Wow this book was awesome... made me feel slightly old hah but I loved it! It‘s got a sort of witchy vibe to the vampires which I actually really liked! I have the next few books so will be hitting them tonight!
Wow this book was awesome... made me feel slightly old hah but I loved it! It‘s got a sort of witchy vibe to the vampires which I actually really liked! I have the next few books so will be hitting them tonight!
Rainy Day in England! So what better excuse to read! I have crazy lion hair hah and my face look a little chubby in this but hey it‘s me 🙈😘
I don‘t normally read books with mermaids or sirens in but I thought it was worth a go. I won‘t lie, it took me until about half way to get into this book but it‘s actually really good. The style of writing is nice and easy, the story line feels loosely based on the little mermaid but also very different. It was slightly predictable but maybe that‘s because I‘m older! Based on young adults/teens I think it‘s perfect.
I loved the first and I loved this one! Officially a Shatter Me series fan and I‘m afraid, I definitely ship Juliette and Warner 🙈😍
I‘m super excited to get going on the third book; Ignite Me... I‘m starting it after this post!
I. Love. This. Book. How have I not read this sooner. It took me a few chapters to get into the style of writing but I was snapped up by the story within pages of starting! It‘s edgy and captivating with heart melting romance.
I read this book in one day which is the first book I‘ve managed to read in an entire day since my daughter was born 🙈
My best friend gave me this series to read. I‘m going to start it today and I‘m looking forward to it! We love the same kind of books so I have no doubt that I‘ll love them when she tells me I will!
1. So I picked Throne of Glass but honestly it was hard to just pick one!!!
2. Most recent move? Yikes, I haven‘t been to see a movie since my almost two year old daughter was born 😂
3. Prawns! I‘m not sure why but cold cooked prawns, got to love them!
4. Three cousins, one girl and two boys.
5. Spreading the love! #FriYayIntro @howjessreads
Today marks the second to last day of my current job before I start my new job as a deputy manager! Excited and nervous! One lovely family that I‘m be sad to be leaving behind, brought me this box set! I‘ve already read all three as it‘s one of my favorites but couldn‘t be more happy to get the box set and over whelmed by their kindness.
“Sometimes, when I have to do something I don't want to do, I pretend I'm a character from a book. It's easier to know what they would do.” ~ Will Herondale. Oh you beautiful shadow hunter and totally one of my book crushes hah.
I picked this ebook because it was cheap if I‘m honest but I am so so glad I did! It quickly became one of my top series that I wanted to share with everyone! I fell in love with the characters, crystal balls and the storyline. It kept me wanting more throughout! A few grammar/spelling mishaps but I could turn a blind eye for this wonderful story!
Another one of my favorite authors, Holly Black. I just can‘t get enough of her stories and I love her representation of fae worlds. Its amazing!
This is no ordinary vampire book but gosh do I love it! I remember being drawn in but also taking a moment to truly get into it and then I was hooked! I read the whole series in a short period and loved each one. If you like to stray from the norm then this is a book for you!
This mornings read and a cup of tea ☕️ Everyone should have an ‘I believe in unicorns‘ mug! Fun fact, I use anything I can get my hands on as a bookmark 🙈 Currently it‘s a spare plaster as that was close by when I needed a book mark, hah.
I guessed I should start my Litsy journey with one of my top favorite authors, the amazing Sarah J Maas. I‘ve yet to read one of her books that hasn‘t been captivating, packed with adventure, written outstandingly that leaves you emotionally tied to the books! She is a goddess, need I say more!