I usually use discord for gaming but then I found out that a friend and I share similar tastes in books... It has to be SPICY! So we started a duo book club about all the spicy books we don't care about the quality of the writing 😂
I usually use discord for gaming but then I found out that a friend and I share similar tastes in books... It has to be SPICY! So we started a duo book club about all the spicy books we don't care about the quality of the writing 😂
I had moved to a new house at the beginning of this year. I just finally finished completing my bedroom. My books finally got a home and guess who decides to jump in and sit behind my Johanna Lindsey books lol Albus
Finally read and finished this book. It took me long because I purposely didn't read it. I didn't want the world that Ilona Andrews had created to end. Everything was amazing and more. Beginning to end. I got book depression at the end. I hope they write more stories about this world.
I don't want to say more or else I will spoil it. 5/5!
New home, new community and that means new library. Pretty exciting right? Well I visited today for the 1st time and this single shelf was all they had for Romance and the shelf on the other side was for Scifi/Fantasy. Just 1 shelf each. Im just glad there are ebooks.
I reminisced about a book series, Dynotipia. Do people remember this? It was beautifully illustrated and the story was exciting to read. Highly recommend to read even as an adult!
This series I've been waiting for so long, anticipated the final book and I still haven't read it. I'm in a long and depressing reading stump. I have at least 3 books that I had preordered and waited a long time for its release and my brain (and heart) is not interested. I'm not even comfort reading (rereading old favourites).
Urgh~ someone have any idea how to get out of a reading slump?
Here's Albus to cheer myself up.
Of all the fairytales I abosultely love the Beauty and the Beast. I would find, buy and read all types of retellings of this story. Robin McKinley did 2 I believe and I enjoyed both!
My last tattoo was to show my love for this story (showing the rose dying).
I was actually trying to read S. E. Smith's Christmas free ebook (she's my guilty pleasure) "Jabir's Very Special Christmas Gift", but I couldn't concentrate! Why? I was getting a tattoo done.
I love it and it was 4.5hrs of possible reading time but concentration was out the door!
Entered a book competition from ARRA (Australian Romance Readers Association) and won~ it's a 2nd chance romance and I can't wait to read it!
I love getting my books signed and personalised, I was so happy when I opened this and found this message.
If you like Romance (and other genres to be honest) you neeeeed to listen to Sarah Wendell's podcast: Smart Bitches Trashy Books. It's funny, informative and lots of interviews from variety of people. She and her bitches (group of regulars) are hilarious and great to listen to.
Her books are awesome too!
This book made me realise I like scifi stories where humans first discover alien, first contact or abduciton.
This is my new cat~
My first Sci-fi. I always stuck with Romance and Fantasy but SE Smith introduced me to scifi and I think it's a good gateway since she uses dragon shifters (like paranormal/uf book) with space and tech.
I've read all her books and for some people they might not like it because of the Alpha male or very light story telling but I thoroughly enjor her books.
Wow. Wow. Wow. Ilona Andrews I love this chronicle. I love I didn't know that mixing scifi elements to urban fantasy would be my thing but it totally is.
Highly recommend! I'll probably do a proper review post for this chronicle.
One of my first urban fantasy series I got into. I enjoyed most of the books and got super excited when the TV series came out. The TV series wasn't a disappointment it was just something I had to be like, "ok... Its different."
I never finished the TV series (forgot which season I stopped at) and didn't read the last book. Why didn't I read it? I found out how it ended and didn't want read it. I was quite disappointed with how the character grew.
As I got older I was able to filter out and refine what types of genres I gravitated towards. One of these genres was Urban Fantasy.
Kate Daniels is one of my favourites series and I haven't read the last book... yet. I'm not ready for it to finish so I might read it on my trip to Korea/Japan.
I want a conclusion but at the same time I want the world to never end.
When I was 13/14, the height of hormonal time, I stumbled upon a sex scene. This series is really really good and it opened me to the world of books with romance. I went to my local library and started borrowing the max number of books allowed and it was all romance.
I read a lot of trashy and trash books but I consumed all of it.
Harry Potter! I watched the Philosopher's Stone and thought it was the best. Then a school friend told me, "the movie wasn't that great. They skipped so many parts in the books." WHAT! It's a book! I immediately borrowed the books and this is when my series and HP love affair started.
After the Hobbit, I read Lord of the Rings because why not? I loved Hobbit! My 11-year-old-self was not prepared for the mind boggle and dense subject that LOTR was. I read the trilogy, didn't fully understand it.
Then the movies came out and I was AMAZED. I fell in love with the trilogy and read it again as an adult. I got an elvish tattoo this year!
At the same year, I had to read Ella Enchanted for school and another medieval themed book (I don't remember the title). This is when I slowly (very slowly because this epiphany doesn't happen until I'm 13) realised that there are books I like and I've been made to read genres I was not interested in!
My mum and sister are big readers. I was not. I hated reading and my mum made it worse by making me read books when I didn't want to. I would fake reading in school. Then when I was 11 I randomly picked up "The Hobbit" and loved it.
Hi, this is me! I hope I'll continue posting but I'm not much of a big blogger (always wanted to get into it but I'm not consistent). The first few posts will be a sort of autobiography, a little journey through my life of how I became a book lover. After I do my first posts I'll try to post book I'm currently reading or books I really like that aren't new!