Missing my paperbacks while doing soldier stuff, however, Kindles make a great alternative when there's no room for them all in your duffle. 📖
Missing my paperbacks while doing soldier stuff, however, Kindles make a great alternative when there's no room for them all in your duffle. 📖
Missing my paperbacks while doing soldier stuff, however, Kindles make a great alternative when there's no room for them all in your duffle. 📖
Hanging my eno on my balcony was perhaps the best idea I ever had. It's my new favorite read spot. 🖤
Today, the book gods are smiling down on me.
I have a habit of going to bookstores and buying up all the .25 cent books they have in their crates, usually for no other reason then taking pleasure in seeing them in my home. Today, as I was searching for my current read #flatearthnews, I run across this jewel I unknowingly picked up who happens to be written by one of my professional heroes. Needless to say I couldn't help but open it up.
"When you stand back and see the scale of this the penetration of falsehood deep into the foundations of our collective thinking; the construction of so much activity on top of those fake foundations; the money, the time, the energy which are thrown into them; the sheer waste of opportunity you see a kind of madness, a kind of psychotic society which has started to lose contact with reality and believes it's own delusion. #TRUTHSEEK #flatearthnews
"When you stand back and see the scale of this- the penetration of falsehood deep into the foundations of our collective thinking; the construction of so much activity on top of those false foundations; the money, the time, the energy which are thrown into them; the sheer waste of opportunity- you see a kind of madness, a kind of psychotic society which has started to lose contact with reality and believe it's own delusions." ?
After a brief stint in the fictional world I'm back to my beloved nonfictions with one of my favorite authors... Hello lovely. 😍
"It is love you are full of. You know who you hate. He is hugging his ball and chain down by the gate." ?
Branching away from Bukowski in my poetry reading. I'm sure I won't regret it.
As expected, slow to start. It didn't really start getting good until the end. I do, however, look forward to the following books where hopefully we can get some more action.
Time to step away from my typical genre of developmental and classical literature and enter the teen fiction world, if only briefly. 🤓
Page 770 of 1168.
This book has made short work of everything I previously believed just and righteous, and laid foundations for new, unrivaled, completely original though. 💛
"...Intelligence? It is such a rare, precarious spark that flashes for a moment somewhere among men, and vanishes. One cannot tell it's nature, or its future... or it's death..."
Infatuated with this book. ?