About to read this, I think. I've been DNFing a few books lately, in a bit of a slump. Hopefully this can help me get out of it! #thebladeitself #joeabercrombie
About to read this, I think. I've been DNFing a few books lately, in a bit of a slump. Hopefully this can help me get out of it! #thebladeitself #joeabercrombie
Rereading this because I'm about to buy book 2 (finally) and book 3 comes out in April 2017!
Number 3 of my #AllHallowsRead for the month. I have posted my reviews of the other two on my Goodreads account but forgot to post them here so I'll have to put them up eventually as well. I'm really loving this one so far, especially since Stephen King and I don't always see eye to eye (example: I hated Salem's Lot). I'm also obsessed with this cover and I will post a closer photo of it later because it really is fantastic! #stephenking
Another re-read for me. But this series is so good so I really can't be blamed for reading this instead of working on my history assignments for uni
Finally starting in on my reread of this... I've read up to book 6 of WoT and I loved it and always meant to finish it!
A fun fact about me: the woman in black is one of my favourite books. About to read it again.
Trying to study for exams 😟 so no time to read this beauty yet, but SOON