Best book I‘ve read this year. It‘s a story about a girl who has a special gift. It makes for a very suspenseful, mysterious, and a really crazy page turner. Definitely a pick!
This is the sequel to end of days. It‘s amazing! It was so action packed, the only thing I don‘t like about it is character development and the ending. There is a lack of character development. The ending left a sour taste in my mouth, it‘s a cliffhanger, and there‘s no third book!!! But it‘s a good pick nonetheless.
I‘m like 3/4 of the way done this book, it‘s a pretty long book. It‘s really good, they have just hit the asteroid that is threatening to destroy all life forms with an 8 atomic bombs, and its split into thousands of parts, and is still threatening life forms on earth.
The main character would be worthy of my friendship because he used up 2 of his lives so he could get his house score up so they didn‘t get kicked out; he will do anything for his family
I am loving this book, it‘s a mystery, puzzle book where people have 9 lives. Some people “burn” their lives, others need rewards for shredding their extra lives. The protagonist finds out that the rebirth lake has a failure happening. So now they have to find out what is causing these prermadeaths.
Best book I‘ve read this year. It‘s a story about a girl who has a special gift. It makes for a very suspenseful, mysterious, and a really crazy page turner. Definitely a pick!
Only on page 165 but, I‘m loving this book. The suspense and mystery are outstanding. It‘s about a female protagonist “Maddy” who sees death dates. Maddy and her friend Arnold “Stubby” are trying to figure out the deaths of 2 teenagers that Maddie saw their dates only a week or two before. The Federals are trying to pin it on them. Definitely a book to read. Can‘t wait to finish.
Assignment #2 at first I thought that there was no way that they would survive but, it was made a book so of course they survived. If I could change something to this book it would be not as long of a read, it was small but the time on sea was a little boring. I like the way the author did describe the Change in their bodies while on sea.
This is for a assignment. This story was about a group of men flying to drop off some letters for the men at war. But when they miss the fuel stop, they run out of fuel and need to make an emergency stop and fly into the water. They need to make do with the stuff they grab. When the get into the rafts they realize they forgot all the food and water. Their stranded for 3 weeks.
Great book to get ready for the spooky season. An easy 1 day read for those who love a quick scary mystery story. Would recommend if you have just finished. Great plot line easy to follow 👍
Great book, the sequel you always want after a thrilling first book 9/10 stars