn‘t need it in the telling of her story. 1y
AmyG @IndoorDame Yes.I got a weird vibe too. My thought was that while the author admired Rich‘s work, perhaps she didn‘t admire her choices in life. 1y
vlwelser I think it says more about the author than the subject. She felt pretty biased to me. Especially with the drinking since she keeps bringing it up. I hated how she talked about Michelle. She adds things about her that feel unnecessary in a book about the other author in the relationship. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser EXACTLY. The author 😵‍💫. 1y
kspenmoll Author bias? I would like to hear those who knew them best respond to the drinking. It felt like self medication to me- Adrienne for her incredible physical pain, Michelle her inner pain. It just evokes sympathy in me. I have a recovering alcoholic brother & he definitely self medicated. I know that is not the same for everyone who struggles with drink. I also know that drinkers can wreck havoc in the lives of those close to them. 1y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll Exactly this. 1y
Karisa @IndoorDame 🤔 Good catch! I didn‘t notice that while reading but now that you mention it. Totally! 1y
Karisa @TheBookHippie It felt like an attack on character at times to me too. I kept questioning if it was necessary to her life story and goodness what could be said about me? Even off days/moments seemed to be up for putting it in the book. Maybe trying to present them as real and therefore flawed people? But came off as mean at times… (edited) 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa I agree it was mean. 1y
DebinHawaii Yes to all of this. 💯 At times, I was questioning if the author even liked AR but she sure didn‘t seem to approve of Michelle & her relationship with her. 1y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii Right? So strange. It is very unfair to them as a long time couple. She is tainting their love story after the fact with no input from either of them. Wholly unfair. 1y
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Coming to terms with Judaism
Living her Talmud… I must say I had tears… pictured is my Talmud and what my grandma taught me.

How go you like how her faith journey ended up?

Sargar114 It was interesting as it all seemed to come back to her relationship with her father. 1y
AmyG I think many come back to their religion, especially if they were not exposed to it or it was ignored in their upbringing. It‘s was part of her ignored identity. I will say…I was very impressed with the work that she took to “know” herself….if that makes sense. The introspection, self-awareness….the yearning to “know thyself”. Couldn‘t have been easy to face all that. Her childhood was basically abusive. Her husband killed himself. Painful stuff! (edited) 1y
IndoorDame I loved that her constant self examination, reinvention, was likened to Talmud study. It‘s such a perfect metaphor for both those things. 1y
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mcctrish I was really happy to read she did explore embrace her faith. I don‘t think a person needs organized religion ( I‘ve walked away from church ) but hers was denied to her and I think its an important step for her to understand herself and her world. 1y
vlwelser I like that she acknowledged this and used it to grow as a person and poet. 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame So so good. I was verklempt 🥹 1y
kspenmoll I was impressed that she was such a self reflective person throughout her life. It did not surprise me that she eventually explored her jewish heritage- earlier it was too intertwined with her father. 1y
Karisa Love the quote! Still exploring my feelings on leaving a religion I was brought up in (ultra conservative Christian). My children were definitely kept from it. I do appreciate how I get the biblical allusions in books/movies but not sure it‘d be worth the rest that comes with it. Judaism feels different though 🤔 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa Judaism is different. It‘s constant questioning. As opposed to set in stone (pun intended) “rules” made up and said from “God”. 1y
DebinHawaii Beautiful quote. 💜 I admire how was willing to explore and grow throughout her life. 1y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii my life mantra! 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa my life mantra. It‘s so much easier to know you don‘t have to finish it‘s also true that justice needs to be fought for every day to maintain. 1y
Karisa @TheBookHippie We are sure living that now. 💗 ✊ 1y
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AmyG Especially with women losing rights every day. The rate things are going women could lose the right to birth control, the vote etc. 1y
mcctrish It breaks my heart that NOW denounced lesbians because they felt their platform was so fragile they couldn‘t be fully inclusive to all women. Fun fact I‘m not a fan of the colour purple 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I‘d LOVE a lavender menace tee shirt!!! I also love your teaching links ( although the font used on that last one was nuts 🤣🤣) some NF I read a while back touched on the separate lesbian fight within feminism but not enough 1y
IndoorDame The moment we‘re in right now seems so bleak, it‘s heartening to look back at this history and remember that with enough strength of will people can effect change. 1y
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TheBookHippie @mcctrish 🙃🙃🙃🙃 1y
kspenmoll I agree with everyone- it‘s so important to know women‘s history so we can stay inspired & not give up home. Today I watched a panel on TV discussing the draconian laws passed in two states recently assuring that women‘s bodies were not their own- that the state is legislating our health care & our right to choose, whatever that choice might be. 1y
Karisa I‘d never heard of this movement before. So interesting! @mcctrish Lots of lavender menace gear here 😊: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/?query=Lavender%20menace&ref=sitesearch 1y
DebinHawaii I agree with everything said here. These are frightening times for women & it‘s important to know this history & to fight to not keep backsliding. 1y
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Sargar114 To be honest I‘m not terribly familiar with these people. It was a fascinating read learning about all that. 1y
AmyG Ha…I just said that I enjoyed the historical aspects of this book in the previous post. 1y
mcctrish Fannie Lou Hammer blows my mind! I really knew nothing about almost everyone in this book, give or take. I am grateful for the time and effort you put into Sundays. I would never have persevered on my own and I‘d have missed a lot 1y
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IndoorDame Loving this aspect! And my TBR is exploding!!! 1y
vlwelser I love that she included all these important characters into the narrative since it provides context both to what she was experiencing and to the time period. 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame my TBR 😅😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 1y
kspenmoll Of course as a history major I loved it- it seemed essential to understanding Rich. Like everyone else I have people & places I want to explore! 1y
Karisa I love reading how Adrienne was so connected to the times and places. The book kept repeating what a big name AR was at the time but this comparing that to how few seem to know about her now. It had me thinking of what keeps a person‘s legacy alive. Which important life stories are lost to obscurity? 1y
DebinHawaii The history is the best part for me, some names I had heard of but many are new to me & their stories are fascinating. 1y
DebinHawaii @Karisa This is such a great point! How many important life stories are swept away or glossed over or just forgotten? 1y
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“Violence against women has been since day one in all aspects of women‘s lives.”

Why do you think men fear women so much?
Why are they so intimidated ?
(Intimidated is an adjective. If you describe someone or something as intimidating, you mean that they are frightening and make people lose confidence.)

We are currently experiencing this soo much it boggles the mind..

Adrienne seemed to grasp this more and more..

Sargar114 It‘s pretty amazing how AR was so aware of the world and even prophetic in ways. Then again, that‘s part of good artists talent. Their ability to observe the world and communicate that in affective, beautiful, and powerful ways 1y
Sargar114 People are always scared of something that challenges their power and the fact women were ready to fight against the patriarchy was intimidating. 1y
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mcctrish I don‘t have any idea why men hate women and more importantly I don‘t know how women can vote for those men. AR really did have a phenomenal gift for processing everything she saw/read/experienced and turn it into art 1y
AmyG Power. Control. And Yes! @Sargar114 I thought the same thing. Part of what I enjoyed about the book was the historical aspect. 1y
IndoorDame @Sargar114 i completely agree about her prescience, and its tie to art 1y
vlwelser I also believe it's part of their fear of losing power. She really was rather insightful about this. 1y
kspenmoll Yes, power, control- starting with the realization in centuries past that only women can give birth & perpetuate the species. 1y
Karisa I teach ancient world history and this need to control women seems to transcend time and place. Even the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut (1400s BCE) almost had her legacy removed from the historical record by destroying the art depicting her https://youtu.be/8bYRy_wZEJI 1y
Karisa @kspenmoll Amazing how the power to bring forth new life also puts us so at risk 1y
DebinHawaii @kspenmoll Exactly this! 🤬 1y
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This biography of the genius poet Adrienne Rich has me revisiting writers & poets introduced to me ages ago,as well as having me meet & learn about new ones.There is almost too much to think about as I absorb this book & its detailed contents. The biography not only resonated with me, but will live with me for some time to come. My whole being immersed itself with every reading.#sundaybuddyread Discussion tomorrow!

IndoorDame I went on a major used book buying binge that hasn‘t even made a dent in the all the titles I want after reading this!!! 1y
kspenmoll @IndoorDame 😂😂😂 I so get it! 1y
SamAnne Agreed! Picked up Susan Griffin and pulled my Audre Lourde off the shelf. 1y
TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️SAME♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1y
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Her Truth. #sundaybuddyread

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@vlwelser 🎉🥳🎊

You‘re the winner.

There‘s one more chance to win next week!


vlwelser 🎉🎊 Thank you! I'm excited to dive into this. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser It says MONDAY delivery VIA Amazon. I hope you enjoy it! 1y
vlwelser I am sure that I will and thank you again! 🤗😘 1y
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What impressed me so much about Rich is her constant self reflection & commitment to change throughout her life, even when it‘s a long struggle to acceptance. #sundaybuddyread
What would she say now that we seem as a country to be stuck in an either/or?

IndoorDame There were so many moments when she expressed things that were eerily prescient that I also found myself wondering what she would say now. 1y
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TheBookHippie 🤐🤫 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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Featured on the CNN website today, relevant to our discussion. The documentary is excellent. Women supporting women. I live 35 miles from Idaho. Far North Idaho's only hospital has quit providing labor and delivery services because the doctors and nurses are afraid of facing jail time for providing care. Women will have to drive minimum an hour to reach a hospital https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/23/health/abortion-lessons-jane-wellness/index.html

Karisa 😢 I keep picturing the news “flashbacks” from Hulu‘s The Handmaiden‘s Tale adaptation—chillingly accurate to these types of headlines happening now. 1y
IndoorDame Omg all l&d services! That‘s so dangerous! I can‘t believe the things this political climate is leading to! 1y
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SamAnne @Karisa me too. 1y
SamAnne @IndoorDame women will die. And it‘s not an interstate. It‘s a narrow road is most places, windy and in an area that gets a lot of snow. And you have to avoid moose. Doctors are leaving Idaho everywhere. Sandpoint Idaho, south of Bonner‘s Ferry, was recently featured on This American Life. 1y
AmyG Doctors are leaving rural areas in droves….in general. It‘s not “lucrative” and hospitals can‘t afford them. People will suffer. It‘s frightening. 1y
SamAnne @amyG it is. And Sand Point ID is an attractive place to live if one likes outdoor activities, skiing a great place to live in many respects. This American Life featured a husband/wife duo, one an ER doc and one a nurse practitioner. Love living where they do but are done. To scary for both of them. 1y
AmyG @SamAnne I, too, live in a ski resort, outdoorsy area. Another problem we have in getting health care workers is housing. There is not enough affordable housing for people. If you don‘t pay enough….they can‘t afford to live here. 1y
CarolynM Babies will die too. Doesn‘t that make the “pro life” legislators just as culpable as those they condemn? 1y
TheBookHippie Jane!!! 1y
TheBookHippie And yes women will die by the millions all over until roe is restored. 1y
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36 years
How lovely!

As a teacher- thoughts ?

Now we get to finish !!!!

I thank you for joining in this month. ♥️

Karisa Michelle Cliff was a bright spot in Rich‘s life for sure. So glad she found her soulmate. I also loved hearing about how Adrienne Rich grew as a teacher. Her compassion was so genuine. 1y
vlwelser I think you post more on this book than any I have seen before. Do you keep statistics? You're definitely not struggling with finding discussion topics here. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I only post a third of what I have written 👀♥️🙃 probably this wins for posts … I generally follow the third rule -post a third of my notes 😘. 1y
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TheBookHippie @Karisa I love that part as well. I have a soft spot for teachers. They are the real heros. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser also let‘s be honest this is my total genre 🤣🤣🤣 1y
vlwelser It's good. There is so much going on in this book. It's good also that we're doing something slightly unusual. Straight up biography doesn't seem to get a lot of play. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I‘m thinking if it did -biography reading- the world would be a slight bit better -that whole history repeating itself thing …plus to see like minded in a book of a real person.. it‘s the very best. 1y
vlwelser You did pick someone pretty epic as your biography subject. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 🏆 so many ideas for next year 👀 1y
kspenmoll Her meeting Michelle & experiencing a new & different kind of love as well as a partner in writing, was life changing for Adrienne. Adrienne did enjoy her tole as a teacher, & grew in that role. 1y
DebinHawaii @vlwelser @TheBookHippie I was thinking that too! Thank you for all of the posts & giving us this deeper dive into a genre that I am limited in. I love it when I can learn & grow! 😉 1y
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii ♥️♥️♥️ 1y
Sargar114 @TheBookHippie thank you for all the work you‘ve put into this (and every Sunday really) and introducing me to Adrienne Rich. 💜 1y
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Interesting part Margaret Atwood took in her life ?

AmyG Yes! I loved seeing Atwood here. 1y
TheBookHippie @AmyG me too. 1y
IndoorDame Just, wow! 1y
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SamAnne Yes! 1y
Karisa I was grinning at this part. I love Margaret Atwood‘s work too! 1y
vlwelser I love Margaret Atwood. 1y
mcctrish This made me happy! MA can do no wrong in my books ( and I can think of a few people currently in charge who should ask her opinion on things) 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish seriously !!! 1y
kspenmoll This was lovely! 1y
DebinHawaii Yes! I was thrilled to see Atwood here! So many interesting intersections. 1y
Sargar114 Such an interesting intersection. 1y
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You don‘t come to all this power without pain your blessing may very well be of your curse. Think Adrienne was misunderstood ? Do you think when people protect self it comes off wrong ?
What do you make of her?


AmyG I think she was a brilliant poet who had to overcome her childhood, the times she lived in, her illness…all while pursuing her art and being very successful. Not easy to do yet she did it. I think there are always those who critisize others for protecting themselves….especially today where we live in a grievance society. (edited) 1y
TheBookHippie @AmyG can you imagine the pain 😵‍💫😵‍💫and seriously. Take care of self!! (edited) 1y
IndoorDame I don‘t know how many people truly knew her. Or whether we can from her work. But I know she was a powerhouse! And that the impact she had will be felt for generations whether or not her name is well known. 1y
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DebinHawaii Her talent is immense & I am impressed with all she overcame & accomplished. It certainly required a large ego and incredible drive. I am not sure I “like” her as a person based on this book, but that‘s okay—it doesn‘t diminish her art. As @IndoorDame said, the number of people who truly knew her is probably very small. 1y
Sargar114 Completely agree with what @DebinHawaii said. Brilliant and talented who overcame so much adversity but does not seem terribly likeable” 1y
Sargar114 And while I‘ve been getting frustrated between the author going back and forth between biography and poetry analysis; I did appreciate the recognition of how the poem in relation to wounds and power applied to Adrienne. 1y
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The Regan years
Staying vigilant to keep ground.OY VEY.
I can‘t do it toooo much PTSD
Talk amongst yourselves…

What did you think of Cynthia- the sister ?

AmyG I feel like Cynthia got the raw end of the deal in her family. I felt bad for her…her parents, Adrienne being the “golden” child. 1y
IndoorDame @AmyG definitely! Every time her accomplishments are listed or her life is summarized I‘m reminded just how impressive this woman is in her own right! But she‘s completely stuck in her sisters shadow… 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame @AmyG I don‘t think they were truly raised together as sisters. So that they didn‘t continue on doesn‘t surprise me. I don‘t think they bonded as children but rather shared the same hell. Once free from it it‘s probably easier to just cut all ties. Or they just couldn‘t click. We don‘t have both sides so I‘m sure there is more on the sisters. It‘s sad. I blame the parents totally. 1y
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AmyG @TheBookHippie Agreed. We don‘t have Cynthia‘s side of the story. I would guess living in hell either brings uou together….or doesn‘t. Family relations is a tricky business. 🤣 1y
TheBookHippie @AmyG I agree 😵‍💫 1y
vlwelser Yuck. Reagan. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 1y
vlwelser I think you could have found a derpyer cartoon if you looked harder. How is that not a word? Fail. 1y
kspenmoll Cynthia got nothing from her parents- I am surprise she wanted to try & bond with Adrienne- but understand why she separated from her when she visited & Adrienne asked her nothing of about herself.I too blame their parents. (edited) 1y
DebinHawaii Deep sympathies for Cynthia & I agree we don‘t have her side if things. The parents are to blame for sure! 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser ha I‘m sure -all I think of is allllll the dead from AIDS and the roll back of truth in news laws and trickle down economics and I‘m just 🤢🤢🤢 1y
vlwelser We are not going to think about that man today. He does not deserve our thoughts or our time. 1y
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Finally we talk about RA phew..
so it appears it was well known by her friends and community.. selfishly I wish there was a bit more on it.
I‘ve not thought of sarsaparilla in years!!! Better than rootbeer and now I need some..

AmyG I break into a sweat when I read about her knee replacements…SO long ago. All of this must have been so painful for her. I can‘t imagine what she had to push through to do all that she did. No wonder she was depressed at times. 1y
TheBookHippie @AmyG seriously 😵‍💫🤯 1y
IndoorDame Honestly between socializing in the NY art scene every night, and the amount of pain being described, I‘m both surprised she‘s not drinking more, and surprised people are making such a big deal about it… 1y
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vlwelser It's hard to get what she was going through. And yet look at all she did manage. 1y
mcctrish @AmyG honestly whenever her knee comes up I just imagine the crudest surgery 😬 1y
DebinHawaii @AmyG Yes! My sister & a friend both recently had knee replacement surgery & thinking about AR having it back then made me cringe. 😱 1y
kspenmoll She was an incredibly strong individual- did not want her pain public or to be pitied etc. yet I just cannot imagine- self medication was understandable. 1y
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Dream of common language
Marie Curie
Power poem

I highly suggest Marie Curie by Evie Curie her daughter https://www.amazon.com/Madame-Curie-Biography-Eve/dp/0306810387

Women pay a price… for third power. Always?

IndoorDame Yes. I think we‘ll have to grossly reorganize society before women (and men) aren‘t paying something for whatever power they manage to obtain 1y
DebinHawaii @IndoorDame Exactly this! 💯‼️ 1y
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Some for a season some for life?
Why isn‘t this seen as normal?
And is it?
Is the author too harsh on this point?

AmyG I believe there are all kinds of friends who come into your life (some stay, some don‘t) for all kinds of reasons. 1y
IndoorDame @AmyG I‘ve always believed this too 1y
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Karisa That‘s just part of life and growing I think 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa growing a key word I think. 1y
vlwelser I think it's normal. And it does seem like Adrienne struggled. She may not have had time for all this ridiculous drama. 1y
mcctrish This is totally true and some people can entertain a larger friend base than others ( I‘m an introvert so it‘s not me) how would AR even know how to make girl friends with a father like hers? 1y
DebinHawaii I gave some of my thoughts in an earlier question. I agree wholeheartedly that friends come in & out of our lives for all kinds of reasons & should but (it could be how the author presented it) I felt like AR was quick to cut friends out when they weren‘t as “useful” to her & it bothered me a bit. I kept thinking that she would be a hard person to be friends with. But as @mcctrish mentioned, as an introvert too, my friend base isn‘t nearly as big! 1y
kspenmoll I have friends from all areas & decades of my life-some lasting, some just slipping away with time & distance, some reappearing. @AmyG @mcctrish agree with your statements . 1y
kspenmoll @DebinHawaii I too thought she was too quick sometimes to “drop” friends when they criticized her or she no longer needed what they offered, especially professionally 1y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll @DebinHawaii I think with her disease and being an introvert she had to be that way if she wanted her cause to get places. 1y
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie I sometimes forget she was an introvert because she seemed to have so many people in her life. Thanks for the reminder 1y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll I think she had to take breaks -more than the book alludes. 1y
Sargar114 It does seem to be the way of life. I agree @DebinHawaii that it seems she more intently cuts people out of her life. @TheBookHippie may be right though in that my be by design given the sheer number of people that come in and out of her life. Again, it may be a flaw in the writing that gives us impression that it‘s solely based on her character. 1y
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Think she was speaking what is not spoken of and backlash ensued ..
Feminism is not about equality it‘s about destroying male privilege …

Also This is where we begin paragraph above..

AmyG Men (and probably many women) don‘t like the applecart being upset. I have great respect for her…for speaking up. 1y
IndoorDame Good for her for not sugarcoating anything ✊🏼 1y
Karisa We can‘t all have equality if some groups have more privilege. It‘s honest. @AmyG so true 1y
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TheBookHippie @AmyG the way people fear change 😵‍💫 1y
AmyG @thebookhippie Ha….I am guessing men fear change the most. 1y
mcctrish White male privilege is still here for a reason #havetopryitfromalltheirdeadhands 1y
IndoorDame @Karisa well put 1y
TheBookHippie @AmyG you know that‘s true… 1y
DebinHawaii @mcctrish Absolutely! (Perfect hashtag!) 😉 1y
kspenmoll People do fear change & do not want to give up their privilege- I did love reading this page. (edited) 1y
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Of woman born book-
Adrienne striking back at bad reviewers
Thoughts ?
Think the people have changed?
Quite frankly, I think today, it would
even get more backlash…

AmyG It probably would get more backlash. One thing struck me with Adrienne…..when she was teaching she was very understanding, empathetic of a woman who had to bring her child. I was touched by that as she had been there, understood what mothers went through having children while teying to do for themselves….learn, work, grow etc. 1y
TheBookHippie @AmyG I loved that part. 1y
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie @AmyG haha no, I wouldn‘t recommend she snap back today. But I think she really was empathetic. Once she understood a specific issue I don‘t think she ever really let go of it 1y
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SamAnne Adrienne clearly had a big ego!! She did not do well with most criticism, which is not a good quality necessarily. But in this context, good for her. 1y
TheBookHippie @SamAnne I think it was necessary. 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame yes she really fought well. You can‘t snap back today. So unreal these times.. 1y
Karisa I could relate to her need to stand up for herself. When times are changing and you are a part of it, people need to stand up for what they feel is right. It‘s the only way that things can change. I was impressed that she was willing to put herself out there like @SamAnne said good for her! 1y
DebinHawaii @AmyG I was impressed & touched by that part too. 💜 And I agree that she needed to stand up for herself in the era & to help bring about change. With today‘s social media & “cancel culture” there definitely would be more backlash. 1y
kspenmoll I also admire her for speaking her truth & fighting at a time when women were often not taken seriously. Agree @SamAnne she did have a wealth of self confidence & ego & did not take criticism well(dropping people because of it) but without her ego she would have been ignored. 1y
Sargar114 I loved that part too @AmyG 1y
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Adrienne not speaking to or answering men … brilliant I say.
Men do it alllll the time. Is turnabout is fair play or is it not right or rude ?
Taking a break from all men.
Kathleen upset and Adrienne explaining she couldn‘t be there for everyone all the time she had to attend to her own needs as well. I. Judging her and how she spent her time. Fair?

AmyG Good for her…for speaking up to what she needs. I‘d like a break from men, too!!!! 1y
IndoorDame I agree, good for her! What‘s considered polite and rude for women is a standard originally set by men, that they rarely hold themselves to. 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 1y
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TheBookHippie @AmyG 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 1y
IndoorDame And boundaries with her friends seem almost inevitable for someone SO social with such advanced RA. Chronic pain makes it starkly clear to you what your physical and emotional resources are, and you have to abide by those limits because there simply is no reserve. 1y
AmyG @IndoorDame Very good points. 1y
SamAnne @IndoorDame excellent point. Sounds like you have personal experience in that. My one recent experience is with 5 weeks of radiation from breast cancer. By the 4th week I was reacting to the world like a bull who has had the lances shot into it's neck to make it mean. And just had to withdraw from some acquaintances for a period because I couldn't manage my limited energy. 1y
IndoorDame @SamAnne I don‘t have RA. but yes, I have chronic pain, so I think there are similarities of experience 1y
SamAnne I remember the separatist movement in the 80s. I congratulate Rich for this. For her to come to terms with her internalized sexism, need for male approval, how male voices were influencing her writing at a time where she really wanted to explore a female-centric voice, it was a smart move. And showing women that they can carve out space in a patriarchal world. 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame exactly this I fight it allllll the time. @SamAnne I have RA. 1y
TheBookHippie @SamAnne I think Rich was very wise here. 1y
Karisa Unpopular opinion, but I was put off by Rich doing this. If the young men who were at the talk were interested in feminism, then they should be there. We need allies. I kept thinking what if Audre Lorde had done the same to white women or cis people at her talks? I understand Rich‘s reasoning. However, I felt she went to far especially if those wanting to attend had not been forewarned and were wanting to be on the same team 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa 🙃 I have experienced this myself with certain groups and I just let them lead and abide by it. I think there‘s a place for it I do see your point with allies, and it gave me pause as well- I think they should have been invite only -which is how they handle it here at our LGBTQIA place here …sometimes they need space without allies and I get that. I understood Rich -but it should have been handled better and it was total privelidge yes! (edited) 1y
Karisa @TheBookHippie Yes, invite only would be a great way to do this. The speaker can then better honor their own energy level and have the talk they want without hurting those that want to learn. Adrienne could have benefited from that strategy. I think I‘m also a little spoiled in my liberal-leaning school in California bubble 😅 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa HA. Welllll they teach birth control is premeditated sin here so better to get pregnant it‘s the lesser sin. They teach girls they are less than and are here to make men have better lives in the Christian schools and churches which is the majority of the population. Then they get pregnant get thrown out and or come out and get thrown out and there you have all the students I mentor alongside my little readers. 😵‍💫 1y
vlwelser I thought rude. But also I see her point. She's just admitting it. And telling why. 1y
mcctrish I agree with @Karisa that if felt like AR on her manic pendulum swing, only male poets to start, now not talking to men period. The men taking the brunt of her ‘quest‘ seemed to be the ones that wanted to learn from it. So a badly executed line in the sand. I get she wanted to control the narrative but her actions might have set it back 1y
Karisa @TheBookHippie Sounds like where I grew up in central California in the 80s/90s 😢 (my high school at the highest per capita of teen pregnancies at the time) 1y
DebinHawaii I agree with @Karisa about finding it off-putting. I respect her right & yes, men in power do it all the time (usually by action & not calling it out), but I think for me it was how mercurial she was about cutting people/friends in & out of her life. It seemed to be the value she could get from them. I‘m all about setting boundaries, spending your energy where you need it & cutting out toxicity, but not the way she seemed to go about it.🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
kspenmoll I understood & admired her for taking her own stand. If a male poet did the same thing would he been seen as rude? I think she need a safe female space for herself & other women. Women were often less intimidated then to speak their truth without men there. 1y
Sargar114 @Karisa @DebinHawaii I felt the same way. Agree it seemed to extend in the way she handled her personal relationships as well. I keep thinking, yes men do behave in this way without criticism, but aren‘t we also trying to promote a more inclusive world and if someone with different labels is open to learning shouldn‘t we allow that? @TheBookHippie absolutely agree that the invite only approach would sufficiently allow that. 1y
Sargar114 I also wonder if some of the distaste of how she went about it is in the way the book is written as well. While I think some of the exclusion does seem true to her character, it felt very tantrumy in the way it‘s presented here and maybe it was much more calculated than that. 1y
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If women could not recognize their own complicity in events and experiences designed to control and debase them, then who would?
Still relevant ?! Thoughts ?

AmyG Yes, still relevant. But then we have the very religious women who embrace the patriarchy. So much I don‘t understand in this world today. 1y
IndoorDame @AmyG I agree. Definitely still relevant. And women, esp religious women, who work against their own interests today are one of the most frustrating barriers we face! 1y
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SamAnne Still so relevant, but I think, I hope that younger women are supporting each other more in professional settings? I was treated horribly by a few older women in the environmental movement when I was in 20s (and by many more men). I was a threat as a younger woman in the male-dominated movement. It was devastating to me. I made a commitment to ALWAYS have the back of younger women coming up. 1y
SamAnne I grew up with 4 older brothers and I was a tomboy (was a kid in the 70s in redneck rural Oregon). In my rural community I recognized early on the power of winning over the boys. I wasn't cute, but I could do everything they could. I definitely had internalized sexism and looked down on “weaker“ girls. Adrienne's journey to recognize this in herself really resonated with me. 1y
TheBookHippie @SamAnne I had this with older women as well.. still do😵‍💫 1y
SamAnne @thebookhippie it‘s so sad. I‘m an imperfect staff manager but this is one area where I did good—my female staff really appreciated it.. and I‘ve tried to be supportive of all young activists regardless of gender identity. 1y
TheBookHippie @SamAnne I do the same thing! 1y
IndoorDame @SamAnne I‘ve certainly had some excellent luck with colleagues and supervisors of all genders, but for the most part I had better luck with older women once I turned 35 (I look young for my age) 1y
Karisa @AmyG I was eavesdropping a year or so ago at a local coffee shop on a book club of younger women. The leader had said “feminine literature” and I thought she had meant “feminist”. Nope, they started talking about how they were all letting their poor husbands down by not doing enough and how god expected more of them as wives… 😬 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa that‘s common here🤯🤮🤢 1y
AmyG @Karisa I just find that a bit sad. 1y
Karisa @AmyG Me too. They seemed to be in their 20s to early 30s. I was in shock 1y
vlwelser So relevant. The majority doesn't even stick up for itself. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I‘ve been screaming this for 35 years…probably longer 🤣😝 (edited) 1y
DebinHawaii @vlwelser @TheBookHippie It just makes me want to go up & shake them! 🤬 1y
kspenmoll @Karisa 🙈 Oh no! I Hate hate to hear that. Why do religious women accept this subordinate role? Just religion? 1y
Karisa @kspenmoll I think it‘s drummed into their minds from a very young age. I know it was at the church I grew up in. It‘s probably why many of the church leaders in my area were skeptical of higher education too—don‘t want people to think about the status quo too much 1y
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No not the psychiatrist😅
Transference 😵‍💫
Reminded me of The Fraiser episode …
Anyways…. 👀😵‍💫Thoughts?!

She put it all in poetry which immortalizes her lovers.

Pablo Neruda https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/pablo-neruda
Ack love him https://www.amazon.com/Love-Poems-New-Directions-Paperbook/dp/0811217299

21 poems(22)
And now she is Adrienne.

AmyG I was a bit appalled by that. So very unethical. 1y
IndoorDame Completely unethical. But the cynic is me says it had to become a cliche somehow 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
Karisa That was an “oh no” moment we saw heading our way but still… If it were fiction, it‘d be a throw the book moment. However, when it‘s biography it‘s more just like *sigh* 1y
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vlwelser This was also pretty gross. I felt bad for Adrienne. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser ughhhhhhhhhhhh it was so frustrating to read. 1y
DebinHawaii Yes to all of this. So inappropriate, unethical & frustrating to read! 1y
kspenmoll Totally unethical. I was angry with her therapist. 1y
Sargar114 Ugh so angry at her therapist. And it seemed like she continued treating her during their relationship, so inappropriate. 1y
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I posted earlier in the week the poetry National Book Award happenings …
Thoughts on the authors footnote ?!?
OMG 😵‍💫
It‘s because she was white 🤯 that‘s it. Nothing else.
Interesting PW sent the email this week and it‘s in our reading 😅😵‍💫👀


AmyG Some things, again, never change. Makes you realize how backwards we have gone…looking back from then to now. 1y
IndoorDame I appreciated that they called out the fact that Lourde couldn‘t fight with her (at least publicly). I think there‘s no widespread understanding of just how little this aspect of the situation has changed. 1y
SamAnne @IndoorDame agreed. 1y
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TheBookHippie @IndoorDame people refuse to acknowledge it.. 1y
Karisa That was an interesting look at her privilege and comparison to writers of color at the time. I keep thinking back to Caste and how even though we are all women—there‘s still so many layers to power 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa agree that book and her other book should be required reading 1y
vlwelser This was an odd situation. And her ego is something else. 1y
DebinHawaii @Karisa @TheBookHippie I just read Caste in January & immediately thought of it in regards to this chapter. (I hope to get to The Warmth of Other Suns soon—it‘s in my #TBR!) 1y
kspenmoll @AmyG @IndoorDame @Karisa Agree with you all. 1y
Karisa @DebinHawaii Caste is one of those books that really sticks with you. I kept trying to get Warmth of Other Suns from the library, but it is always checked out. My library didn‘t have the audiobook at all. So I shelled out the $35 for it today on Books app. I know it‘ll be worth it! 1y
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Anthony Burgess the tenant what a tool..

All these famous writers 🤯


AmyG I get a kick out of reading about the “famous” writers she meets. He was horrible! 1y
IndoorDame I‘m sure she managed to twist that into a really hilarious cocktail party story, but not having heard her tell it personally, I was just so irate! 1y
SamAnne Why am I not surprised that he was a total dick? 1y
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TheBookHippie @SamAnne I was like oh that makes total sense 😂🤪🤬 1y
Karisa That was an interesting little side note. What a jerk! 1y
vlwelser Total asshat. I think this happens more than you think. It's just not usually someone famous. Or who becomes famous. 1y
DebinHawaii Yes, a complete tool! 😡 1y
DebinHawaii BRW—My first glance at the picture, before I saw the keys, I thought it was Trump! 😱😳🤔🫣😆 1y
kspenmoll He was horrid! I 1y
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Wrestling with her sexuality
Thoughts ?


Androgyny has a long history, though not always with this name. The term gained more prominence in the 1970s when Bem, a gender scientist, introduced the concept of the psychological androgen. Psychological androgyny has floated the idea that an individual can have both masculine and feminine qualities.

Bem- http://faculty.webster.edu/woolflm/sandrabem2.htm

AmyG With a father like hers, I am not remotely surprised. She was always so introspective, self-aware…always wanting to grow as a person. 1y
IndoorDame It‘s common for sexuality to be a journey, but I think she was always careful about which poems she chose to put out in the world, so the fact that androgyny is the first stop on her queer journey says a lot about her. 1y
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I think so too. I do also think it‘s common and part of life. Probs the hippie in me. 1y
vlwelser I think the time when she grew up is a huge influence here. In addition to those ridiculous parents. 1y
DebinHawaii @vlwelser Exactly! The article was interesting @TheBookHippie (although long so I just skimmed it) 😉 but I know what you mean about it feeling common/part of life. If looked at through a common 1970s lens it probably seemed quite radical & revolutionary. 1y
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Question wouldn‘t fit ! ⬆️

AmyG Spot on. Sadly, some things never change….some things get worse. 1y
IndoorDame Just. YES 🙌 1y
SamAnne Spot on. As I read this book, as a 55 year old woman who spent most of her life as a professional (and volunteer) environmental activist, and activist for women's rights, I feel this sadness in my heart. To those younger than me....I wanted a better world for you! I did not anticipate the ground lost, rights lost in the last decade. Dammit. This book hits my heart--I saw only progress happening in th future--not rollbacks. 1y
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TheBookHippie @SamAnne SAME!!!!!!!! Exact same thoughts and experiences .. 1y
Karisa @SamAnne 😢 Yes, unfortunately. We are living through strange times. I take hope in the data that shows most Americans are against the roll backs of rights though. We need leadership that better reflects the will of the people (and better reflects our population as a whole). 1y
vlwelser It shows how little change has actually happened. 1y
mcctrish This grabbed me! And for the exact same reasons as all state above. How 👏🏻 Are 👏🏻 We 👏🏻 Still 👏🏻 Fighting 👏🏻The 👏🏻Same 👏🏻 Fight 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤬🤢 1y
DebinHawaii 💯 to all of this! It seems like it just keeps rolling backwards! 😡🤬🥵 1y
kspenmoll I agree with all of this - the role back on women‘s rights in this country is so frightening right now- we have to keep on. 1y
Sargar114 I was just yelling at my male coworker on Friday about the rollback of women‘s rights cause he didn‘t understand what “the big deal” was. (edited) 1y
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Of woman born
I‘m reading this week
I‘m just in awe OMG
Driving into the wreck on my wishlist
The space between for her I can‘t wait to read it

You planning on reading more of her work?

AmyG While I am enjoying the book, I am not going to be reading her poetry. Not my jam. 1y
IndoorDame Definitely! Starting with her poetry next month (❤️☺️🙏) but I want to get some of her prose too later. 1y
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SamAnne I would love to do a buddy read if others are planning to read or reread her poetry. I have not read Of Woman Born. Diving into the Wreck is next up for sure. And getting to the Audre Lorde book I have near my bedstand. 1y
Karisa I‘m curious to read more of her work now, especially Of Woman Born. I‘m wondering if modern audiences would be more receptive to it than the reviewers of the time 1y
TheBookHippie @Karisa I think the same divide of women exists. To speak of motherhood in any frame other than positive gets massive backlash. It‘d be interesting. I didn‘t get much time with my book this week but what I read… 🤯 resonated with me. However I‘m older. It wasn‘t offered as a choice to me growing up to not be a mother, I think that‘s not changed much. 1y
vlwelser I've had Diving into the Wreck on my radar since I read Sister Outsider. Definitely even more inspired now. 1y
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I have too!!!! Must read soon. 👀 1y
mcctrish Diving into the wreck is the only book of AR‘s poetry that my library has & my hold came in this week. Even though I have my wonderful gifted copy of all of her poems from @TheBookHippie I wanted to hold one of her books in my hands while I read it. Truth be told poetry often makes me uncomfortable ( might be the point) I didn‘t take any poetry classes in uni. I often wonder if I‘m getting the point. But. I don‘t dislike it or AR‘s poetry 1y
mcctrish I just might get more out of it if someone was helping guide me 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish I think reading poetry in relation to someone‘s life -the author who write it- helps get perspective. Which is why I wanted to do this book to show how and why this poetry was written in hopes people will look at it differently. I posted the YouTube earlier of a highschool teacher breaking a poem down too. I think it‘s helpful. I love everyone trying it! Makes my heart happy! 1y
DebinHawaii I have been pulling some up online & dabbling but I don‘t know how much further I‘ll go. I tend to be hit or miss for poetry although I am listening to Joy Harjo‘s memoir right now & am loving it: 1y
kspenmoll This biography helps so much - gives us context in which to understand her poetry. Agree with @TheBookHippie that this bio gives perspective to her writing. I just enjoyed this book so much! 1y
Sargar114 I doubt I will actually read any of it as poetry really isn‘t my thing. However, would be interested in Diving into the Wreck. 1y
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Emily Dickinson swoon
Virginia Woolf too!
Barbara Deming -https://demingfund.org/
Linda Thurston
Mary Daly https://liberationtheology.org/people-organizations/mary-daly/
Tillie Olson http://www.tillieolsen.net/
Elizabeth Hardwick again!

I like she moved where the boys liked it
And gave them independence

Pictures in the book- YAY!!

The note taking I‘m doing ! You?


AmyG Ha, no note taking here. (edited) 1y
IndoorDame Yes! Notes and reading lists! 1y
SamAnne Oh, just loving it. Remembering all these feminist authors, scholars and poets I read in my late teens/early 20s in the late 80s. I am taking so many notes, and making a reading list to revisit the writings of many of the women mentions, and explore those that I haven't read. 1y
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Karisa 💗 the reading list. She did seem to enjoy being a mother and teacher more as she embraced feminism and her own freedom. 1y
mcctrish @Karisa I thought that too! 1y
mcctrish @AmyG same 🤣 1y
AmyG @mcctrish 👊🏻🤣 1y
DebinHawaii There are so many names, some more familiar to me than others. Making use of my Kindle highlights although how much reading I will do is in question given my current TBR state. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
kspenmoll So many artists, writers, poets to explore- overwhelmed me at times. Also, it‘s exhilarating. Some I have read in the past, some not. I have used sticky notes through & have them saved in a box! 1y
SamAnne Catherine MacKinnon was my college commencement speaker. She was a bummer. On that particular day I did not want rape statistics recited to me. The class after mine had Barbara Ehrenreich. I was jealous. 1y
TheBookHippie @SamAnne oh man!!!!!! 1y
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