"What does the Shadow King want?"
"Like... stuff?"
Some signs you may be a mutant. #xmenproblems
Officially, the Number One Rule of X-Men is "Professor X Is The Worst."
Secretly, it's "It's Always The Shadow King." Even if it LOOKS like it's Mr Sinister, or Apocalypse, or whoever, we can be assured a retcon will someday wander into our lives and prove the Shadow King was behind everything all along.
(Thank you for indulging me in this fandom-specific tangent.) #xmenproblems #comics
(Don't worry; various teams of X-Kids foiled the whole baby-sacrifice scheme. Granted, the government did step in, seize control of the babies, and raise them in Limbo to become anti-mutant weapons, because nothing's ever simple for the X-Men.)
Frickin' Galactus, man. #comicthon #xmenproblems
The X-Menest thing of all is when you meet your future self on a secret island while you're experiencing temporary power loss and Professor X is being The Worst. #xmenproblems
Frickin' malevolent doppelgängers from alternate timelines. #xmenproblems
Y'know, the X-Men ARE awful murdery for a group that always says they don't kill. #xmenproblems