Do yourself a favor and read this book. EVERYONE needs to read it to gain a deeper understanding and empathy for the history Black folk in the U.S.
#MustRead #WEBDuBois
Do yourself a favor and read this book. EVERYONE needs to read it to gain a deeper understanding and empathy for the history Black folk in the U.S.
#MustRead #WEBDuBois
I can‘t wait to read these and put this beautiful bookmark to use!
#books #africanamerican #newjimcrow #bookmark #webdubois
One of my favorite biographies #blackhistory #riotgrams
Happy Black History Month❣The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. DuBois(1868-1963) is 114 years old this year. This copy was published in 1961 when it cost 50 cents! #webdubois #classics #vintageblackbooks #vintagebooks #greatbooks #readsoullit #blackhistorymonth