Exactly what the title says. The main character gives up being a superhero because she wants to make a real difference, not just punch giant robots. Thoughtful and emotional.
Exactly what the title says. The main character gives up being a superhero because she wants to make a real difference, not just punch giant robots. Thoughtful and emotional.
The story of 33 men trapped for months in a Chilean mine. Because it's a true story, I knew the ending, but it's still fascinating to read about these men's struggles to endure, their faith and support in each other--and the tremendous efforts on the surface to rescue them. Provides plenty of information about mining without being boring.
"Beauty is beauty/ twice over/ and good things are doubly/ good/ when you're talking about a pair of wool/ socks/ in the dead of winter."
Somehow, this book describes apartheid in South Africa in a wide-spread informative fashion and a deeply personal, individual way--without becoming tangled or boring. A must read for fans of the new Daily Show host, but also recommended for fans of memoirs that touch on childhood, family, and finding your place.
A fast-paced romp, packed full of misadventure, murder attempts, secrets, magic, love, and a dangerous cult. It wrapped up neatly, but left me wondering what might happen next to these characters.
We aren't the things we collect, acquire, read. We are, for as long as we are here, only love. The things we loved. The people we loved. And these, I think these really do live on.
Usually I enjoy this world, but I found this book full of characters I didn't care about, and a level of treachery that made me ill.
A stunning story, that sweeps you up in the action and carries you away. I only wish I could visit the Inn... definitely at a quieter time, though!
Great for fans of fairy tales. A complex, well-told story, with a rich culture.
I found this slow going, but the world building and character development won me over. There's a refreshing lack of helpless damsels, or perfect heroes. The gifts of the main characters are complex and full of difficulties that made me want them to succeed.