Damn you Rupi Kaur, why does this book ever end??
it starts like a cliché but hits you at the end. Rupi Kaur is becoming my Bible.
reading writing about reading ❤️
This is one hell of a strong book, not the easiest read ever as every poem haunts you for hours.
drinking espresso and tonic and reading this. I'm such a hipster today.
I never want to leave this spot again and just go on reading for ever.
How are you proceeding with the books and the series? I try no avoid spoilers from the series and only watch it when I'm done with one book but it's really hard! They did such a good job at HBO, I'd rather binge watch all 6 seasons :)
I cannot think of a better Sunday evening program than sushi and Game of Thrones.
"It always seemed to me our fellow citizens (the French) have two passions: ideas and fornication."
I really should have started reading Camus years ago.
It has been so long I read anything in French. How about you? do you read in any other language then English?
I'm still not sure on what to think of it, I found it disturbing and confusig at first but it really got better by the end. How did you like it? Should I continue the series?
I seriously need to start reading and stop hoarding! Anyone read this one?
I just love it when I receive my order from bookdepository! So excited about Everything I Never Told You, have you read it?
Anything that leaves her mouth sounds like sex.
Our mother has banned her from saying God's name.
David Lodge is always such a delight to read. He is witty, funny while meaningful and deep. The book is about how academical life meets with capitalism and although a bit dated, it's still very much actual!
This is by all means one of the best books I've read lately. The story takes place in Indonesia during the 60's and it has a nice dramatic plot involving a political coup and a romantic line to it but it's worth reading for it's superb characters! I highly recommend it.