Nice book haul this evening! #Victoria #somethinginthewater #beartown #therethere
Nice book haul this evening! #Victoria #somethinginthewater #beartown #therethere
Anyone else watching Victoria? I‘ve just started the second season, been borrowing it from our library. I have to admit that I‘m pretty sucked in even though I usually don‘t follow royal things.
#queenvictoria #victoria #pbs
Weekend book mail! 😻
#japaneselit #nonfiction #victoria #britishlit #historicalfiction #litsygram
Day 25: Grumpy Characters (Sourest Day) - There sure are a lot of grumpy old men in this book, mad that England has a young, female Queen. #bookishwackyholidays #octoberbookchallenge #victoria #historicallit #royalreads
Day 23: Dramatic Characters (TV Talk Show Day) - Victoria has got some big time mama drama. #bookishwackyholidays #octoberbookchallenge #historicalfiction #victoria #royalreads
Day 22: Smart Characters (Smart is Cool Day) - Victoria may be smart, but I wasn‘t in bringing her on this windy beach. SAND. EVERYWHERE. #bookishwackyholidays #octoberbookchallenge #bookandbeach #victoria #historicalfiction #royalreads
Day 21: Book You Can‘t Stop Talking About (Babbling Day) - I can‘t can‘t can‘t wait to start reading Victoria this weekend! #bookishwackyholidays #octoberbookchallenge #victoria #historicalfiction #victorian #TBR #somanybookssolittletime
Bought these books today!!! I'm so happy!
Did you read the book? And did you like it?
Outside it's #wet . In here there's #coffee and good #stories 💜☕️📚
#knuthamsun #victoria #classic #classicbooks