Finished this a few days ago. It was okay, but I would have liked to see more about the therapist's thought process than there was. There were also a strangely high amount of typos which bothered me. There are far better books in this genre.
Finished this a few days ago. It was okay, but I would have liked to see more about the therapist's thought process than there was. There were also a strangely high amount of typos which bothered me. There are far better books in this genre.
A strongly written book with sympathetic characters but an uncomfortable topic. I had conflicting emotions throughout. Also potentially triggering for some.
January's read list. Eleanor Oliphant should be compulsory reading and The Couple Next Door should be burned.
This very short (under 100 pages) book skilfully paints a picture of what it is like to be a child faced with conflicting and disturbing emotions and little help to make sense of them. How close are admiration and jealousy, loving desire and the ravenous desire to destroy? The writing style captures the minds of children who have not yet learned the answer and are observers of themselves and the world in a way adults often are not.
A beautifully written book with a main character you can really care about. Gentle, funny, and a reminder of what loneliness can do to a person and how easily we can exclude people.
5/5: Easily the best psychological thriller and most unsettling thing I've ever read. This book is masterfully written and vaguely unsettling from the start. As you reach the end you begin to piece together all the bits you missed or didn't quite understand as you read, and I think it will definitely get a second read.
Good medical writing. At times, the vignettes were a bit short and abrupt but overall very interesting and an easy read in spite of medical jargon.
A pacy, entertaining read which would have an unexpected ending if the story wasn't so well known now!
This is an awful book. Very poorly written with predictable "twists", two-dimensional characters it is impossible to care about, and a plot so terribly slow I could have thrown away the first 100 pages without missing anything. The author's use of mental health problems as a poorly thought-out plot device also offended me. Really one to avoid.