The paperback of Josh Malerman's recent dark fantasy Western is out now! UNBURY CAROL is a wonderful and surprising read. Are you a #Malermaniac ??
The paperback of Josh Malerman's recent dark fantasy Western is out now! UNBURY CAROL is a wonderful and surprising read. Are you a #Malermaniac ??
Lit Pig says if you loved the Bird Box movie or book, you don't want to miss this new small press novel from author Josh Malerman.
Might be fine for a narrow selection of older elementary school boys but that's it. No noteworthy female characters and even the boys themselves seemed less like best friends and more like pranksters moving from one crazy experiment to the next. Overwritten with absurd dialogue. Not a good selection for One School One Book! Sorry but the most positive thing I can say is that perhaps it could serve as an example to younger kids how not to behave.
My absolute favorite children's author right now, Joyce weaves tales that touch your soul. Accompanied by gorgeous art, these books pack a punch. I'm not even finished reading Ollie's Oddyssey to my daughter yet and it's a fave. #TheFantasticFlyingBooks also makes a fine book for parent reader day at school. Brings emotional depth and a charming story that chokes me up every time. William Joyce shows what children's literature can be...POWERFUL!
Whatever you this think is I bet you're wrong. A surprising and touching thriller that is light on the supernatural and thick with character and mystery. Eat your heart out, Paul Sheldon. Subtle but effective books like this remind us why King is still the king. #SummerReads #ComingOfAgeTale
Indispensable book for those looking to hone their genre working craft. So accessible and inspirational! Quite possibly the best craft book ever. #Nanowrimo #WritersToolbox
This book of stories from a master of the genre is aptly named. It's for those times when you want to be scared and disturbed but also may want to have a little #sexytime too. #BrowsingMyBookshelf #Weird2TagABookThatsNotTheBookButOK #LitsyYouSoCrazy
Damien's exquisite novel breathes new life into the haunted house / haunted objects trope. This is expertly done. Haunted photo album...enough said! Tense and thrilling and often heartbreaking. You cannot go wrong with this one added to your library. #BrowsingMyBookshelf
One of my absolute favorites. If you've not read it yet, best get on that. Inventive and unsettling, Josh's debut novel stands as a new classic. A must-read books of horror and suspense! #BrowsingMyBookshelf