Met the author and got the book last night. Looking forward to continuing this series. Exciting tidbit: she thinks there may eventually be 4 books in the series!
Met the author and got the book last night. Looking forward to continuing this series. Exciting tidbit: she thinks there may eventually be 4 books in the series!
This is a perfect September read. The 2 historic fiction stories set in NYC revolve around 2 women 100 years apart. There is a beautiful scarf connection. The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, Ellis Island, 9/11, etc. It would also make a nice vacation read.
Delightful beach vacation destination? Certainly NOT! Attica Locke writes about the unsavory events in Houston politics, crime, and race relations in very entertaining ways. Rich with characters and subplots that may leave you struggling to keep up with lawyer Jay Porter, all will be rewarded by the satisfying end.
OOPS! Dropped it! Don‘t worry even though it‘s Fallen now, I will soon be right back on track finishing this page turner in the Memory Man series. Racing through and hoping for a solid ending...
Nature. Mystery. Poetry. Legal thriller. Coming of age story. Oh, and female empowerment too! Wonderful debut novel. Excellent book club discussion topics abound as well.
No one lives forever if they have been frightened out of their childhood wits by a spooky gypsy who predicts their future death date. The format of spooling out the four siblings stories as separate sections proves to be perfect. So much for a book club discussion with everyone finding a character to love, hate, and relate to. Plenty of surprises. The ride these 4 take to seek and avoid their fates is fantastic.
LOL and imagine if alternate titles were considered.. The Spiteful Sister? The Nasty Sister? No love is lost between these two long estranged women. It doesn‘t help that Adam has been married to both Nicky and Chloe and now he‘s been stabbed to death. This very current read will keep you interested with the mysterious reveals. Who is nice or naughty? Who is charming or controlling? When the police arrest the son sister secrets could be in danger.
Loved this book club fiction. It‘s rich with discussion and opinions and view points to consider. Someone will discover a new insight after the experience of this read. Even the cover artwork is on point showing how fragile a family tree may be. When a newlywed husband is wrongly imprisoned, the wife must carry on with life. Will the marriage survive? Should it? Does this story symbolize all American marriages? Mind expanding.
Fascinating reading! You may think you know some US history during WWII but this book reveals the secret Texas internment camp where entire families of Germans, Japanese, Italians and Peruvians were held. American citizen children were actually “repatriated” in exchange for POW‘s. You have to read it to believe and understand the events that were hidden. You will want to share with everyone. So interesting!
Female CIA agent makes a shocking discovery while working her Russian counteroffensive mission. While this was page turning and predictable, there were a few enjoyable twists. Bottom line: We all have to believe the real CIA is better than the fiction portrayed here.
Dedicated Stephanie Plum fans will be on board for the latest looney adventures that include zombies and a menacing boa constrictor. This edition's car explosion has to be the most creative/horrific ever. Stephanie does enjoy nice encounters with Ranger and Morelli, the two men in her life. 25 will be here before we know it with more excitement from Lula & Grandma and an inevitable funeral viewing...
Please note the book I read has a library bar code. Should you decide to read it too (and you should decide to read it too) trust this advice: check it out from a library or buy a copy from an independent book seller. You will feel safer and smarter and almost like James Patterson likes you better. Support what matters!
Australians behaving badly, both children and adults, bounce between mirrors of modeling bullying and so much more. You can read this on the humorous surface level because there is a murder of either a costumed Audrey Hepburn or Elvis Presley to be solved. Or you can delve into the serious issues the book drops onto the cocktail table. Either way enjoy surf and scenery!
In a small town where everyone knows everything about everyone a creepy history has developed about the local river used for years for swimming, witch-testing, suicides, and/or murder. Many memories and mysteries and the story is chock full of characters and timelines. The story is good down to the last drop.
Do NOT start reading this book unless you have enough time to finish. Because you will resent silly interruptions like sleeping or working. All you will want to do is go along for the high speed race that doesn't always make perfect sense but is so compelling a mystery you will be wondering about the rag doll corpse created from several victims and a serial killer who posts his plans in advance. Good luck avoiding the magnetic pull!
Excited to see the author in a few minutes at Murder by the Book in Houston.
Do not be repelled by the grisly prologue setting the stage with the first crime. You must persevere because you will rewarded with an unexpected amount of covert humor as the characters are introduced and the case is investigated. Before you finish you are sure to reread that prologue with renewed interest and fresh insight.
Recommend reading this book for a Boston vacation. Be sure to include The Gardner Museum on your itinerary where the real heist took place that is the genesis for this intriguing fiction. Much art world background is revealed here, and if you read The Girl with the Pearl Earring and The Goldfinch of course this has similar brush strokes so to speak. While those were better, this was quick & somewhat predictable in a good way.
This book is a summer gem! A fascinating collection of short interviews with a wide variety of truly talented teachers will renew the vigor & enthusiasm of all who educate. Typical classroom and college teachers are here as well as political mentors, professional athlete coaches, exotic dance instructor, alligator wrestling, religion, actors, doctors, literally all types of teachers. It's a wonderful read except for the small print.
Finding out a bit about bookbinding was the best feature of this cozy mystery. Brooklyn leads an exciting life that seems to attract dead bodies. The San Francisco/Marin County setting with plenty of wine, food, a guru, jewelry made from fruit, an art institute, beauty and the beast is ripe for intrigue. The plot may not hold up perfectly but it's still fun.
Usually cautious of this author, always wary of the final twist. Some of her books have been good reads marred by their infuriating endings. A trusted friend recommended this one, and it proved to be the best Piccoult ever. Enthralling racism story with vivid characters and courtroom drama. The moral dilemma is a perfect book discussion. Don't miss the author's note at the end. There is a fine line between fiction and reality.
Read this between the Derby and the Preakness and really felt like an insider. Very current, topical and interesting behind the scenes action at all three triple crown tracks. The plot was convoluted, and the mysterious mole wasn't too tricky, but it was still worth the ride.
This was a creative book. It seemed like a British manners comedy until it was a mystery and then it had elements of something else more spectral. Many genres had their moments here. Several characters were quite insufferable and therefore amusing. The proper hosts have to deal with mayhem in the form of train wreck survivors crashing an estate birthday party in the 1800's. Shock and outrage ensue. The more guests the merrier! Not!
This cold case mystery set in Baltimore features a cast of fascinating women with interesting names (Bambi, Juliet Romeo) that unspools back and forth between the past and current events over a disappearance and murder. Twisty!
Beware the Ides of March! If you got a kick out of Maria Semple's Where'd you go, Bernadette? you must rush to read this book about another over analyzing over achiever living in Seattle against her will. Hilarious action describes a day to be resolved "different." If only Caesar had known to do that today back in 44 B.C. :)
Delicious! Don't hold back! Lawrence Block is a rightfully awarded master writer and this story of alcoholics recovering and the slippery steps involved leading to murder is a winner.
Fascinating! True but hard to believe tale about the man who wasted his genius ability and his superior athletic ability by the curious decision of becoming an Ivy League imposter. How he managed to trick Princeton admissions and his dorm mates when he was so much older is incredible. The life of crime and how it came to light is riveting, if slightly slow during the first lap.
Page turning pacing and action reminiscent of J K Rowling's Harry Potter series. The characters in this detective tale hooked my interest to look for the next case for Cormoran Strike and his capable new secretary. This mystery revolves around a questionable suicide of a high profile super model constantly in the paparazzi crosshairs.
I connected with the Houston and India settings and enjoyed the mother daughter relationships through the generations. This book will leave you craving Indian food!
The 17th in the series of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency delighted as always with both humor and wisdom. Reading one of these gems from Alexander McCall Smith is a respite from the every day and escape to a peaceful pace. Botswana entices with these tales of mystery and the mundane.
This book is wonderful! I wish I was still an elementary teacher needing materials that were engaging for students. So well done & the illustrations are delightful. I actually think all ages can appreciate this gem.
This is an atmospheric sensory thrill transport to New Orleans. You will crave the food & feel the heat. You will see the many colors of the sky as you smell all the flora. And you will hear the gunshots of this action packed mystery from the '80's that launched this series starring Dave Robicheaux. The plot is tricky but all the characters are so interesting it's easy to see why readers are eager to return for more Louisiana mysteries.
This is a slim book filled with meaty discussion topics. Very tight writing pulls together every thread of a life story that has surprising impact. Set in Canada around WWI and afterward it includes just enough magic in the mix of realistic fiction and history to be thought provoking.
Surprising & entertaining book. I learned a lot of history in a most enjoyable way. Each short (2 pages) vignette provides facts & drama or something awe inspiring. A few were even comical. This book is a must read for trivia lovers!
Wonderful emotional roller coaster through the "herstory" of France during WWII. Two sisters engage in very different experiences of survival & resistance, at least one based on fact, the rest grounded in research & skillful authorship. Matched with Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay you have a memorable education that is worth re-reading as soon as you finish. The women's war is so worthwhile! All the stars!
This book is turning me into a night owl! Feeling sleepy after midnight but don't want to stop reading!
This is the start of a series about Inspector Ian Rutledge of Scotland Yard set immediately post WWI. He copes with his first investigation back on the job & his own "shell shock" (ptsd) that threatens to derail his career & life. A tricky mystery that fooled me for sure. I'm rooting for the detective as he battles his malicious boss & damaged psyche going forward. The historical element of time & place was transporting.
I wouldn't have picked it up on my own, so I'm glad I followed up on a recommendation. Now I want to pass along the word to others. Everyone should read this because we will all face death of family & self. Avoiding the topic will not make it easier but reading this book could definitely help. The doctor/author has a wonderful voice that is neither too medical nor too maudlin.
This was a twisty exciting ride through Los Angeles. The plot was intriguing enough to keep me curious until the end. I learned many lawyerly maneuvers. Very entertaining.
Never miss a chance to read a Pulitzer winner that is also frequently a banned book. I read it 30 years ago & I'm a different woman now. It was better this time. So uplifting.
Don't start this book when you have a busy schedule. It's 386 pages you will want to stay focused on until the last. Curious ride grabs your attention from the first sentence. Enough twists & secrets to contemplate to fill a discussion group or moralist sensibility convention. 4 star fun.