This book was a bit slow for me I think, but otherwise, amazing! I can‘t wait to read the next books. Reading this you get so attached to the characters, and pulled into the action. Love it!!
This book was a bit slow for me I think, but otherwise, amazing! I can‘t wait to read the next books. Reading this you get so attached to the characters, and pulled into the action. Love it!!
I read this book in three days. Yesterday i was up until 4am reading it. I COULD NOT STOP. I would not recommend this to everyone, just because some people might not like it at all. But if you‘re willing enough, READ IT!! Please
Last book of the series!! I‘m so sad it‘s over. Like the 2 books before, I could not put it down. It‘s packed full of adventure and keeps you on edge the whole time! I‘m really going to miss this series!
This is the second in the series, and I think I liked it better than the first! Again, packed FULL of action, and I couldn‘t put it down. I read it in 2 days and I think that‘s my record😂 Please read this!!
This is the first book in the series, “The Hunger Games” This might be my favourite read of the whole year so far! It‘s packed full of action, gets you really attached to the characters, and has an amazing plot. I would 100% recommend this book to anyone who wants something amazing to read!
2nd in a series! Haven‘t finished it yet but it‘s been really amazing so far. It‘s packed full of action, and has really cool story line. Would 100 percent recommend to anyone.🤩
This book was amazing! It is the first in a series of 4, and I literally couldn‘t put it down. It is a fictional book, that has tons of action, and adventure. I would recommend to anyone who likes to read pretty big books😬
Not really a huge fan of super skinny books and this one was just not really making a ton of sense to me either. The only reason I didn‘t bail is because I was basically done the book in 10 minutes. Would not recommend.👎🏼
Literally didn‘t have the book at home so if your wondering, which you probably are,😂 this book is called saving red😂 it‘s one of my all time favourite novel in verse books, and might be one of my favourite books in general! I would definitely suggest to almost everyone.
Just went swimming so my hair looks kinda whack,😂 but on the bright side, I‘m almost done this book!!!!!
Just went swimming so my hair looks kinda whack,😂 but on the bright side, I‘m almost done this book!!!!!
This book was a super cool read. It was exciting and in the end, pretty sad😞I don‘t know about you people, but I really novels in verse if you can‘t tell, and I‘m looking for more so if you have a suggestion, please tell me!!!
Just got into this book, sounds pretty good and is pretty good so far! And it‘s also another novel in. Verse😂