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The Store
The Store | James Patterson
36 posts | 37 read | 16 to read
The Store doesn't just want your money--it wants your soul. Imagine a future of unparalleled convenience. A powerful retailer, The Store, can deliver anything to your door, anticipating the needs and desires you didn't even know you had. Most people are fine with that, but not Jacob and Megan Brandeis. New York writers whose livelihood is on the brink of extinction, Jacob and Megan are going undercover to dig up The Store's secrets in a book that could change the entire American way of life--or put an end to Jacob's. After a series of unsettling discoveries, Jacob and Megan's worst fears about The Store seem like just the beginning. With nothing escaping The Store's watchful eye, harboring a secret that could get him killed, Jacob has to find a way to publish his expose--before the truth dies with him.
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The Store | James Patterson
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⭐⭐⭐ The Store knows everything you do and everything you say. You and your family are under surveillance 24/7 An entertaining read, I would call it more of a light kind of thriller in that it held my interest and I wanted to see how it ended but I wasn't madly turning the pages with my heart racing. Definitely leaves you thinking about Artificial Intelligence and just how much information is gathered about us these days.

The Store | James Patterson
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Is it weird to say that this book SERIOUSLY reminded me of the South Park episode Unfulfilled, but kind of in the best way possible. I enjoyed the fast paced story, and would definitely recommend it. I‘m on a bit of a James Patterson kick right now, and I‘m loving every minute of it! +3 for #TeamSlaughter

The Store | James Patterson
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Changed my mind. Put down the Goosebumps story the turn on a James Patterson mystery audiobook and attempt another seasonal manicure. 💕💅🏻 #TeamSlaughter

Vivlio_Gnosi ALL THE COLORS!! 5y
Jesstifies What‘s in the big blue jar!?!? 5y
Clwojick @Jesstifies just Mio Water. Blue Powerade flavour. 💕 5y
Jesstifies Ha! I thought it was some crazy nail potion!! 5y
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The Store | James Patterson
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Yeahhhh! I love getting these emails! Another audiobook ready for #Scarathlon. This one sounds good too! 🖤


marleed My favorite email! 5y
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The Store | James Patterson

The Store by James Patterson - One of the best books that I've recently read. I couldn't put this book down. Full of interesting twists. “I don't have to stretch my imagination far to envision a future of unparalleled convenience, fueled by a powerful online retailer that knows everything about us.“ (James Patterson)

The Store | James Patterson

Listening to this audiobook! My first James Patterson and I am beyond excited!

The Store | James Patterson
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I am a sucker for books about the evil corporation taking over the country. This book was its strongest describing life in New Burg, NE and Jacob and Megan‘s jobs at The Store. As Jacob began his descent into paranoia and rebellion it got more predictable. Still, I enjoyed reading it although the ending was a little anti climatic.

The Store | James Patterson
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Eh...I liked the story and the premise, but the writing was fair at best. I know Patterson is an easy read, but the writing isn‘t typically quite this bad.

The Store | James Patterson
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The best part of this book was when I realized the last 200 pages was actually a different novel. Thank God.

TieDyeDude Ha! 6y
LeahBergen 😂😂 6y
Ericalambbrown I don‘t read Patterson, but this cracked me up!😂🤣 6y
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laurenlovesliterature Damn! Bahahaha 6y
thegreensofa 💦🤣💦 6y
Naj 😂😂😂 6y
JennyM Lol... I love this review 😂 6y
Susanita 🤣🤣🤣 6y
kellyann28 Best review I've seen in awhile 😂 6y
hermyknee Hey! How are you doing? Haven‘t heard from you in a while and I just wanted to check in ♥️ 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @hermyknee hey girl! I‘m doing well but this school year is kicking my butt!! I need to get back on here, I‘m so out of the loop lol thanks for checking on me! How are u doing? 6y
hermyknee @TheFunkyBookworm this school year is kicking my butt, too! Litsy keeps me sane 😋 Almost there! Maybe next semester will be better...? Hah! Who am I kidding?! I need the two weeks off to prepare for the tsunami that is my work life. 6y
RadicalReader @TheFunkyBookworm thanks so much for joining Litsy. A novel I really enjoyed this year was definitely 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @RadicalReader thanks! I‘ll check it out!!! 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @hermyknee amen! Almost there tho!!! Hang in there for those 2 sweet weeks of freedom! 6y
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The Store | James Patterson
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No offense meant to anyone (except James Patterson), but man, this book sucks.
Struggling through it for book club but the writing is so juvenile and simple minded... ugh.

Librarianaut Ghostwriter, maybe? 6y
Susanita 🤣🤣🤣 6y
guinsgirlreads Lol I felt the same way!! 6y
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The Store | James Patterson
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Book 3 for #24in48

The Store | James Patterson

Not my favorite Patterson novel. I found it to be anti-climactic

The Store | James Patterson
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Disappointing. It could have done with some better editing, some more description in places, and a bit more creativity.

The Store | James Patterson

Read this in one sitting. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amazing, and to a certain extent possibly a bit prophetic.

The Store | James Patterson
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This book is (for real) freaking me out! It‘s just a little too real. Check it out, seriously, and see if you begin wondering about...you know....the store. 😳

The Store | James Patterson
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Please note the book I read has a library bar code. Should you decide to read it too (and you should decide to read it too) trust this advice: check it out from a library or buy a copy from an independent book seller. You will feel safer and smarter and almost like James Patterson likes you better. Support what matters!

The Store | James Patterson

Not one of my favorites by James Patterson. It is a quick read but it didn‘t give me that excitement that I usually get from his books.

The Store | James Patterson

Not only is Patterson giving away half a million dollars in holiday bonuses to booksellers this year, he's also released a thinly veiled and curmudgeonly tirade against amazon called The Store. He knows how to warm this bookseller's heart for sure!

The Store | James Patterson

Probably the worst JP book. I wanted to bail early, but given his short, simple chapters and it not being that long, I read it.

CoverToCoverGirl 😳😱 7y
Kappadeemom I felt that way about Zoo...both weird 7y
guinsgirlreads @Kappadeemom yes. Too weird for me. Not badly written, just not my style. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
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The Store | James Patterson
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I thought about this one, then passed on it for the moment.. and then one of my girlfriends that I work with at the library told me it‘s pretty good.. so here we go! 👋🏻👋🏻 #currentread

The Store | James Patterson
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Starting tonight.

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The Store | James Patterson
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I haven‘t read a Patterson book in about a decade. This one caught my eye.

The Store | James Patterson
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Beach + book = happiness

The Store | James Patterson
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Hotel room tonight so I get to start this one. I am assuming The Store is really Amazon?

The Store | James Patterson

What the world could become like with drones beginning to become so popular. Plus big box stores.

The Store | James Patterson
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Just finished this new book from James Patterson and it was very good. Sadly I could see a situation like The Store happening in the future. Technology is taking over the world and it might not always be a good thing.

The Store | James Patterson
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The Store | James Patterson
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Talking books and bookselling...

The Store | James Patterson
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Say what you will about Patterson and his ghostwriters but he supports local indie bookstores. The Store is basically a riff on Amazon which is some omnipotent conglomerate trying to take over everything and be a permanent fixture in everyone's lives. Think Stepford Wives but with a corporate sponsor. They can't be stopped or exposed like Amazon and everyone is drinking the Kool-Aid like Amazon. AMAZON IS EVIL! EVIL!

The Store | James Patterson
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Today's library haul. I think everyone who uses my library has stopped reading. I wanted a quick read so put my name on the hold list for this Patterson last week ... and I was number 2!!! Then I saw Borne on the shelf and remembered it was on my want to read list.

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The Store | James Patterson
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I enjoyed this quick read about a giant retailer with a hidden agenda. The Store knows everything about you and exists only to get larger and larger. You are only a means to an end. The Store monitors its employees and "users" constantly, has armies of lobbyists influencing public policy.

I hadn't read Patterson in years, but his support of indie bookstores is inspiring. So, I picked this one up. I liked it. Reminded me of Stepford Wives.

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The Store | James Patterson
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I haven't read a James Patterson book in 10 years. Not because I don't like him, but because he is doing just fine without my help. But how can I resist a thriller about a massive online retailer with a hidden agenda? Thank you James Patterson for supporting indie bookstores in so many ways.

The Store | James Patterson
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The Store is definitely #OffTheirRocker in this book by James Patterson. They have cameras in our homes, businesses, on streets and in our cars. They also have drones following us so that the sky is full of drones to the point you almost can't see the sun. Everyone knows everything about everyone else on tablets you carry 24/7. Creepy. If you have a problem with this, they relocate you.


LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓 sounds interesting. 7y
12parsecs Ooo! I love a good "big brother" read! 7y
Ms_T I'm really interested in this book. 7y
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The Store | James Patterson
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A look into a society run by an online superstore. It felt like a stripping down of Amazon. Scary to think how much big internet stores know about our preferences and how they can change how we live.

Ms_T I really like stories like this. #Stacked 7y
ReadingOver50 Sounds so good! 7y
minkyb This would give me nightmares! 7y
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The Store | James Patterson
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#TBRtemptation post 1! #BEA17 edition! Slated for an August 27th release. A much discussed book at the Librarians' Lounge. The Store knows you better than you. A powerful retailer, it can deliver anything via drone, anticipating your every need. Jacob and Megan Brandeis are NY writers about to lose their job to society's shifts. In order to retain them, they go undercover at The Store, finding shocking secrets. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Hooked_on_books I guess they couldn't just call it Amazon, huh? 7y
MrBook @Hooked_on_books ??? Like "Horrorstör" couldn't just be an IKEA. 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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The Store | James Patterson
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Waiting with the marvelous @Reecaspieces now 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! We @Litsy folk stick together! 😎😉👍🏻 #BEA17 #LitsyPhotoOp

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I want to be there!!!!! 7y
Lmstraubie I sooooo wanted to go, but alas hockey tournament instead. I'm marking my calendar for next year! 7y
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TheBookHippie Enjoy!!! 7y
Reecaspieces I am having such a freaking blast!! 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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